
Chapter 153 - Pridgeon’s Obsession

Up on the infinite space, the lonely moon that revolved around Earth was quiet. The moon had long had human settlements. Astronauts all over the globe would be sent to the moon and became the place for satellite repairs and replacement. As such, the richest and most powerful organizations of the Earth would have astronauts who were under their employment and would live on the moon, communicating with the various space stations launched by different countries.

Recently, the moon had undergone another client who was bought a large bulk of the moon\'s land and even situated themselves on the dark side of the moon. This was naturally the World Governing Powers. The World Governing Powers issued a statement requiring each country to send their representatives who would be working on the moon and would act as ambassadors of communication.

The recent attacks on China and the mystery of the usage of technologies owned by the World Governing Powers required the World Governing Powers to be more transparent in their actions. As such, any major operations were openly presented to the world.

A military base on the moon was one of the biggest projects that the WGP underwent. Never before had they made a base on the moon, but due to the rising troubles, creating one on the moon became a priority.

On the office of the ambassador of China, a strange meeting had begun.

"Let\'s make this quick. We only have a few hours of free time." The lazy voice of a man ordered.

"I can\'t believe it. We have to meet on the moon? Ugh. I hate flying with those contraptions from the Earth." Another voice was irritable.

"Zera will not be in attendance." Another tired voice spoke.

"As expected. She wasn\'t interested in this on the first place. Garenjazz, this is all your fault." An angry Presider voiced out.

"Can\'t we get to business! We need to start this meeting! We\'ve already delayed for too long!" A large bearded man insisted.

"Presider Pridgeon. It was your failure that has led to this incident in the first place." Another Presider chastised.

"And why did you bring a Pioneer here?"

"She\'s an Arbiter. I\'ve promoted her. And I brought her here because she had a brilliant plan for the gathering of the Jews."

"I seriously think that the presence of a Pioneer would just degrade-"

"Relax Crostfree. Pridgeon has been the most adamant for us to have this meeting. Since this little meeting of ours has been delayed because of the paranoia of the WGP, Presider Pridgeon means well and wants to get things done. If he brought a Pioneer or an Arbiter here, it is without reason." Garenjazz lazily interrupted.

"You just want to get out of this meeting as quickly as possible!" A Presider accused Garenjazz.

"All I want is the best for us and to ensure that our plans won\'t be hindered."

"Is that why you replaced the CEO of Nintendo?!" The Presider angrily accused again.

"It was for the greater good of all Aragarians that I took over. The Principal has decreed that we are to be more involved with the battle on Earth."

"Really? Greater good? And not just so you can play all the unreleased Pokemon games?!"

"Owning the organizations that own Nintendo is the greater good of Aragarians. Once we start our plans, most of the world would be destroyed. I plan to keep this company intact as its games have created a phenomenon amongst Aragarians. I sent an old version to the Principal and he ordered me to take over whatever organizations own Nintendo." Garenjazz casually rebutted.

Everyone was silenced at his words.

Some had peculiar expressions as if they didn\'t believe the explanation of Garenjazz.

"Can we now get on with the meeting?" Garenjazz lazily moved on.

"Presider Pridgeon. I believe you already have plans which would be the best course for us to proceed in this battle."

"Yes. I believe that this will not only allow us to fix the mess with the Jews but could also allow us easier communication. This is Arbiter Madelyne. She is one of the survivors of the recent battle between Meng and Richie. Because of her performance, I initially made her Arbiter to be the overall leader of all Pioneer\'s here. But now, this position is useless since we have been sent to personally deal with the mess on Earth. She has a plan which I believe would be the best course of action in the process of eliminating the Jews."

"Are you still so adamant with that? We are being too careful! Forget about the Jews. Now that we are here, there\'s no need for all this nonsense. If we relied on the Pioneer\'s to clean up Earth, then this would have been a good tactic. But our technologies could easily destroy Earth." A Presider sighed with an annoyed expression. The Presider was a plain black man with a rather neat and organized look. From his hairstyle to his clothes, it made him look extremely clean.

