
Chapter 3 Water Is The Source Of Life

Three days later. Today is the third day since David\'s rebirth, and there are still about 27 days left until the end of the world. The sale of the house went much smoother than David had imagined. After the real estate agent listed David\'s house at a low price on various channels that day, it immediately attracted buyers.

The buyer was the owner of a small company who bought the house for investment purposes. Because the price David listed was low enough, and the city had developed very well in recent years, housing prices were continuously rising. This owner didn\'t hesitate to buy the house after seeing the price, and in his opinion, he had hit the jackpot.

The owner was not short of money, and payment was made very promptly. After completing the transfer procedures yesterday, David received the full payment for the house early this morning. The house sold for about 700,000 yuan, as David had expected. Together with the 500,000 yuan he had borrowed previously and his own 50,000 yuan in savings, David now had a total of 1.25 million yuan in cash available for him to use.

This was the first time in David\'s life that he had so much cash. Looking at the balance in his bank account, David wasn\'t too excited. He knew that he had to spend this money quickly within a month. Only by exchanging this money for resources would it have value; otherwise, in a month, this money would be worthless.

After the house was transferred, David talked to the buyer about "renting" the house for a month because he still had some things to deal with. The generous owner told David that he didn\'t need to pay and let him stay for free for a month. Anyway, he had bought the house for investment purposes and didn\'t plan to live there. After David moved out, he would also rent out the house.

This made David feel a little embarrassed, as if he had "mooched" off the owner. The homeowner\'s money has already been spent, but as for the house ... it would be of little use in a month. But the owner was so easy to talk to, which saved David a lot of trouble, and he didn\'t have to find another place to live for the time being.

Today, David got up early, had a simple wash, and had breakfast downstairs. Then he returned home, turned on his computer, and began preparing the reserves of resources. He took out a notebook with a shopping list he made yesterday of the resources he needed to purchase.

The resource that David put first on the list was undoubtedly water. Water is the source of life. A person can go ten days without food and not starve to death, but a person can easily die of thirst in ten days.

After the apocalypse, the supply of tap water in cities will quickly be completely cut off. Finding a clean and uncontaminated water source in a big city will be very difficult.

David\'s SJ City has a famous river. David remembers when he was young, the river was very clean and clear, but now it is murky. However, even such a murky river became a precious water resource after the apocalypse arrived.

As the virus spread, not only did humans mutate into zombies, but many ordinary animals also mutated into exotic beasts with various abilities. Even small pet dogs can mutate into giant dogs over two meters long after being infected with the virus.

Wild water sources are usually occupied by these mutant beasts, which even consciously ambush around the rivers, attacking other creatures or humans who come to find water. Moreover, some aquatic organisms in certain rivers have mutated and become very dangerous. Not to mention factors such as parasites, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, etc. in the water source. It is extremely dangerous and difficult for ordinary humans to approach these water sources. It can be imagined how precious freshwater is as a resource in the end times.I think you should take a look at

David looked at his notebook, pondering, "So how to solve the problem of water resources? Stockpile some bottled water?" Bottled water is not cheap, even the slightly cheaper purified water costs about two yuan per liter.

Of course, David could not spend most of his money on buying water. Suddenly, an idea flashed through David\'s mind. "How did I forget about tap water?" Tap water is the cheapest water resource, costing only a little over two yuan per ton. Moreover, tap water is a very clean water source compared to the wild water sources. It can be boiled and used as drinking water and various other daily water needs. David\'s water bill is paid every other month, which means that he won\'t have to pay for this month\'s water bill until next month. "In that case, I can even save on water expenses?"

David immediately ran to the kitchen and turned on the tap. Under his mental control, the water flowing out of the tap was continuously collected into his storage space. And after the water resources entered the storage space, a ten-thousand-fold critical hit was triggered, and one liter of water instantly turned into ten thousand liters of water.

David was overjoyed, but soon he ran into a dilemma. "I can\'t just stand here and collect water all the time, can I?" Just then, the system prompted: "[Host can set this area as a resource collection point, and the storage space can automatically collect water resources.]" "There\'s also this option?"

After some mental manipulation by David, the water flowing out of the tap disappeared into the void as if it had never flowed out of the tap, and entered David\'s storage space.

A bold idea flashed through David\'s mind. "What if I set this resource point in the freshwater lake..." SJ City has a huge freshwater lake, which is one of the main sources of fresh water for the SJ City Water Company, with at least tens of billions of tons of freshwater in it.

However, David quickly shook his head and dismissed the idea. "If I were to drain a freshwater lake, it would probably make headlines worldwide." Moreover, having too much water is also meaningless. When his strength is sufficient in the future, he can completely occupy some key water resource locations, and then he will never have to worry about water shortages.

David searched online and found that a tap left open 24 hours a day could flow about 30 tons of water. After the water resources entered the storage space, with the ten-thousand-fold critical hit, there were three million tons of water a day.

As long as David lets the water flow for a few days, these waters will be completely sufficient for his early development needs. Of course, David also prepared to stockpile some bottled water. After all, compared to tap water, bottled water can be directly consumed, and it is also more convenient to use.

David opened a shopping website and ordered a large amount of purified water and mineral water on various platforms. He filled in the delivery address with a small warehouse in the suburban area of SJ City that he had rented before...

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