
Chapter 199 - Level Three Spells?

Later that night, after we had slain the Hydra, the girls and I returned to the hotel we had checked in at earlier today. The girls headed into their larger room, while I went in my own, smaller one. Mei Gui had insisted on sleeping with me, and though the other girls had jealous expressions on their faces (with the exception of Obsidia, who didn\'t care, and Xiang Peng, who was just being a clown), no one could stop her. I was against it at first, but then remembered something that had happened earlier today, so eventually I gave in. The girls said good night to me, and we headed into our respective rooms, which were right next to each other.

"Mei Gui, go shower first. After you\'re done, I have something I want to ask you," I said.

Mei Gui nodded, and began taking off her clothes without any sense of shame.

I averted my gaze. "Take your clothes off  in the bathroom."

She blinked, and went inside the washroom in my - no, our - room. I sighed.

She gets flustered at the weirdest things. I mean, she isn\'t embarrassed to strip naked in front of a guy, but she blushes in embarrassment when she doesn\'t know how to use a shower handle? Man...well, I guess I can\'t use human standards to evaluate her. She was an Elemental, after all. But still, she was certainly one of a kind.

After she was done showering, she came out with a towel wrapped around her body, and...nothing else.

"Mei Gui, didn\'t the girls buy you some clothes a while ago?" I asked, trying my best not to look at her.

"Yes," Mei Gui replied. "But is there a point wearing clothes right now? Clothes are only worn in public, no? Xiang Peng said when you are only with the someone most important to you, clothes are unnecessary. Since Master is that someone to me, clothes are not needed here."

"That damn Xiang Peng..." I muttered in frustration. "L-Look, don\'t listen to what that girl says, okay? Now, put on some clothes."

"...Understood, Master."

After she finally put on some damn clothes - a black nightgown, made from her Chaos power - that was pretty exposing (but still better than just a towel), I sighed and asked her my question. 

"So, Mei Gui, I recall you mentioned earlier today that I could use Level Three spells now? Where did that come from?"

Mei Gui nodded. "The Chaos within Master\'s body does more than just enhance your spells. It also gives you insane cultivation speed - far beyond anything elixirs could provide. Even forbidden cultivation techniques that boost your speed in return for a huge cost cannot match up to Master\'s Chaos."

"And...you can tell when I can cast stronger spells?"

"That is correct," Mei Gui replied, sitting down on the bed. "I can...track the Chaos energy in Master\'s body, of sorts. Since the energy\'s quality and pureness directly affects Master\'s cultivation speed, I can easily tell when Master should be able to cast the next tier of spells."

"I see..." I murmured. "But I can\'t really try it out, since I don\'t know any Level Three spells."

"Worry not. Just ask Xiang Peng tomorrow," Mei Gui suggested.

"Speaking of her, she knows everything about me already yeah?"

"Correct. The girls already informed her. Was that a mistake?"

I shook my head. "No, not really. She\'s trustworthy, despite how she seems. I\'ve seen her serious side, and trust me, it\'s  very  different from the Xiang Peng you know."

"..." Mei Gui didn\'t respond to this, possibly because she didn\'t know how to.

"Well, whatever. There was one more thing you said you would do tonight," I continued.

"Does Master mean the new Forbidden Magic I used?"

"Yeah, the radar one. It sounds pretty useful."

"It is," Mei Gui replied. "And Master should be able to cast it no problem, just like Chaos Mirror."

"Okay...so then, what\'s the spell name?"

"The spell is called The Third Eye," Mei Gui explained. "Essentially, it provides you with an all-seeing continuous radar for a long duration. The range of the spell is approximately one kilometer, and no concealment techniques can escape The Third Eye."

"No concealment techniques...? Even if someone used Mythic or Saint-Tier Magic?" I asked.

Mei Gui nodded. "Forbidden Magic is the most powerful magic there is. Even if someone used a Divine Tier concealment technique - which I am not sure if one exists - it would not be able to escape the watchful gaze of The Third Eye."

"I see...in other words, as long as I have this spell active, no sneak attacks are going to work on me, huh?"

Mei Gui nodded once more. "Yes. However, this spell does drain mana fairly quickly. It is impossible to keep it active at all times in the background. With the amount of mana Master currrently has, it should be able to last the entire night, but after that, Master will be completely out of mana."

