
Chapter 348 - The True Demon

Chapter 348: The True Demon

"How much longer is this pathway?"

"It shouldn\'t be too long! Just a few more rooms…"

The mammon and his bodyguards sprinted through the chain of connecting rooms, making sure to maneuver around all of the wooden crates until they suddenly came across a room that had no light.

Compared to even an average man, they were going rather slow but it seemed like it was the bodyguards that were waiting for the mammon to catch up as they scouted slightly ahead. It was truly like a group of elites escorting a cranky, wealthy old man.

"Ow! What is this!" The mammon and his group did not halt upon entering the room, and it led to the mammon running into one of the massive crates and bruising his feet.

"Someone quickly find the lights! I can\'t move in this darkness!" He ordered, his voice ringing throughout the entire room.

"Right away sir!" One of the men nervously responded as he bounced around the area in a panic feeling out all the walls in an attempt to find the light switch for his lord to move forward.

After what felt like an eternity of searching and the mammon\'s cracky, panicked cries for him to hurry up, he finally felt something hard and solid protruding from the walls, making his face light up as he went to flick the switch for the true light to consume the room.

"Found it!" He announced with glee.

"It\'s about time! I was gon—"


That was when an earsplitting scream filled the room followed up by a sudden flash of purple light that did not last for too long.

"W-what just happened! It\'s impossible! Nothing and no one should be down here! Raymond! Can you hear me!" The other guard yelled out into the darkness with beyond terrified eyes.

"What the hell are you standing there like a dead slab of meat! for I\'m not paying you to stand around! I don\'t care if it\'s a soldier or a wild beast! Take it out and see if the other guy is okay!" UNDERSTOOD!?"

"Y-yes sir!" He gulped a mouthful of saliva and peered forward at the seemingly endless darkness that sent shivers down his spine. Never in his life had he been scared of the dark, but now was a completely different story… It was like the invisible eyes of a predator were trained on him ready to tear him limb from limb.

He tightly clenched the hilt of his broadsword and marched forward into the abyss, his blade wide in front of him like he was using it as a shield or as an intimidation tactic for the beast ahead.

Time slowed down in his mind as the ominous, bone-chilling killing intent overtook all of his senses.

He was unable to hide the fear in his eyes, he no longer had to keep a facade to seem tough in front of his boss since he could not even see him in the darkness of the room. With every step, his heart would skip a beat, like he was walking on the walkway to his own grave. In all his years of being a stern, cold bodyguard with a top reputation and a heart of stone, he had never felt like this.

"Raymond! Are you there! Answer me!" He called out in front of him, but, he received no answer other than his own voice echoing and bouncing off the walls back towards him.

That was when he once again steeled his resolve and pushed forward, sweating more than ever before, not looking back at all.

That was when his foot suddenly stepped into what felt like a puddle and then barged into something hard yet soft at the same time. It was completely unlike how a wooden crate would feel.

Part of him knew what that thing was and his curiosity got the best of him as he ducked down and felt the liquid protruding off of that solid object…

"Blood… R-Raymond…" He slowly mumbled, grasping his sword and looking forward… That was when that same purple flash of light emerged and the entire area was lit. And, for that split second, he witnessed the beyond bloodied, horrified face of his once friend and the horned amalgamation of doom that showed him dread unlike any other he had seen in his entire life.

"Ah… Ahh...? Ahhh… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

The mammon stared ahead as he saw that same flash of purple light followed up by that deafening voice that echoed all the way towards him.

"What… What\'s going on…" He mumbled to himself unable to believe his eyes as he could only assume what just happened.

His senses once again filled with panic, unsure of where he needed to go… Both sides would lead to his death, towards the light of the door behind where he would be captured by the school and be tortured alive for all of his secrets or towards the death of the cold darkness ahead.

He did not have much time to think so in the end, he chose the lesser of the two evils, looking back towards the door he came from as he began to sprint towards it. But, as soon as he felt the joy of survival, the doors to that heaven suddenly slammed shut and enshrouded him in complete darkness.

And, before he even had the chance to scream out trying to bride whatever lied there, he was hit by a punch in the guts, knocking the wind out of his system as he instinctively took a knee and barfed out what he had for dinner.

That did not feel like the strike of a beast, no, it was far more calculated… He looked around with wide-open eyes, the fear of the unknown strong in his old, lurching heart as he wondered what lied ahead. But, luckily for him, he did not have to wait long to find out.

A small ball of purple light slowly expanded into something little before it unfolded and spread around him in a ring of purple-flame-like energy, lighting up the room. It was the first time he was able to see his own two hands and a slight hint of Joy was seen on his face. But, like a repeating pattern, that joy did not last any longer as a shadow was suddenly cast upon his body and he looked up at the figure above that created it.

It was a man he undoubtedly recognized at but a glance, yet at the same time, he was completely different from how he remembered.

His silky smooth blue hair fell down slightly above his eyebrows, yet this time there were tall, demonic horns protruding from them, radiating an ominous purple glow. There were slight cracks in his black demon mask allowing the cold, distant glow of his purple eyes to pierce through. Underneath that mask was a smile enshrouded by thick, black energy of darkness, mixed slightly with hints of blue, red, and purple. And, from his back was a slight glow seen due to the circle of energy, showing two wings hidden behind his broad back.

"J-J-JOKER!?" The mammon barely managed to mutter as he was filled with a sensation he had never experienced in his entire life.

"So… You\'re the mammon huh? Not so confident now are you without all of your staff? Money can\'t help you where you are now… You have committed the sin of rigging every single match against me in order to make a quick buck. Did you really think I didn\'t notice!? Now… You will do as I command… Is that understood…" Joker smiled, spreading his wings with a strong gust that made the Mammon almost collapse.

"You… You\'re not human!! You\'re some sort of demon! No wonder you managed to win everything… You… You marched in here and ruined everything… I wouldn\'t be surprised if it was you who masterminded this whole invasion to capture me… I-I call myself the mammon… A demon of greed but when I am met with the true power of a demon… I am absolutely speechless… You have truly bested me in every way…"

"Ahhh yes… Indeed I have! This was all part of my plan!"

The mammon shuddered at the confirmation of the demonic, mysterious presence peering above him with a hawkeyed gaze like he was a worm not even worthy to slither on the same ground he walked on. Not once in his life did he feel so inferior to someone else… It was always him outsmarting and messing with others, manipulating everything from the shadows to gain all he wanted… He used his powers to gain whatever he wanted and eventually built an entire criminal empire under his fingers. But, now… That empire won\'t save him, nor his money, and nor his abilities… Not in front of this otherworldly being... now, he was naked before true power.

His entire body shaking uncontrollably, he forced himself to look up at Joker once again, and even then he was barely able to meet his gaze. His heart was beating like machine-gun fire, and he felt himself age several years in these mere moments as he built up the courage to finally speak, slamming his head on the wooden floors below.

"Oh please! All mighty demonic presence! You are the only man worthy of the demon title! I will submit myself to you! I have never met anyone more worthy to serve! Please, allow me to serve you! I beg of you! I promise I can be more than useful!"

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