
Chapter 278 - Fleet Admiral Intrik

Fifth Fortress was in chaos.

The soldiers were getting frustrated at the conflicting orders. The position where the squads were assigned to be kept changing almost every other minute. And suddenly, orders that were practically the opposite of the first orders would be given, creating even more chaos.

Many of the Exoskeletons didn\'t know which to follow, and the group would end up getting divided into two.

Because of this, it took a while for Magantae and her commanders to even reach the base.

They were ordered to change directions three times and were even ordered to scout again at the disclosed area.

The soldiers were cursing, and the tempers of the WGP Commanders and even Magantae were tested.

Because they had linked and stolen the Exoskeleton scout signal, moving out of formation or out of order would make their actions too suspicious.

"DAMN THIS STUPID BASE WITH ALL THESE STUPID OFFICERS!" One of the Commanders finally howled.

"Calm down. This could be because of General Vender\'s allies. They are creating more chaos so to make it easier for us to enter. However, they didn\'t know the method of how we would enter. So them helping is actually not helping." Commander Drinths sighed.

"Let\'s just follow orders for now. Remember, we still do not know why Intrik hasn\'t reported our attack up north. This shroud of chaos greatly helps us from getting discovered. The worst thing that can happen is that Intrik will find out that a WGP team is secretly investigating him."

The group continued to move back and forth, and their impatience was being tested.

Back at base, the Planteds did their best to add such confusing orders. The chaos made every part of the base busy.

"If we create that kind of chaos, those who have infiltrated will have a hard time moving. Any actions they make will allow us to discover them easily!" Lowengren instructed.

The Planteds were amazed at this Planted\'s wisdom that they slowly understood why Arbiter Madelyn liked him.

As such, Lowengren was able to direct the forces of the Planted to enact his purposes.

One of the main groups were ordered to attack the other subs.

But just as a squadron was sent to dive, the orders changed.

"Wait! Move back! Be careful! The enemy might have that weapon from earlier. If we trigger it, it might launch it\'s Nuke Emitter!" A person reported and forced the Sargents of every Exoskeleton squad to rush back.

"Assume defense position! We are going to launch a ranged attack at that sub! Just continue to attack it using mid-range rockets to discover its location! But do NOT approach! I repeat, do NOT approach!" The orders were sent out.

The Commander of Fifth Fortress waited for Planted Maver to instruct those in the Command Center to give their orders.

He did not argue, but he allowed those orders to be sent continued to watch as his soldiers continued to make plans.

Maver suddenly approached the Commander.

"Commander. Sorry for taking command. But now, let me report to you what the Planted Soldier told us."

Maver and the Commander moved towards another room, and Maver began to relay everything he found out.

"So they could be already here?" The Commander frowned.

"Yes. We are lucky that the Planted who we caught was playing possum. His attack was a diversion! With the WGP\'s techs, they might have been able to send a small reconnaissance team inside! But luckily, this soldier managed to locate the primary sub\'s location through one of the techs that General Joab gave him. There are two submarines attacking the base. The one could also be another diversion. But no one must know that that is our real aim, Commander."

"They must have used that soldier to test our capabilities. But when we tried to capture that soldier, they might have changed their plans. However, did you see the last attack that the soldier received? How was he able to survive that? That amount of Electro-Spores could\'ve killed him!"

"I also asked the soldier. But luckily, because of the strange actions that New Great Britain has been doing these past years, Joab Barak equipped some of his agents with techs. As for this soldier, he luckily had this." The Planted then revealed one of Lowengren\'s Lightning Cubes.

"He used this to absorb lightning. It\'s almost impossible to detect, but I saw with my own eyes that this Cube could release and absorb lightning!"

"I see. So he was lucky. Then the WGP most likely believes that we only retrieved his dead body to investigate more about him. He was used as a test to see what techs we have, and that sub was to divert our attention. The real forces will sneak towards this base from the south." The Commander made his conclusion.

"Wow. This Commander\'s smart." Lowengren had been listening through a listening device that he made Maver wear. Maver recognized the wit of Lowengren and believed him to be the best way to capture the Lost Primordial\'s techs.