I sank into thought. "Hm...enough to last the whole night, huh? Good enough."

"Master...?" Mei Gui tilted her head in confusion.

"This is the perfect opportunity to test this spell out, y\'know," I said. "Does the spell remain active even when you\'re sleeping or unconscious?"

Mei Gui nodded. "The Third Eye will alert you if someone hostile is within range."

I smirked. "Perfect. I am 110% certain Dong Zhu will be coming tonight. Let\'s give him a nice welcome."

"110%?" Mei Gui frowned, not understanding this expression.

I sighed. "It\'s an exaggeration, Mei Gui. I just mean I know for sure he was going to come tonight."

"Oh, understood, Master."

I went to shower, and after I was done, I got inside the bed. Since when we left Shenzhen, I prepared some changes of clothes in my Space Locket, I just slipped one of the sets on and got inside the bed. Mei Gui soon crawled in after me, and immediately wrapped her body around mine.

Realizing I wasn\'t going to be able to escape this, I just gave in and did my best to fall asleep. Eventually, I did.

But not for long.


- Meanwhile, The Room Next Door... -

"Y-You hear anything?" Feng Mian asked anxiously.

Qing Yue, who had her face pressed against the wall, frowned. "No, I don\'t hear anything..."

Xiang Peng puffed her generous chest out and shook her head defiantly. "Impossible! Mei Gui is a goddess level beauty, there\'s no way Xuan Kai can hold himself back from letting his male instincts take over!"

"U-Um...I don\'t think doing this is very nice..." Lan Xiao Su murmured quietly.

"You say that, but you want to know too, don\'t you?" Yu An Yan asked. "I mean, c\'mon, any of us with eyes can tell you have a crush on Xuan Kai. Do you not want to know what type of girl he likes?"

"W-W-Wha-?!" Lan Xiao Su yelped in surprise. "I-I don\'t know what you\'re talking about!"

"Hm...sis...can talk about...other girls...liking Xuan Kai...but when she is called out..." Yu An Xue murmured. "Sis...you like Xuan Kai too...so why talk?"

"S-Shut up, An Xue!" Yu An Yan yelled, blushing.

"All of you shush!" Qing Yue exclaimed. "I can\'t hear anything!"

Meanwhile, in the other corner of the room...

"Hmph, look at how pitiful you are in your human form, phoenix," Obsidia snorted. "Oh, but even if you were in your normal form, you would still never match up to the might of a dragon."

"Shut up, big boobs! I didn\'t turn like this because I wanted to!" Flaria shouted in return.

"Oh, \'big boobs\'? Are you perhaps self-conscious about these?" Obsidia asked, a smug grin on her face as she caressed her own breast, as if showing them off to Flaria.

"Y-Y-You damn witch!"

"Hmph. What an immature insult."

"You damn dragon...!"

"You accursed phoenix..."





- Back in Xuan Kai\'s Room -

As I slept peacefully with The Third Eye activated, Dong Zhu and his lackeys were on their way to attack me. Of course, they weren\'t stupid enough to come on their own. My Third Eye was detecting a group of ten - Dong Zhu and his three lackeys, plus six more people. These six people were all of the Advanced Mage level.

Hm...six Advanced Mages. I can take care of them easily. After all...I\'ve killed ninety-nine of them in a row before.

My eyes snapped open, and I smirked.

Since you chose to do this...don\'t blame me for what happens to you and your buddies. C\'mon, Dong Zhu...let\'s see what you got. 

I got out of the bed after prying Mei Gui\'s body off me with great difficulty, and slipped on my black hoodie, cloak, and mask. I wrapped my hood over my head, and sat in wait. Mei Gui, noticing this, also got up. She was naked, since when she falls asleep, her clothes automatically disappear, since they are generated by her Chaos power. I should probably get her to wear normal clothes next time, not the clothes she makes herself.

"Master, are they here?"

I nodded. "Right outside the hotel. Looks like they\'re going to get my room number by threatening the receptionist."

"But how did they find out which hotel we were staying at in the first place?" Mei Gui asked, confused.

"That\'s easy. Our group isn\'t exactly hard to miss, with you eye-attracting girls. They could\'ve easily asked anyone who saw us, or sent a spy to follow us. But none of that matters," I said. "Since they want to do this...they have to be prepared to pay the price."

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