
Chapter 156 - GOF (XIX) & A New Friend...

[POV Reo(Edgar)]

I released a happy sigh and put down the latest edition of Daily Prophet. The headline was about the new Minister of Magic Vicky Ravenclaw... after all, it was the most buzzing news now. Nemuri was the first Minister in history to win with such a huge margin. ​​

With Nemuri becoming the Minister, she had to give up on the Ravenclaw seat in Wizengamot. I had to convince Dora to take up that seat... well I have to promise several things to her... it was almost like bribery. But Dora finally agreed to take up the Ravenclaw seat. Since she was just a proxy, no objections were made.

Ah... another thing is taken care of now. Now, with Nemuri as the Minister I can get away with a lot of things without anyone knowing. Yes, Amelia\'s support was also helpful but she had to bear a lot of shit and pressure from Fudge. Now, nothing like that would happen.

With the second task over now, I need to take care of several things before the endgame (A/N: No connection with Avengers). Now, with Minnie as the Headmistress the school has drastically changed. When Ol Twinkles was the Headmaster he was forced to apply the changes... but Minnie happily does that on her own. Doing it on your own accord will definitely get you better results.

So now, I first needed to check Little Hangleton to check the progress of Babymort and the rat. Since, Babymort has lost Crouch Jnr. he might have changed his plans. I knew that Babymort was in Riddle Manor and didn\'t leave so I didn\'t bother to check at that time.

"What are you thinking?" Rumi asked me. She was sitting by my side on the Ravenclaw table.

"Tying up loose ends and everything" I said in a casual tone. There might be some changes in Babymort\'s plans after all, this time there wasn\'t Crouch Jnr. inside the school to make sure that Harry wins the tournament by taking the cup.

"Oh... so, when will the final battle happen?" this time it was Momo who asked me.

"Of course it would happen after the 3rd task" but it wasn\'t me who gave the answer. It was Luna...

After that, I decided to change the topic. Thankfully, neither Momo or Rumi decided to pursue the matter of 3rd task. After breakfast was over, I quickly went back to my room. I rummaged through my trunk and took out the time Turner I have gotten from Amelia. I put the Time Turner inside my robe and left for classes.

The rest of the day passed normally except Fleur Delacour decided to approach me when I was in the library working on assignments. I only took my core subjects along with two additional mandatory classes so, usually I had a lot of free time.

"Miss Delacour, what can I do for you?" I asked Fleur without raising my head to see who it was. But Fleur was like a beacon... I always knew when she was near.

"How did you know it was me?" Fleur asked in a surprised and shocked tone.

"It\'s your allure... I can feel it" I answered her, finally looking at her with a smile on my face.

"Oh!" Fleur said quite stunned and just stood there like a statue.

"Miss Delacour, why don\'t you take a seat?" I asked her finally snapping her out.

"Oh yes, thank you" Fleur said slightly embarrassed but she pulled out a chair and took a seat beside me.

"Monsieur Ravenclaw, I need your help" Fleur said in a low voice but she definitely had some confidence in her voice.

"I don\'t how much I can help you... but what do you need my help with?" I asked her, I was quite curious too.

"Me and my family wanted to thank Miss Ravenclaw... I mean Roxanne Ravenclaw properly for saving my sister from the lake. But unfortunately, I haven\'t been able to find her except in the Great Hall" Fleur said dejectedly. Well, I can help her with that... it\'s nothing much. Now, hearing Fleur\'s request, I remembered that Rumi had her birthday in two days.

"Well, I can easily help you with that. Apart from that matter, Roxanne has her birthday in two days... we have arranged a small party for her. I would like to invite you and your family to the party" I said and pulled out my phone and texted Rumi to visit the Library. I didn\'t want to show Fleur the ROR. Hearing that I would help her and the invitation, Fleur immediately got excited.

