
Chapter 429 - Clova 1 Vs 3

Loa was a young woman that appeared to be in her twenties. She was fair and beautiful and gave a sense of grace.

She snapped her fingers, and the wind from the four cardinal directions poured towards Clova. The only direction Clova could go was up or down.

Well, that was the case if she was a human mage.

Clova flapped her giant white wings, and Loa\'s wind spell was neutralized in an instant.

"She\'s too big! I can\'t!" Loa shouted in alarm. [AN: *wink* Lewd not intended.]

"Fine. Boost my fire spell with your wind!" the fire mage shouted.

He and Loa joined their spells together.

Of course, Clova was not just going to watch them attack her. She rose up into the air and into the clouds.

"Tch! We can\'t hit her at this range!"

A giant Grand Mage-level beast is much harder to fight against. Their defense and agility were on another level, especially a flying one like Clova.

The three of them flew up.

The other mage in their group was a light mage. He was waiting for an opportunity to attack Clova while the two of his teammates attacked her together.

They entered into the clouds and exited above it. The sky here looked serene and calm.

Clova was already waiting for them in an ambush.

She dove down and raised her sharp talons as she flew by them. The unlucky one was the light mage.

He hurriedly cast a light spell that hardened his skin.

The spell barely managed to protect him as a long tiny line of blood appeared on his arms after Clova flew by him. He instantly healed, but he was glad he didn\'t die.

He didn\'t even realize that Clova was attacking before he defended himself instinctively. Cold sweat poured down his back.

"Loa, slow her down!" the fire mage ordered.

They rushed to Clova, and Loa grabbed the air in front of her.


A giant tornado appeared with Clova at the center. Due to its sudden appearance, she was not able to counter the wind force, and she twisted around.

The fire mage took this chance. He blew a large amount of fire mana towards Clova from his mouth.

The fire mana suddenly ignited in the air and got absorbed into the tornado. The fire became hotter and brighter.

Clova, who was inside the fire tornado, wrapped herself with her wings and protected herself.

"You will pay!" Clova cursed.

She opened her wings grandly and scattered the wind and fire mana away from her, interrupting the spell.

They were fortunate that Clova did not know how to use the elements. Otherwise, she would have cast a ton of spells on the two of them.

The tips of Clova\'s wings suddenly became sharp.

She dove back down and went up even faster than before. She headed straight for them.

If they don\'t avoid her attack, they will be pierced by her beak. And if they tried to avoid her, they would be sliced by her sharp wings.

"Fly forward!" the fire mage shouted.

Flying to the left and right was a no-go as the wings would slice them. If they flew backward, her sharp talons would graze them.

The only direction they could avoid to was the front.

The three of them flew forward with their best speed. What they didn\'t expect was Clova\'s flexibility.

She turned 90 degrees, and that spot they avoided was now a dangerous spot. Her sharp wings could slice any of them up.

"FUCK! DEFEND!!" the fire mage shouted in panic.

Clova decided to attack the fire mage. He was the leader in this situation. If he died, it would be much easier for her to kill the other two.

The fire mage didn\'t know if he was going to be targeted. Nevertheless, he employed his most powerful defense spell. He didn\'t dare to underestimate her.

A brilliant orange wall appeared in front of him. It was a forbidden magic spell.

Almost all of the fire mana inside his body exited and fortified that orange wall. It became so corporeal that you could touch the fire mana with your own hands.


Clova\'s right-wing became stuck to his orange fire wall and messed up her flight. As a result, she ended up losing her balance and falling from the sky.



Suddenly, they heard the desperate cries from down below. Clova soon stabilized herself and looked at the tip of her right-wing, now featherless.

The fire mage\'s heart pounded like drums in his ears. He thought he saw the afterlife in that split second that Clova hit his wall.

He panted heavily and maintained his flight with the tiny amount of mana left inside his body.

The light mage flew to his side and used a normal healing spell. As he was not a healer, he could only use this spell. He was the kind of light mage that focused on combat power rather than healing power.

Loa looked at Clova grimly. A potion bottle appeared in her hand, and she gave it to the fire mage, who immediately drank it.

The potion slightly recovered some of his lost mana. At least, he would be able to cast spells in the fight and not become entirely useless.

Clova was also solemn. She flapped her fings far away from them as she tried to think of a way to separate the fire mage from the other two. The damage to her wings would make her maneuvers less accurate.

Although she was confident in her body\'s defense, she would surely break her spine from the buildings below if she fell from this high.

Suddenly, the lightning mage that was on a stalemate with Ramiela earlier appeared from the clouds.

Clova squinted her eyes.. She assumed that Ramiela was already defeated because the lightning mage had appeared.

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