"Yet even my technology could not defeat an Earth Assassin!" Pridgeon shouted back.

The Presider who kept arguing with Pridgeon sneered.

"That\'s because you are weak." He laughed.

"If it was me…"

"If it was you, you, at most you could only wound him before dying terribly!"

"You underestimate me so much, Pridgeon."

"You underestimate Earth, Gordon!" Pridgeon countered.

"The Planted and the Pioneers were equipped with techs that are equal to a country\'s technological possibilities! Yet they were all killed. And those who killed them weren\'t even the assassin or Meng. It came from special operatives of other countries. We viewed them as ants yet they killed all the Planted I had in China. Richie was too powerful. I didn\'t dare fight him. If you were there Gordon, you would have fled too!"

A powerful force field engulfed Pridgeon before a strange red light shot to him.

The force field blocked it. As these two forces met, there were no explosions. no loud sounds, not even a visual sign of resistance. It was as if the red light simply touched on the blue force field and was no more.

"Gordon, please control your temper. Although you are strong, Pridgeon has a point." Garenjazz lazily pointed out. The force field around Pridgeon had come from Garenjazz.

"Even if Pridgeon is one of the weakest among us Presiders, he is still a Presider. If Earth has the capabilities to challenge Pridgeon, then it means, that they have the means to hurt us. This is why the mere fact that Pridgeon was injured became a topic worthy of being addressed by the Principals back at home."

Gordon was silent.

"Now that we finally managed to gather everyone here… let us now discuss what transpired after the battle."

Everyone turned to Pridgeon.

"I only awoke at the Floating Fortress of China, the Da Sheng. The Planted and Pioneers in the Chinese Army found me with the emergency ping that my suit was sending and immediately retreated to the Da Sheng to hide from the World Governing Powers. They claimed that the organization that decided to ambush and interfere with the battle between Meng and Richie, attacked me, wrecking my suit."

"This organization is dangerous then?"

"No. Whatever this organization was, it shouldn\'t be that strong. My suit was barely functioning. I already had to use all of its energy on Richie\'s surprise attack."

"What was Richie\'s attack?"

Pridgeon\'s expression turned purple. How could he say that the attack came from an improved Pangean Eradication Bomb that he planted on the hearts of the Pioneers under him? The explosion only damaged him because he wasn\'t on guard with the danger and curiously checked on the heart of Larson before it exploded in front of him.

"Some form of sound vibration which stunned me and then he used a Pangean Eradication bomb." Pridgeon brushed off the inquiry.

"Since I got caught in the blast, the suit set out to heal me. When I was refreshed, the suit had low power and I used it to fire the modified weapon of the Chinese, the Qilin\'s Horn. I escaped after that in order to make it look like the attack was a desperate suicidal attack made either by Meng or by Richie."

"Then this organization appeared as you were fleeing?"

"Yes. The attack from the mysterious organization made my status critical. Of course, my suit must have exhausted all of its remaining energy to repair whatever damage I had before I was found by the Planted\'s and Pioneer. It was this same group that rescued Madelyne. She encountered Richie personally, but perhaps out of Richie\'s whim, he left her alive."

"And what is your conclusion about this Richie?"

The several times Richie\'s name was mentioned were extremely torturous for Madelyne. The name of Richie would make her unconsciously remember the extremely passionate kiss she received from Richie. The memories would always result in the same thing.


It was as if Richie\'s name was a triggering force that would cause Madelyn\'s entire body to convulse.

"This… Richie is extremely strong and powerful. He had tech that I could not identify. No Earthly Technological Possibilities was as advance as this." Madelyn managed to keep a straight face but her entire body was twitching inside. Amidst this pleasure was great regret. Why did Richie die?

"Are you alright?" Garenjazz gave a curious look.

"I\'m… fine Presider." Madelyn responded.

"She reported that the extreme encounter has been giving her night terrors and she is currently suffering some form of the post-traumatic disorder. Talking about Richie is extremely torturous for her. I hoped to show her to you to see for yourselves the effect of this Richie!" Pridgeon explained.

