
67 Chapter 67

Evening had fallen upon Galos City but the excitement had not yet dwindled. The streets were filled with students and residents alike showing bright smiles and talking of the events that occurred earlier.

Some boasted about their rank whilst others gossiped about the top rankers. Hilda\'s tavern was different however as it had a strange silence to it despite being filled to capacity.

The reason was the table nearest to the barkeep housed not one, not two but four top rankers. Aron, Evanora, Jagu and Jin, the presence of these four made many people present speak in low tones so as not to disturb them despite them not asking for it.

"Seems we\'ve become popular, I could get used to this." Jin chuckled as he lifted a large cup of beer and drank from it while Jagu was looking around irritatedly from the stares he was getting. "Tch. They should just mind their business!" Jagu growled and expressed his displeasure aloud, those who had been looking at their table quickly diverted their stares and didn\'t dare look back.

"It will only get worse once the returning students are back, they are all aristocrats after all so it may be difficult for them to digest these results." Aron finally spoke and caught both Jin and Jagu\'s attention whilst Evanora continued to nibble on the snacks laid before her.

"I think all of Ettenheim will have a hard time digesting these results." Jin added but laughed as he did so. He was more than happy proving the many noble families wrong about their prejudices. "Do you think they\'d allow them to actually see the results?" Jagu asked, causing Jin\'s laughter to come to a halt.

"You\'re right, they most likely didn\'t even show much of the journey to the public in Ettenheim. How\'d you realize that?" Jin asked, a bit amazed at the muscle-head that was Jagu. "I didn\'t, I just remembered how much of the journey isn\'t shown on the Komi Islands either. If the younger generation were shown how strong some humans were it would kill their motivation. It is why most Komi think all other races are inferior." Jagu explained a unique piece of information that Aron took note of.

It also explained Jagu\'s attitude towards most humans as he grew up thinking his race was superior, perhaps the only reason he became slightly more open minded was due to Aron who without a doubt was superior to him.

"There goes my dream of bedding a Komi woman, woe is me. Anyhow Aron, I doubt you asked us to meet here just to celebrate right?" Jin shook his head in disappointment and put his jug of beer down before showing a serious expression and turning to Aron who was slouching in his seat.

"Correct, I won\'t go too deep into details given the number of eyes and ears present here so for now just know I need you both to keep an eye out for people who meet this criteria..." Aron instructed before leaning forward and sliding two folded pieces of paper towards Jin and Jagu who gave each other a glance before reaching forward and taking them.

Both of them didn\'t open said pieces of paper and only put them away for the time being. "And here I thought I\'d be spending my first week sleeping and drinking." Jin sighed while Jagu kept his opinions to himself.

"Well, I\'ll be counting on you both. Come along Evanora." Aron soon stood up along with Evanora and they left the tavern.

"We should start as soon as possible." Much to Jin\'s surprise, Jagu looked somewhat eager to carry out Aron\'s orders despite his facial expression looking hostile as always. "You really are a strange one but fine, two more beers then we can start." Jin retorted with a bright smile whereas Jagu just growled in irritation but didn\'t refute him.

Just a short while after Aron left the tavern, two hooded figures exited the tavern as well and looked in the direction he was walking in.

"Remind me why did I let you talk me into this Aela?" Reginald uncovered his hood and asked the less than stealthy Aela why they were following Aron. "Shhh, don\'t use my name and put your hood back on. This is all for the sake of Lady Belle, if we can gather some useful information she\'ll surely reward us with praise." Aela replied but only received a blank look from Reginald.

"Or scold us, I really think we should just go-" Before Reginald could voice his concerns, Aela gestured for him to keep quiet before she continued moving forward after Aron. He could only sigh and follow her lead.

Unbeknownst to them, they were well within Aron\'s range of detection. So what they thought was a private conversation was heard very clearly to Aron who now wore a small smile on his figure as he made a sudden turn into an alleyway.

"Quick let\'s follow, he may be up to something." Blinded by her desire, Aela didn\'t even think twice before going after him. Reginald however did pause for a moment before eventually following. \'I\'ve got a bad feeling about this.\'

When Aela made it into the alleyway, she found the path was clear. Worried they might have lost him she rushed deeper and Reginald followed, his feeling about the situation growing more worrisome.

Before Aela could make it to the next corner an echoey voice resounded in the alleyway. "Evanora wants you to fall asleep." The voice muttered and almost immediately a thin mist engulfed Aela and brought her to her knees. Her body and eyes felt heavy and she couldn\'t resist as she was forced into a state of sleep.

p "!!"

Reginald came to an abrupt halt as he witnessed this scene. Fear and panic began to build as he quickly turned around. The second he did so however he felt a tight grip upon his neck as his body was slowly raised from the ground.

"I wouldn\'t do anything rash if I were you, If you try anything I will crush your throat." Reginald, who seemed ready to fight back, was warned by this familiar voice. "Y-you, what do you want..." Reginald struggled to get a sentence out as he clearly saw Aron\'s face.

"I should be asking you that but I\'m already well aware of want you want, I wonder how Lady Belle would react to this?" Aron\'s voice and expression were both cold, Reginald felt his heart rate rise just by looking into his eyes that showed he was serious.

If Aron indeed revealed that he and Aela were acting without her permission, they\'d most likely face a grave consequence. His mind began brainstorming the most ideal way to get out of this situation but every route seemed to collapse, unable to properly think due to the pressure he felt.

Before he could speak once more, Reginald\'s body was slammed to the ground and he felt his bones creak. "And here I thought you were the smart one between you two. Do you really have nothing to say? Shame." Aron muttered while ready to launch a fist right towards Reginald\'s face.

"W-wait!" Reginald yelled out just inches away from being struck, the force Aron\'s fist carried caused the air around Reginald\'s head to violently blast away. Reginald had no doubt he\'d have died just now, what was happening wasn\'t a joke, his life was in clear danger. "I\'ll do anything please..." He muttered without a second thought.

"Seems you are a smart man after all..."

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