
Chapter 138 - Seeker’s Experiments

"Gryphon Squadron?" Lander asked curiously.

"A strike team that my future self personally led. These people are among the people that my future self wants to desperately save. I cannot escape it. So although we might have to over cross some borders and take some risk, I can\'t help but urge you to exert more effort for this."

Harker could only sigh.

"It was harder than I thought. Most of the names you gave didn\'t pull up much data. The only possibility is that they are currently known by their Supra-Modern name." Harker sighed.

Seeker nodded. This was among his expectations.

"Quite understandable. When the war raged, people were shifting from one nation to another. Most didn\'t even use their real names."

"You mean, revealing your identity was dangerous in the future?" Lander wondered.

Seeker shrugged.

"Partially. When war affected many countries, people were immigrating from one country to another. Of course, many countries wouldn\'t let these refugees in, so almost everyone was adopting new names to get in another country claiming that they were born citizens of that country."

"I see. So in the coming war, Border Ceasefire\'s will cease to exist…"

"Yes. Civilians will be massacred left and right. The smarter ones kept traveling passing from border to border to reach other counties. Since they kept a fake name, even when the United Nations armies were formed, those made-up names stuck as they assumed it when they became soldiers. And the discussion of our old name was rarely discussed. Many wouldn\'t discuss it because it brings painful memories of a better time." Seeker\'s expression slowly grew disturbed.

Harker was silent. He worried about a country like the Pangea\'s where crossing borders meant traversing the oceans and seas.

"I did manage to find one. And he\'s from the Priority List."

Seeker\'s expression lightened.

"Who?" Seeker then asked.

"Nathan Suarez. This is the one that matched the descriptions you mentioned." Harker handed a tablet detailing the information of a young teen.

Seeker\'s eyes went wide opened as he stared at the profile of the young man.

"Is he the one?"

"Yes. This is him. He still has that innocent look on his face. Twelve years old? Perfect. Abduct him. He\'ll be the perfect guinea pig for my little experiment." Seeker smiled.

"Experiment?" Harker was surprised at the sudden orders. He felt a bad premonition for Seeker\'s strange orders.

"Exactly what are your plans for him?" Lander was the first to react.

"Don\'t tell me you\'re going to do what the Aragarians did!"

"No. Of course not. The Aragarians were testing their drugs and other chemicals on them. I won\'t be doing that."

Lander gave a relieved sigh.

"My experiment is designed to make them suffer."


"Don\'t get me wrong. It\'s to make him stronger. I need him to grow. He was only an Inhuman in my timeline. And that\'s not enough. So I have to make him stronger. Not to mention he\'s one of those who have great affinity at using the thought transmitter…" Seeker smiled.

"Thought Transmitter?" Harker frowned as he recalled the details of this device.

"I have questions about that device. I read the details for that device and I\'m confused about how a simple device like that could transmit human thoughts through a blue crystal?"

"The crystal is a compressed brain matter of one of the diseased Overcomers of our time. She died too early, and if it wasn\'t for the fact that Lennox managed to preserve her cells, we wouldn\'t have been able to create those devices."

"So it\'s another technology created from an Overcomer…" Harker now understood how that odd device could allow telepathic communication.

"Is she the one that you asked Richie to look into?"

"No. Lennox is looking for her. Richie decided to take a different route. He was always a loner, it looks like this time he realizes the importance of a team." Seeker smiled.

"This way, all Overcomer\'s will have teams of their own? How come you haven\'t ordered or instructed me to make a team yet?" Harker inquired.

"I\'m a General after all. It wouldn\'t be difficult for me to train soldiers. I already have a group of soldiers who would-"

"I never stopped you from creating a team. You are free to do so. I guess I just didn\'t consider it important and it passed my mind. You see, based on experience, unless you are an Overcomer, or have a Path that could aid you in leading a team, the most you can ever achieve would be Inhumans. And that\'s if you get people with high potential." Seeker shook his head.