Lowengren used the greed that he saw and portrayed the same greed and desire to become a Presider.

"Hmm… Maybe I should make this Commander an ally… But how?" Lowengren pondered.

"Let\'s see how he does it. If he surpasses my expectations, I may not need to use Maver." Lowengren waited for the Commander\'s plan.

"Alright. Here is what we\'ll do. I\'ll fire a Gehanna Piercers. Let see if their sub can take that! As for the spies that are already here, we lead them to a certain place and ambush them. We know that they are here, but we must get manipulate their movements and decisions to follow our directions. We still do not know what they are after." The Commander made his decisions.

The Planted was silent but was amazed at the wisdom of the Commander.

"Yes, Commander! Also, it seems that someone called General Vender is here as a spy!"

"Vender? So the WGP has allied with Africa. General Vender is a General up north. He hasn\'t been much of a threat; hence he is barely known by Generals. To think that he would hide such a secret…"

"The Planted soldier said that Vender has some deal with the WGP. He helps them get inside, and they offer medical aid! What do you make of that, sir?" The Planted ask.

The Commander fell into deep thought.

"So it\'s not an equal partnership but a personal deal? We don\'t have much information about Vender, but it seems that he wants to cure someone. Then if that\'s the case, we can use that to draw out these infiltrators! Ready Dune World. Regardless of how high-tech their suits are, they won\'t know what will hit them if we activate Dune World. How many of you Planteds are here on base?" The Commander asked seriously.

The Planted had a conflicted expression.

"If you want to acquire that tech that your General is after, I need to know! Because we might have traitors in our midst, I need people I- no- we can trust. Your Planteds are the best option! Ready them for Dune Combat! The rest of the base must not be alerted with Dune World!" The Commander gave his orders.

The Planted realized what his plan was.

"Forgive me, Commander, but I cannot disclose their full number. But I will contact those I can and make them ready for this."

"Make your preparations. For now, I\'ll launch the Gehanna Piercers. This should cause them to panic and buy us some time." The Commander ordered and took out a certain device and readied for the launch.

"The only problem is… if this vessel has the capability to defend itself, it will flee." The Commander sighed.

Lowengren heard this and smirked.

"Maver. Suggest this to the Commander! Quick!" Lowengren began to whisper and tell his lies to which Maver gave his suggestion.

"Oh, I love it when a plan comes together." Lowengren was grinning from ear to ear.

"Alean was right! This was the right choice. If all things work out, I can secure the City of Refuge that Eagle said. Three within the Jordan, eh? Looks like I\'ll get busy."

Lowengren was currently in an Exoskeleton and was moving along with another platoon.

With his newfound position in the group of Planteds, he moved around the base freely. He claimed that He had already taken a secret medicine that Pioneer Pridgeon himself gave him. The group marveled as Lowengren was even able to explain what exact sciences Pridgeon has.

And so, Lowengren was able to move out and was sending a message to a specific broadcast signal.

The message was just garbled statics and grunts from an Exoskeleton that may have accidentally tapped on a different signal.

But the messages that had higher frequencies that the normal ear couldn\'t hear were clearly relayed to several people inside the submarine nearby.

It was Charles and the real General Vender.

"Oh? It looks like it\'s finally my time to shine." Charles laughed as he suited himself.

"Will you be alright, Vender?"

"I- I didn\'t catch all that. What did he want me to do?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. I just know what I have to do. You can ask him again. You can already talk at different frequencies. Oh, and this is your first battle as an Unlocked! Kill as many as you can!" Charles left and moved out of the sub through a special Exoskeleton, leaving a very confused Vender who was now sharing what he just heard to his wife who couldn\'t make heads or tails of what Lowengren said.

"A Nuke Emitter was launched up north. So what if I fire a banned rocket in the Red Sea?" The Commander of Fifth Fortress launched the rocket and directed its movements.

The Gehanna Piercers were specialized rockets that were used to be able to travel extremely fast underwater. As underwater bases were common, such were weapons were developed to deal with these hindrances.