"We would be happy to attend!" Fleur said in an exited voice. "What kind of contraption is this?" even though she was excited she decided to ask me about the mobile. Rumi also replied that she would arrive in 10 minutes.

"Family artifact, it can be used to send messages to other family members" I decided to declare the mobile as a family artifact. After all, anyone with magical heritage would stop bothering after you say it\'s family artifact.

"Quite an useful artifact... Well, then I would be going" Fleur said and was ready to leave but I stopped her.

"Roxanne is on her way, I have already called her" I said, even though Fleur wanted to hide it but she was happy that I asked her to stay.

"I wanted to ask you something, if you don\'t mind" I spoke to which she just nodded her head with a smile.

"Well, you don\'t seem to have a good relationship with your schoolmates... is it because of your heritage?" I knew it would be a yes, but I still decided to ask her. I wanted to have a conversation... just sitting silently while waiting for Rumi would be kind of awkward.

"Yes" Hearing my question, Fleur immediately became sad but answered after a few seconds passed. "Boys start to drool whenever I walk by them... they become a fool in an instant and the girls hate me because of the attention I get from boys. I walk by a couple and the boy would immediately loose interest in the girl and stare at me with glazed eyes..." Fleur said in a sad voice.

"Andre is a boy, right? So he should be head over heels for you, right?" this was another mystery I wanted to know about. Fleur looked at me awkwardly.

"His preferences are quite different... in other words he swings the other way, if you get my drift" Fleur said with a grin on her face. Well, I definitely get her drift and now the mystery is finally solved.

"So, he hates you because you take away the other boys attention" it wasn\'t a question... more like a statement, I was quite sure that this was the case. Fleur just nodded her head.

"That is the reason I was interested in learning Occlumency. As, you told me, you didn\'t become a drooling mess because of it... so I thought that Occlumency might help me control my allure" Fleur said in a dejected tone.

"After, the 2nd task, I consulted with Papa and Mama... but, Mama said that Occlumency can\'t help me control my allure only help the others from getting affected by my allure" Fleur said in a sad voice.

It must have been hard for her without having any friends from school. I am content with having Luna, Momo, and Rumi and didn\'t need anyone else but in MHA, I had friends too.

"Well, you can be my friend if you want. I would be happy to become your friend" I said with a smile on my face. It has been long since I tried to make a friend... last one was Hermione... we all know how that worked out. Luna said that Fleur would be a nice friend...

Fleur face immediately lit up like a Christmas Tree in joy. "I would be happy to" Fleur said in a happy and excited tone. Finally Rumi also arrived and took a seat opposite to Fleur\'s. I decided to take my leave for now, as I needed to do some things.

"Well, girls I gotta leave... I have some stuff to take care of. Bye Fleur, bye Roxanne" I said and took my leave. The also bid me farewell, I quickly left the library and went towards my room.

After reaching the room I pulled out the time turner and activated it arriving in my room five hours past in time. I could have gone back a couple of more hours but upto only five hours is recommended. I pulled out my Magneto armor... I haven\'t used this for a long time.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes and wore my armor using my power. It was kind of a nostalgic feeling. With everything taken care of I Flash Stepped out of the castle and just arrived outside the wards. I wanted to visit Little Hangleton first to know what Babymort was planning through the rat. I knew that Babymort won\'t be leaving the house and the rat would be responsible for everything. So, my plan was to snactch him and read his mind... then obliviate him and let him go.

With the plan done, I apparated right outside the Riddle Manor\'s wards. I used my powers and felt two people inside... one should be a baby and the other one an adult. Well, my guess was right... I had, five hours, so I decided to wait. Only after five minutes I was bored... respect to police officers and army who wait for whole nights during stakeouts.

Lucky! I didn\'t have to wait for more than 10 minutes when I finally noticed Pettigrew in all of his ugly glory walked out of the gates and shifted into his rat form. A devilish grin appeared on my face and I quietly waited for the rat to leave the wards...

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