"I think I have both the time and resources to accomplish that." Harker furrowed his brows.

"No. People with the potential to become Ranked Heroes are either people who wouldn\'t serve under others or are those who are serving Overcomers. If I\'m going with the same thought process that my Master had, these people generally have to go through a lot of terrifying, death-defying moments. Their faith or confidence in their skills surpass the rest of mankind so much that it in itself is an Unlocking. Their beliefs break the barrier of common sense that it manifests in their bodies. Do you have soldiers with those experiences?"

Harker was silent.

"Remember that Alean only managed to manifest her Path and may reach Ranked Hero because of me. Without me, even with all her experience, the day-to-day death threats, she would have simply ended up being a regular Inhuman."

"What about my Path? Arthur seemed to have valued it. If Lowengren can use his Path to create soldiers, why can\'t I-"

Seeker sighed to interrupt Harker.

"It\'s not that simple. The reason why I said someone has to be an Overcomer to birth a Ranked Hero is because these Overcomers can both protect those under them and make them face odds so impossible that it forces them to evolve and adapt."

"With the right technology-"

"Too risky. And you underestimate Overcomers. It\'s not about what tech you have, it\'s who you are."

"What about Lowengren? You gave verbal instructions for him to build his team. My Path should be similar to Lowengren."

"Your Path is similar but it\'s not as effective in battle. Lowengren\'s Path is one that has managed to affect fully-awakened Overcomers. It was enough for Arthur to snatch victory from the Tyrant Empress. A feat that three Overcomers wouldn\'t be capable of! This means, he can put his team in trouble facing incredible odds and can get them out safely."

Harker was silent but his expression displayed frustration.

"You still don\'t accept it? Maybe it\'s because you haven\'t faced an Overcomer. You don\'t know what it\'s like to face one of us and live."

"Then how confident are you that Lowengren will succeed?"

"A hundred percent. Unless you understand or know Lowengren\'s Path beforehand, he is sure to escape when fighting an Overcomer. Even if all of Warfreakz die, or even if Alean dies, I am certain that Lowengren can escape. That is why Lowengren is the one we sent to deter Amir Mann and go to these dangerous nations to draw out any hidden Ranked Heroes or Overcomers."

Harker was finally silent and his eyes grew calmer.

"So you\'re saying that I can\'t do that? And unless I become an Overcomer, I can only create Inhumans at most?"

"Yes. And that\'s wishful thinking. As we stand now, the highest level that Charles\' drugs could reach is only up to Inhuman. It can never break the Ranked Hero bottleneck because it demands a Path. I thought it was possible before, but as it turns out, I have a Path too. So the conclusion returns to the original theory; only one with a Path can become a Ranked Heroes."

Seeker continued to read the file of the young teen.

"How big is the gap between Inhumans and Ranked Heroes?" Harker couldn\'t help but ask. The strongest he bore witness to was the strength of an Inhuman. Greydon Meng was believed to be in the ranks of an Inhuman Proficient. In fact, they Tyrant Empress which everyone knew to be the most advanced in her Unlocking was also on this stage but had a higher degree of mastery.

"The Ranked Hero stage can easily be explained like this. It\'s as if an Unlocked has to Unlock himself again. The power of a Ranked Hero vastly surpasses that of an Inhuman. The weakest Ranked Hero in terms of physical strength can leave a dent when punching an Australian Armor. And I emphasize, this is the weakest Ranked Hero." Seeker\'s casually remarked as he continued to peruse the files.

Harker was shocked.

"I see. So that\'s why you\'re gunning to make more of them. So you plan to kidnap this Suarez child and make him face the horrors that will give birth to a Ranked Hero?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what?"

"If they have faith and Believe in themselves, then they\'ll become a Believer and thus, end up as a Ranked Hero. But why should I aim for a Ranked Hero?"