Since Pridgeon explained it, Madelyn started to gasp and visibly perspire. Luckily, she managed to hide all displays of extreme delight and her appearance fitted someone who was greatly shocked or disturbed.

The Presider\'s continued observing Madelyn with a wary expression.

"This is how strong Earth is. This is the same reason that I had requested more Presider\'s to actively take part in dismantling and weaken Earth before we begin our invasion." Pridgeon declared righteously.

The Presiders were silent.

"I thought Richie and Meng were all killed?"

"Yes. But this battle happened with another organization watching. This organization is mysterious and strange and we can only assume that they found Meng and Richie as threats. If an organization such as this do exist, then we have a problem. We do not know who are its leaders. Also, I\'m sure you\'ve read the report. Various organizations around the world are getting more active. In the Underworld, organizations have been eliminated and newer ones have risen to take over."

"This is a result of the World Governing Powers troublesome ban." A thick glassed woman spoke. She was tall. As tall as Pridgeon. Her face was smooth and dark and her beauty commanded attention. She constantly twirled her dark and curly hairs as she sat impatiently listening to the meeting.

"Wasn\'t it because of this delusion of theirs that made our meeting difficult in the first place? Before we even managed to leave the mothership, the WGP had already begun making that stupid base over there." She narrated angrily.

"It\'s a perfect cover. The organization, if they do exist, is masking their activities in the arising chaos due to the bans made by the World Governing Power. We have to act as if they do exist. You should act more your age, Tiana." A young man with a small frame gave a stern reminder.

"Act my age? Well sorry, that I\'m not as old as you, grandpa! To think you\'d invest about 30% of your sciences in age lengthening! For a man who\'s so keen on keeping his young looks, that\'s very mature." Tiana countered.

Feyor raised his eyebrow.

"And look where this science has made me go. Unlike most of you who had to take over several of your Pioneer\'s organization or mind-controlled, supplanted or killed your way through to claim another existing organization, it took me no great effort to start a growing company. Unlike you who would be bounded by the limitations of your company\'s profiles, habits, and investments, I can do whatever I want. You better earn a lot of contributions in this battle if you want to keep that beauty of yours." Feyor laughed.

Tiana frowned.

"Can we please get back to the topic at hand! If this organization is a threat, we have to find out more about them at once! But beyond that, it is another issue! The Jews! We have to make sure they are eliminated to ensure that those religions can unite this Earth!"

"The Earth is already divided if you haven\'t noticed. If this secret organization exists, then we would have even fewer things to worry about. Let the WGP and this organization fight each other. We don\'t need to harass the Jews if something that can threaten the WGP already exists." Gordon sighed in disinterest.

"No. We follow Pridgeon\'s plan. It\'s best that we remain cautious. Although the elimination of these two organizations, the WGP, and the mysterious ones could hasten our plans, many nations will still remain neutral. Religion can unite them. And once we appear and there is a united group, they could use nuclear techs against those who would side with us and that would be troublesome for our clean up. The worst case is that we would still remain here in space and be unable to live on land because of all the radiation. The best is to get the nations them to fight each other and once the WGP is weakened and that other organization appears to conquer the WGP, we rush in and defeat them. Our priority is to maintain the bans for radioactive weapons, Any other weapons of mass destruction are allowed except those nuclear techs." Feyor countered.

Pridgeon nodded with beaming smiles. 

"Exactly! We must remove everything that could unite nations. We\'ve already changed the ideology and philosophy of this age. We\'ve added fuel to divide groups and have spies all over the world! Only religion remains to be the issue and with the Jew\'s out of the picture, we would be one step ahead of our plans!" Pridgeon declared with fanaticism.

"I have a question. How come no one is studying nuclear tech?" A child inquired. He had a decent, clean hair-cut and wore a stylish attire.

"Lanterk, that tech is dangerous and leaves too many problems. Even our science branches never followed or emphasized that path because of its dangers and we have found better alternatives. What\'s the point in studying something so primitive and disastrous?" Garenjazz patiently explained.

