
Chapter 84 84 Escape

"It\'s just an assumption, it\'s not real, but how would he just go to the forest to attack boars when we were all safe, what is he trying to do"

"Crystal, if you say one more word am going to get really angry with you" Lily shouted

"Girls, calm down, we are all just worried because Ray is gone" Arya tried to calm them down.

"I\'m sorry" Crystal apologized.

"I\'m sorry too" Lily said.

"Lily, the knights are still looking for him, he may still be alive, we should wait for the knights" Arya said.

"Yes, he will return" Lily said.


\'Stupid brain, think of something\' Ray cursed inwardly.

He had played out every plan of escape in his head, but non of them turned out good, they all ended with him dying or someone else dying.

\'Well this chains look ridiculously big, I can\'t get them to break, well my spears maybe able to break them, but I need force\'

\'Now that the students are gone I wonder how they are doing\' Ray thought of his friends.

He told them he was coming back and he did actually come back but differently.

\'Maybe I should just turn back to human and say I just found myself here, shit, that knight wouldn\'t take his eyes off me\'

\'Maybe I should set the forest on fire, that would be a good idea, but if I did set it one fire how will I escape\'

\'If one of my hands were free, I would have escaped, wait why do I need my hands, I can just free my legs\' Ray smiled.

Ray stood up and looked at the chain on his leg, the chains allowed him to open his legs a little bit, one of his legs was also tied to a wooden pole.

\'Well, that all I need, time to get out of here\'

Ray raised his hands up like he had a axe and was ready to crush the chain on his legs.

"What\'s that beast doing"

"He has nothing in his hands why is he raising them up" the knights spoke to each other.

Ray raised his hands up a little to get the perfect angle to break the chain in one trial, after trying for a while he was ready, now that most of the knights were sleeping this would be the perfect time.

Ray raised his hands up but this time one of his blood spear appeared in his hands and with a loud noise the chain on his legs broke.

\'Now for the other one\'


Ray broke free from the chains and one of the knights already rushed towards him while the other one went to wake the rest of them up.


Ray and the knights clashed swords, well a sword and a spear, but Ray\'s hands were still tied so he couldn\'t do much and can\'t use the second spear.

He couldn\'t even escape from the knight in his front, the knight attacked him to the point that he could only defend, most of the knights came running outside as soon as they heard loud noises of swords.

The knight attacked hit Ray\'s spear so hard that he fell on the ground, with his spear still in his hands the knight attacked him.

The knight raised his sword to slash Ray, but instead of blocking it Ray let go of his spear and raised his hands up.


The knight\'s force broke the chain on Ray\'s hands, Ray stood up quickly and used his body to slam the knight to the ground.

\'Time to go\'

Ray turn his back only to find himself surrounded by knights, he had no way to run, except if he can fly which he can\'t.


Ray\'s pet emerged from a light that shined near Ray, the knights were all surprised, this beast is truly special, who knows what he still have up his sleeves.

Ray climbed on Silver, the knights wondered what he was going to do, a wolf can\'t fly right.

Silver charged towards a knight on Ray\'s command and the knights rushed towards him.


A ball of flame emerged from Ray\'s hands and was shot towards the knight in front of Ray.

The knight barely managed to dodge the attack by jumping out of the way giving way for Ray to run away.

The other knights chased after Ray but they couldn\'t match Silver\'s speed, even if they could it was night time already so they can\'t see clearly but Silver on the other hand can see just fine.

"Yes, I did it, I escaped" Ray shouted as he rode on Silver\'s back.

"How can that be possible" Alfred shouted.

"That\'s what happened, even I don\'t know how it happened"

"I think it\'s possible" Authur said.

"You think he can command the spear and make it appear in his hands, do you hear yourself is that even possible" Alfred sighed.

"Yes it is, when we were fighting that boar together I wanted to finish the boar off but then the spear disappeared from my hands" Authur said.

"So the spear is magical, and it belonged to Ray, then how come a beast can control it?"

"I don\'t know" Authur said.


"Well, how do I get this off" Ray looked at the chains on his hands with lazy eyes.

He succeeded in breaking the ones on his legs and now the one on his hands refused to break even with all the hitting he has been doing.

Ray needed to remove all trace of the capture and return to the knights, he was going to tell them that he didn\'t know what happened because he passed out.

He would tell them a saw a white beast who looked like a human, the beast attacked him and knocked him out, and then he woke up in the middle of the forest and came back to the camp.



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Author\'s note

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