
Chapter 80 Natural Leader

Blinded by rage, Nora wasn\'t thinking straight as she charged at Achara, who was approaching her calmly with Xavier.

She was even more infuriated after Achara stopped her from being able to join whatever it was that she had become a part of, not knowing of Achara\'s good intentions, and went straight for the throat.

And immediately all eyes were on Nora, as she went in to try and kill Achara, who still remained calm and was yet to act.

Nora\'s intent to kill was clear, and there were guards from the Wolf Gang ready to take her down in close combat or with their rifles, while Connor, Sam, and the other fighters present were about to dash over.

But Xavier put his hand in the air and sternly instructed everyone to stop.

Impressively, he was able to get everyone to freeze in their place, including those that worked for the Wolf Gang, who instinctively listened to him as if he was their senior.

His presence was surprisingly intimidating despite his size, and he was simply a natural leader.

Someone that could easily gain the respect of others, as well as inspire and encourage them to follow their vision, and in this case quickly gain control of a situation.

And as Nora neared Achara, he swiftly took her down, even with a cast on his left hand.

She went in to grab Achara\'s throat and all her technique had gone out of the window, blinded by her fury, so it wasn\'t hard for Xavier to pin her to the ground and choke her out.

Slipping his arm under her chin, he had observed how fighters were able to effectively knock out an opponent, and also noted how they did so without harming the opponent.

And, within a matter of seconds, Nora was left lying on the ground unconscious, and it pained Achara to see that happen to her, but she knew that if Xavier hadn\'t acted, it would have been much worse.

"She\'s not ready yet," he said simply, knowing how much Achara sought Nora\'s forgiveness.

Achara had already forgiven herself and had come to terms with the fact that it was an accident, but she didn\'t want Nora to ruin her life and just wanted her to be able to move on like she could.

And she wanted Nora to forgive her for herself, and not for her, as she had already come to terms with things.

If she couldn\'t move on, the anger and desire for revenge would continue to eat her up and merely hold her back in life.


Placing a stack of money in her pocket, Xavier instructed the fighters that wanted to join them to watch over her and give her a phone number once she woke up.

He also gave them a message to pass on.

"Tell her that once she\'s ready to talk, to call the number. And also tell her that she should never fight again and if she needs anything, she can call that number."

They all nodded their heads and stood around her as Achara and Xavier walked away and joined Sam and Connor.

Achara appreciated what Xavier had done and she couldn\'t do it herself, but it was almost as if he knew everything that she wanted to do.

She was planning to give Nora money and set up a time to meet her and talk it out, but it was understandable that Nora wouldn\'t be able to remain calm when faced with her brother\'s killer.

But she was glad that nobody had gotten hurt and thanked Xavier, who simply nodded his head as they walked off into the distance.


As they started to walk off, Connor and Sam were confused about why Xavier had changed his mind about being driven back by the Wolf Gang members and why they were walking back.

Achara\'s mind was preoccupied with something else, but once Connor asked Xavier why they hadn\'t gone in the car that had been prepared for them and they were about to go in before their exchange with Nora, she also became curious.

But his reason for doing so was simple, and although hard to believe, was one they accepted.

He explained that he felt as though they were being watched as those fighters hoarded around them and requested to join them.

And he had learnt to trust his instincts, especially after gaining the Gangster Instincts through the system that was sharp and yet to be wrong, so he wanted to be a bit more careful.

Xavier was sure that he had caught the attention of the demonic five, or even that of the one-eyed demon himself.

And, although it was unlikely that they were onto the fact that he had formed a gang, since the Outlaw Gang was yet to make a name for itself and secure its position in the criminal underworld.

The fact that he was gathering so many capable fighters around him was unusual, and how he was seemingly able to recruit them with such ease was alarming.

But now that he knew of fighter crews, he could use that as a front and explanation for his actions.

However, he knew that still wasn\'t enough.

And his ability to get so many capable fighters to follow him wasn\'t even the biggest reason that Xavier was a frightening individual.

It was his ability to spot talent, or at least his luck when it came to stumbling across them.

But there was something about how rapidly those around him were progressing that was almost unnatural...


The Wolf Gang obviously offered most of the fighters in the fight club a position in their gang, since if they were capable enough to fight in the fight club, then their skills were enough for them to have a position in their gang.

And they had also approached Xavier and Connor about joining them.

Of course, they declined, just like Achara and Sam did when they had been approached previously before meeting Xavier.

But the Wolf Gang didn\'t press on its fighters and understood that a life of crime isn\'t for everyone, so as long as their fighters didn\'t do anything outlandish outside the ring, they wouldn\'t bother looking into their fighters.

However, Xavier and the others had now caught the close attention of the demonic five, and before they were merely on their radar, but now they were likely to have decided to find out as much as they could about the 4 fighters.

And assuming that something like that was the case, Xavier wanted to be careful, and it was better to be safe than sorry, which was why after starting to feel that there were always eyes on him, he became much warier.

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