"I\'ll never understand Earth\'s fascination with radiation tech. It\'s too harmful." Feyor shook his head.

"They weren\'t like us who had environmental issues. Since our planet is only half as big as Earth, I guess they never had an issue with environmental safety whereas our culture drills that in our heads. Regardless, nuclear tech and other radiation-based techs are off-limits for us. It has no benefits."

"Well, those who tasted radiation made Pokemon… So that must be something, right?" Lanterk gave a quick response.

The Presiders couldn\'t help but nod in agreement.

"Fellow Presiders, what is the plan?" Pridgeon impatiently asked.

Garenjazz raised his eyebrows at Pridgeon\'s persisting impatience.

"Pridgeon, only a Principal has the authority to make me rush my words. Us meeting with you is already testing the limits. I don\'t care why you\'re so demented on destroying Earth or why you want to do it as fast as possible. But your fears are misplaced, Pridgeon. I get it. Earth is strong. But we are not as weak as you. But so to ease your fears and end this stupid meeting, you take full charge of this plan then." Garenjazz ordered lazily.

"Any objections?" Garenjazz turned to the other Presiders.

"I have a question. What exactly is the plan?" Lanterk asked Pridgeon.

"Bravo Presider Lanterk! Clearly the young are truly more radical than the old!" Pridgeon praised. The other Presiders moaned in annoyance.

"As I was saying, Madelyn suggested using a Jew to gather the Jewish race. We reveal the atrocities being committed around the world by most of the Pioneers and blame this mysterious organization or the World Governing Powers. This will trigger a global action in trying to gather all the Jews in one place making our jobs easier. Christianity ought to support this and this gathering should be completed within a month if all of the companies we\'ve joined pool our resources to help them. Once done, we kill them off secretly to wipe out that race for good."

"That\'s a problem." A Presider voiced up. He was an old man with dark long flowing hair. He wore large rings on each of his fingers and it compromised rare precious stones that were found on Earth.

"Such a move will greatly affect the Pioneers under my command. They have been the ones who handled the major plans in exterminating the Jews."

"I will make it worth your while." Pridgeon laughed.

"Then I have no complaints. The plan seems well-though off. The Earthling will be bearing most of the cost." The old man turned away with disinterest.

"Quite a smart Arbiter. Alright, I agree to make him an Arbiter. Rogue Pioneer\'s on Earth will thereby be under your command." Garenjazz agreed.

"Can I go now?" Lanterk asked innocently.

"Yes. Now that Pridgeon\'s satisfied. You all know your mission. Just carry it all out. Oh, and be sure to ask Zeraphine of the Presider\'s if you plan to abduct a teenage pop star or actor. She\'s currently collecting those she can." Garenjazz sighed in frustration.

"Garenjazz, please take responsibility! We can\'t have those especially now that the World Governing Power\'s is active! This might hinder the plans with the Jews!" Pridgeon pleaded.

Garenjazz sighed.

"She\'s Zeraphine of the Presiders. We can only hope that she won\'t act all crazy. She\'s in the process of collecting the first one and even I don\'t know how it would turn out. Why don\'t you do it, Feyor? Surely, talking to Zeraphine of the Presiders would be a menial task. After all, you are the next in line of seniority. I\'ll give you access to several of the unreleased games. The recent one explores the maps before the Third World War." Garenjazz laughed.

Almost every Presider reacted to that statement.

"I\'ll see what I can do…" Feyor was in deep thought. The price was indeed worth it. But Feyor knew what a handful Zeraphine was.

Garengazz left the room not saying or waiting for anything. It was then that he noticed it. A private message was sent to him and he was immediately able to sense it.

"Garenjazz… Might I have a word with you in private? It has to do with someone who could endanger the secret of our existence." Pridgeon sent.

Garenjazz continued to walk as if nothing happened.

"I\'ll see you in your private quarters then.." Garenjazz sent back.

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