"You\'re aiming to build an Overcomer?!" Harker was surprised. What horrors would this kid face to become one? The child would probably die.

"No. That\'s impossible. I don\'t think someone serving under an Overcomer can ever become an Overcomer. Perhaps if they are peers it could be possible, but Overcomers are Overcomers because they walk a Path and walk on it confidently. You could say, the reason why I never became an Overcomer in my past life is because of the protection I received from my Master, the Realm King."

Harker was confused.

"Then what is your aim? If not a Hero, or an Overcomer, what? What are you trying to build?"

"I don\'t want them to believe in themselves. I want them to believe in me. I\'m aiming for the middle of these two levels. A level that only appeared and manifested to one person."

"A World Champion!" Lander and Harker chorused.

"Yes. The necessary traits to create a Rank Hero is almost impossible. Simply put, it\'s by luck. As for Overcomers? Forget it. Remember that the reason why you got into contact with four other Overcomers is largely attributed to me. To create them… is simply impossible."

"But you became an Overcomer…" Lander retorted.

Seeker smiled.

"And what did I need to go through? I had to take on two lifetimes with different experiences. In short, I needed two people\'s will to create it. I\'ve already explained that my future self\'s will is influencing me. That\'s because of his will, his desire, all his emotions are added over mine. And let us not forget what he got through to give me the chance to Overcome."

"So we settle with what you have already created in the future… A World Champion." Harker loved the plan.

"I\'ve always treated the two an Overcomer and a World Champion differently. Alean, Lowengren, Meryl, Lynd… probably even Cliff… They are showing signs that they have the potential to be World Champions. And that\'s because they believed in me. If I fail at this experiment, At the least, they are sure to become Ranked Heroes. Since this is my advantage, I should capitalize on this."

"Then your plan for this little Suarez is to put him in scenarios that will somehow push him to extremes and then, you suddenly appear to save them?"

"Something of a similar vein but nothing so obvious. I will have to make him go through a lot of pain and suffering first. So this is what you\'re going to do. Get your men to ruin his life."

"What do you want to do? Shall I kill his parents after they watch a show in some dark theater using a thief with a gun?" Harker joked.

"Please. If anything, Batman would be an Overcomer. But you seem to get the idea. But of course, don\'t kill his parents. Abduct them or something. Be creative."

"Why not just ask your parents to get this kid? He\'s in the Rotting Lands."

"No. Too risky. There are too many agents spying over my dad. You have to find your ways of doing it."

"Why me?"

"Because people trust you. Any other Unlocked could leave a trail. Your methods, like Lowengren\'s, can easily be used to hide these trails. Either that or people will ignore the trail because they trust you. Just find a way to get in the Americas."

"Consider it done. I have a few men you may find interesting. I believe they are starting to develop skills. I\'ve got someone who can snipe without the need of a scope, someone who is twice as strong and tough as the other Unbecoming, and someone who we noted to have blood which is more resilient to poisons and chemicals. Perhaps these soldiers may develop Paths. If you want, you can try experimenting on them."

Seeker shook his head.

"Those are skills. And by the sound of it, except for the one resilient with poison, I surmise that that will be the limit of their potential and it won\'t ever become a Path. Even if it is, it will be an Inhumans Path. Consider the people we already have and make that a standard. Lowengren is not even at the Inhuman stage but he can deceive Overcomers. That\'s a Path. Unless the miracles of your soldiers are something that could surprise or shock you, don\'t bother reporting it to me."

"What about me?"

"Lynd felt that you have the shot at becoming a Ranked Hero because through his sympathy he felt that you and I are similar. I agree with his assessment. Hero of Helions Tragedy. Your life should be as similar to Adult Seeker. This is why I permitted you to go to Australia. But don\'t make any big moves until after I fight my Master."

"Understood." Lander nodded.

Harker could not help but sigh.

"So this is it? I\'ll just have an Inhuman Army at most?"