The rocket moved with fast speed and rushed towards the skies, and prepared for its dive.

The Commander, who just recovered from a stroke, observed and determined that it was headed for the submarine he had detected when Magantae and her team moved out.

"A Gehanna Piercer? How brutal." The Commander shook his head and felt sorry for the submarine. He had deduced that this must have been an African sub.

But as the Gehanna Piercer was falling, a secondary thruster suddenly exploded out and immediately changed the attack\'s direction.

It was headed for the WGP vessel!

With its complex technology, the Gehanna Piercer dove through the dark ocean and flew as if it was still on midair.

The relaxing Commander felt his stroke returning at the sudden changes. He panicked and began to activate all defensive protocols.

Several torpedoes were launched in an attempt to intercept it.

"Childish. Is this what the WGP has to offer?" The Commander of Fifth Fortress laughed as he continued to control the Gehanna Piercer. Despite the fast speed, he could still navigate the rocket and avoided the incoming torpedoes.

The Commander in the WGP was panicking and began to activate the defensive protocols to brace for impact as the rocket had reached impact range.

The many anti-torpedoes attacks finally landed on the Gehanna Piercer. But the Gehanna Piercer was already too near.


A powerful explosion occurred deep underwater and struck the WGP vessel.

Upon the ground, Magantae and the Commanders were shocked at what they saw.

"WGP! I\'ve been waiting for you! Fleet Admiral Intrik sends his regards!" The Commander of Fifth Fortress suddenly announced what Maver suggested to him.

"Let\'s hope that it is as you suggested, Maver." The Commander was clenching the side of his chair and waited.

"Will they escape? If they do… we won\'t be able to catch them. But if we make this lie, there could be a chance that they would remain to fight Fleet Admiral Intrik for whatever reasons." The Commander sat down and glanced at the many scans in the Command Center.

Fleet Admiral Magantae and the Commander were shocked when they heard it.

"So this was his plan. Intrik is here!" Magantae\'s voice almost trembled.

Meanwhile, Lowengren had finally retrieved the boxes of Dildos that the WGP had secretly sent a while back.

Lowengren couldn\'t help but pause as he was about to return as he received a message from the real General Vender.

"I\'m sorry. I got confused. What did you do, and who am I supposed to be? I didn\'t catch your explanation earlier. Charles didn\'t seem to understand but simply went ahead and followed your orders. But what am I supposed to do?" Vender asked. Due to his message being sent in a different frequency, one couldn\'t tell that he actually was embarrassed since he had to make Lowengren repeat himself.

Lowengren was irritated. He had been so used to working with a team that can pick up with his actions that he cursed at the incompetence of General Vender.

"I made it look like I was being controlled by the WGP and attacked this base. After that, I managed to convince the Planteds in this base that a WGP traitor, who has the Lost Primordials Techs, is here. The Planted I talked to is now betraying General Barak, who is also called Pioneer Flantter! And the Planted now plans to attack the WGP vessel believing that by attacking and sinking it now, they could acquire more techs to get them to the Presider level. So they are trying to destroy it before Pioneer Flantter gets here! Now through my manipulation, the Planteds launched an attack on the WGP vessel and made it look like that the reason they managed to detect an undetectable WGP ship with incomparable cloaking tech is because of Fleet Admiral Intrik is here. This will make the WGP who I tricked into coming here, Admiral Magantae, think that Fleet Admiral Intrik is indeed a traitor of the WGP!"

"Alright. Uh-huh. And what am I supposed to do?" Vender asked.

"Isn\'t it obvious?" Lowengren cursed.

"Erm… Sh-shoot rockets?"

"No! Pretend to be a WGP Fleet Admiral!"

"I\'ll pretend to be Magantae?"

"Are you an idiot? You can\'t be Magantae!"


"Were you even listening?"

"Erm… Then… who should I be?"

"Make up a name!" Lowengren cursed.

"Oh-Ok. I\'ll think of something." Vender ended the call.

"No wonder they said joining Warfreakz is so hard…" Vender muttered to his wife and complained.

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