
Chapter 450 - Creating An Arch Mage Lightning Spell

What about focusing all of those split lightning into a single beam? Like those laser cannons from science fiction in his previous world. That was a good idea.

Rather than copying someone, he would rather walk on his own path. His previous spells were also not made with that in mind. It would just kill its power.

And so, with that idea in mind, Lawrend\'s mind started thinking.

At the start of Levin\'s Descent spell, the starting lightning was a compressed form of lightning mana. He could try to not split it.

Lawrend opened his eyes.

He needed to test it first. If it could really work, then it would be the easiest spell he would have made.

Lawrend looked outside the window. It was already almost nighttime. He told Aezel his plan and informed the others.

They left the city on Clova\'s back and headed north. They entered deep into the Undrasil Monster Forest and stopped beside a river. In total, their journey took almost an hour.

It was a testament to the distance and size of the Undrasil Monster Forest. If they tried to travel on foot, it would have taken them a week assuming they don\'t get delayed.

"What river is this?" Lawrend asked Clova as he jumped down from her.

"This is connected to Hernan Lake. I never knew if it was named by humans," Clova replied.

As the Guardian Beast of the Undrasil Monster Forest, she rarely communicated with humans. When she does communicate with humans, it obviously won\'t be about a river. Thus, she never learned its official name.

She doesn\'t particularly care about this river anyway. It was not big enough for her to take a bath.

After getting her answer, Lawrend flew to the sky and looked around. As it was nighttime, it was very hard to see anything, but he could see no lights around.

Lights were a good indicator if there were someone else in the forest. Those would usually come from campfires or torches.

After determining that there was no one around, Lawrend turned to Aezel.

"Aezel, protect me."

"Yes, Master," Aezel replied.

Lawrend closed his eyes and floated in the air with his legs crossed. He inhaled a deep breath and released it.

He was far enough that the envoys from the empire should barely feel it. By the time they start investigating, he should be back home.

He extended his palm forward.

"O\' great Amber, be my electron, turn to sprite, overwhelm and kill my enemies, Levin\'s Descent!" Lawrend carefully chanted.

A huge arc of lightning shot from his extended palm. It headed outwards, and Lawrend tried his best to prevent it from splitting.


"Master!" Aezel shouted.

Suddenly, the lightning split into countless lightning arcs. It was very explosive compared to what it was usually because Lawrend tried to prevent it from splitting.

A few of the lightning shot back at him and hit his body. As it was his lightning mana, the damage was reduced by 70%, but it still hurts. He quickly reabsorbed the lightning mana to prevent it from exploding his body.

If he died from his own spell, that would be very embarrassing.

"Are you okay?" Aezel asked and grabbed his shoulders from the side.

"Yes," Lawrend candidly replied.

"Be careful, Master," Aezel said before she flew back down.

As for the effect of his Levin\'s Descent spell, the trees below were burning in flames.

"Clova, can you put it out for me?" Lawrend asked.

"No need. Those trees are more resilient than you think," Clova replied.

The trees in the Undrasil Monster Forest were said to be bathed in the blood of powerful monsters. They evolved and grew to be the towering trees of today. Each of them was comparable to the Redwood Trees from his past life.

A single second later, as if responding to Clova\'s words, the fires on the trees stopped spreading and the burns started releasing gooey green saps.

"That\'s cool," Lawrend said.

It was his first time seeing a tree protecting itself from fire. Even in his past life, he had never heard of such a thing before.

"There are many lightning strikes that hit these trees every summer. If they didn\'t have that protection, they would die off," Clova explained after seeing the amazement on his face.

"Alright. Enough distractions. I will continue," Lawrend said.

He then focused himself again. Since he now knew that it won\'t work, he decided to just do what he planned at the start.

He would focus the lightning arcs on a beam. Usually, it would scatter anywhere in front of him. If he focused it, it should become deadlier to his opponents.

"O\' great Amber, be my electron, turn to sprite, overwhelm and kill my enemies, focus… and concentrate, Lightning Beam!!!" Lawrend shouted.

A clear image of his spell appeared in his mind. It was a thick horizontal column of numerous lightning arcs.

In Lawrend\'s mind, that column was at least 200 meters in diameter.


It was like a nuclear explosion. A powerful shockwave spread from Lawrend\'s hand and traveled around him. Aezel\'s hair was spun behind her crazily, Clova lost some of her small feathers, and the trees around them shook violently.

Those were not just some normal trees. No wind could shake them besides violent storms.

Lawrend felt his ear ringing. He never expected it to be this powerful. A third of his lightning mana was immediately drained from his body.

At the capital city, the envoys from the empire felt the rush of the lightning mana and looked towards the north. They wondered what was happening over there, and they sent the lightning mage to investigate.

The lightning arcs in front of Lawrend slowly dissipated, and he was shocked by what he saw in front of him.

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