
Chapter 331 331: Infinitely Close To Zero

Any random picture of the night sky would have captured thousands of stars. Finding stars of any color would have been easy, whether it was red, blue, purple, or even green.

With such a beautiful sky, not many citizens from Justice Town were terrified by the night. In contrast, many people instead enjoy watching the stars as they try to map and name every star before going to sleep.

Yet, there were no citizens of Justice Town that enjoyed the night sky as much as Lucien. But even he was a bit surprised when he noticed a tiny figure slowly running around town, drenched in sweat but continued to run regardless.

That tiny figure was Luxy, and he was on his sixth lap around town. Even though his body was aching, exhausted and his body felt like it was overheating, he didn\'t give up on trying to complete Lucien\'s punishment.

In fact, Lucien never cared if Luxy cheated and skipped a couple of laps since he knew that Luxy was a child. Even if the Witch community heard what Luxy had said about him, they wouldn\'t have batted an eye since, in their eyes, he was but a child who was following his teacher\'s orders.

So Lucien knew his reputation wouldn\'t change even if he punished Luxy more harshly. Instead, if he wanted to do his absolute best to protect his reputation, he would need to find a way to punish Luxy\'s teacher, Devi Marrin.

Unfortunately, Devi was much better than him at witchcraft and his teacher\'s number-one favorite student. So it would be difficult to find any opportunity to make him pay for his attempt to humiliate him.

"Devi picked out a good student this time. This kind of dedication is what makes one a good witch."

"When can I have a student like this? Devi was able to get a student with excellent talent, intelligence, and a tough heart. While all I accidentally tried to recruit a demon because of the side effects of my curse." Lucien sadly muttered to himself as he looked through his window to watch Luxy\'s small figure slowly running around town.

Disappointed with his latest performance, Lucien shook his head and walked away from the window as he tried to figure out what could have led to such a big mistake. After some time, his eyes became bright as he realized that everything that had happened was indeed a work of art.

"I had chosen a possibility whose chances of acquiring naturally were infinitely near zero. For this possibility to have happened, Devi and his student had to arrive in town, and I would have naturally walked outside to find someone to pretend to be my student."

"If Yoze had arrived during that time, I would have naturally done exactly what I did today and \'recruited\' him as a student. Not aware that I had just recruited a demon in disguise."

"Unfortunately, while I had chosen a possibility of the future, current and past actions all nearly made this possibility impossible. Simply Yoze arriving in town a few days earlier reduced the chances of this possibility happening by nearly 90 percent."

"Not to mention that I had become aware of his arrival and that he was a demon capable of fighting against the Slug demon. I would have never tried to make him my student even if he was the most talented man in the world."

"So the only option left was for the curse to temporarily make me lose my memories and guide Yoze to return to the town when the caravan arrived. So a possibility that I thought was beneficial for me turned into a trap that could easily cause my death." Lucien chuckled as he realized he still had a long way to go before he mastered the Curse of Possibility.

Even though he had been working hard and training every single day to increase his endurance, he could only increase the time he could use the Curse of Possibility to two minutes. Compared to other witches that knew of this curse, his time limit wasn\'t bad and even was on the better side.

Even his teacher\'s peak time limit during his prime only reached six minutes, so reaching a third of his teacher\'s peak time was excellent. What made his feat more impressive was when he considered that Devi, his teacher\'s top student, had a time limit of one minute with the Curse of Possibility.

Fortunately, he wasn\'t delusional enough to think he was a better witch than Devi just because of one curse. He knew he still had a long way to go before he caught up to Devi.

If he wanted to continue to improve, he needed to keep training since he knew that his current time limit was too short for him to consider the dangers and opportunities that each possibility had adequately.

If he had enough time, he would have never chosen the possibility that Yoze would become his student. Because of this choice, he suffered a massive loss that, if leaked, would have caused the entire witch community to want him dead.

"Having to give Yoze, a demon, my spell book, curse book, and some of my treasures was a fair trade, right? Who am I kidding? I just allowed a demon to learn how to use witchcraft."

"If others found out, I would be considered the traitor of all witches and would be flooded with curses." Lucien sighed deeply as he lightly touched his hair; he only hoped all this stress wouldn\'t cause his hair to gray faster.

While Lucien was stressing over what he would do in the future, Luxy suddenly stopped running as he noticed a strange creature walking toward him. It resembled an ordinary three-eyed crow, but strangely, it was walking on the ground and reeked of the smell of rotten meat.

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