"It won\'t be an army. You\'ll have a lot of Unbecomings. But many won\'t ever become an Inhuman. However, you now have a group of Jews who went through horrors that would even make a war veteran look like a beginner. Capitalize on that. Also… there is one unique soldier that I should mention. It\'s that Prince guy who you assign at the gate. That\'s the one that you should observe."

"The mid-eastern soldier whose popular with the ladies?" Harker was confused.

"He has an interesting smile. Meryl thinks his cute."

Lander and Harker had to look at each other to confirm what Seeker told them."

"O…k… So Meryl has a little crush…?" Harker inquired with a puzzled face.

"She didn\'t mean it that way. Even Alean noticed it. There\'s something with his smile. It\'s probably a Skill. Something that manifested affecting Unbecomings. It isn\'t much… but he should be a good seed to cultivate."

"How can that be a Skill? That guy is just cute! He\'s got that mid-eastern, movie-star look."

Seeker gave Harker a weird look.

"That\'s the first… disturbing comment I heard a General say about his soldiers." Seeker shook his head.

Lander nodded.

"Creepy General."

"How much pain should I make this Suarez go through?" Harker quickly changed the subject.

"I need them to be pressed to the point of desperation and death. But give him hope once in a while. But crush any of his efforts to succeed. It\'s best to keep this situation for a month. After my battle with my Master, if I\'m alive, I\'ll go see him." Seeker then started moving towards the exit.


"General. If I may. You\'ve been pushing everyone way past their limits these past months. Even though it is possible, the missions you\'ve given me, Harker, and even Lowengren and Alean were dangerous. But Lynd and Meryl\'s missions aren\'t. Are you… affected by the fears that you\'ve inherited from unsealing those memories?" Lander dared to ask.

"I\'ll figure that out soon." Seeker did not turn around but continued to walk.

Lander could only remain silent and did not persuade Seeker. Although he knew that Seeker was being too overprotective, a part of him could relate to Seeker.

"You two Seekers have to come to a decision. Both Lynd and Meryl have the highest potential to grow. The you in China had the perfect plan. You were mature enough to push them to disaster and had the kid-like confidence that they would win. But now that you unsealed those memories, your fear of losing them is clouding your vision." Harker spoke up before Seeker could walk farther.

Seeker didn\'t reply but continued to walk on.

He watched as the lonely figure of Seeker walked towards the exit of the room. At that point, Lander felt that he started to respect Seeker.

"I can\'t imagine the burden he\'s carrying," Lander muttered unconsciously.

The two continued to look at the lonely Seeker who walked with the world on his shoulders.

At that moment, a sense of respect grew as they watched Seeker disappearing through the exit of the door.

They couldn\'t help but think, that the young teens\' lonely walk looked like a cowboy running off to the sunset. It was, even for the two of them, a cool scene.


"Incoming Transmission from contact: Grandma." A voice prompt was heard.

Seeker\'s footsteps hastened to walk further and further to hide the sound from Harker and Lander.

"Gra-Granny?!" Seeker\'s voice could be heard on a distance.

Almost instantly the \'cool\' scene disappeared.

"Zeekee! How are you? My contact connection with you has been approved! Looks like your parents did something to approve communicating with you! Now we can talk! Be sure to visit us in the Americas when you\'re ready Zeekee!" A loud, old woman shouted through the comm device causing those soldiers near the room to hear every word of it."

Though Seeker had the phone\'s volume at a moderate level, the shouts of the grandma echoed out and even allowed Harker to hear it. The feat had left itself as Harker could continuously hear the muffled sounds of Seeker\'s panicking attempt to save his cool exit.

Lander laugh.

"What an immature kid. He was actually leaking his emotions to make us believe his exit was cool!" Lander laughed.

Harker however, had an intensely desiring look.

"I must have that skill! With that and my fog-emitting technology, I can always make a cool entrance!" Harker voiced out fanatically as Lander gave him a strange look.

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