
Chapter 52 - The Mage Guild’s Test

"Let\'s go to the Mage Guild next."

Lawrend told Aleshia before he rode inside the carriage that was waiting for them outside. They soon arrived in front of an ancient-looking building. There was a placard of a simple magic circle above its door. Some parts of the building were covered in moss. It was obvious that this building has stood here for a long time.

Unlike the lanterns used all over the city, which was fueled by fire, the lanterns in front of the Mage Guild were glowing with pure white light. It made the building stand out in the city.

"The Mage Guild…"

Lawrend gulped heavily. There was a mixture of excitement and anticipation inside him. He wanted to know why he couldn\'t cast his Shock Arc before. His question would finally be answered here.

They entered the Mage Guild, and they were greeted by the bustling noises inside. There were tables where several Mages wearing cloaks or long robes were having a heated discussion with each other.

Lawrend and Aleshia approached the receptionist. It was a young man wearing a blue cloak. There was an emblem of the Mage Guild pinned to it. It was the same design as the placard displayed outside.

"Good evening. How may I help you?"

The receptionist smiled at them gently.

"I have questions about spell casting. Where can I find answers about it?"

Lawrend asked the receptionist.

"Oh! Are you a Beginner Mage, perhaps?"

The receptionist quickly realized that Lawrend was just a Beginner Mage. Only Beginner Mages would ask such questions, after all.


Lawrend nodded candidly.

"We have a library over there, but you have to be a member of the Mage Guild to use it."

The receptionist pointed towards their right. There was an open library there, and many Mages were scrolling through them.

"Do I need to take a test?"

Lawrend asked.

"Please follow me."

Instead of answering him, the receptionist left his post and guided them. He brought Lawrend and Aleshia through a door leading to the back of the building.

"This is the testing grounds. You cast your spell, and we would judge your capabilities off of it."

The receptionist explained to them.


Lawrend had a pained face as he realized that he had to cast his spell. He couldn\'t even cast it. How could he be tested? He would just fail.

"Is there a problem? If you still don\'t know how to cast a spell, we can test your mana for purity and volume."

The receptionist quickly realized what Lawrend was troubled about. It was not the first time that he encountered someone who couldn\'t cast a spell yet.

"We\'ll do that then."

Lawrend replied. Since he couldn\'t cast his spell anymore, he might as well just test his mana\'s purity.

"Young Master?"

Aleshia furrowed her eyebrows. She didn\'t know that Lawrend couldn\'t cast his spell anymore without touching his target. She thought that he was just pretending.

"Don\'t worry, Aleshia. I\'ll pass this test."

Lawrend smiled at her confidently. He thought that Aleshia was worried about him passing, so he reassured her.

There were lights all around the testing grounds. There were several targets far away from them. On one side was a table lined with crystal balls.

"You- Uh, what is your name?"

The receptionist asked awkwardly. He tried to call Lawrend, but he realized that he didn\'t know his name.

"Lawrend. Lawrend Horiel."

Lawrend replied.

"Lawrend Horiel, you will hold that crystal ball with your hand. Make sure your hand is properly in contact with it. After that, close your eyes. The crystal ball will do its magic."

The receptionist instructed Lawrend. This crystal ball would test Lawrend\'s mana purity and determine his actual power.

"I understand."

Lawrend nodded his head solemnly. He was kind of nervous about this test. After all, he purified his mana before. He didn\'t know what result he would get.

Lawrend walked towards one of the crystal balls on the table and laid his right hand on top. He released a breath of air and closed his eyes.

A swirl appeared inside the transparent crystal ball after Lawrend closed his eyes. Vibrant rainbow colors went round and round in a spiral. Faint crackling sounds slowly started. Small sparks were appearing inside the crystal ball. It was all coming from Lawrend\'s hands.

Inside Lawrend\'s body, he saw the violet lightning mana be attracted towards his right hand. They slowly trickled out of his hand, which caused lightning arcs to fall inside the crystal ball.

The crystal ball then slowly changed color. It slowly turned red and opaque.

"A Beginner Mage."

The receptionist nodded his head after seeing the red color. It was as he expected. The red color means that Lawrend is a Beginner Mage.

"Wait… It\'s changing color?"

The receptionist was just about to talk to Lawrend when he saw the crystal ball change color from the corner of his eyes. It baffled him as the color change was slow.

"Y-You\'re a True Mage already?"

The receptionist asked as he stuttered. The crystal ball was now color orange. He felt like Lawrend was playing with him by pretending that he was just a Beginner Mage.


Lawrend was taken aback. The stage above the Beginner Mage is the Mage stage or True Mage stage for a much easier distinction. He hadn\'t even been a Beginner Mage for a week. It was odd that he would be a True Mage already.

"Sir, are you playing with me?"

The receptionist walked towards Lawrend with anger on his face. He felt humiliated that Lawrend pretended to be a Beginner Mage! He must have been laughing in his mind that he tricked him.

"No, No, No! I wasn\'t. I just became a Beginner Mage a few days ago."

Lawrend defended himself from the accusation. By this time, many of the staff and other mages in the training ground were staring in their direction. They were whispering towards each other in discussion.

"Oh, please. The Power Crystal Ball is a Magic Artifact designed and perfected by the Mage Guild. There\'s no way it would malfunction."

The receptionist rolled his eyes. He wasn\'t gonna allow himself to be taken advantage of that easily.

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