
Chapter 326 Calm Before The Storm

"The time will come" Muttering to himself, Christian looked sideways and muttered "I feel so uncomfortable in this country... having to always be on the defensive feels stressful, not to mention that I\'ll have to start filming a series that I really regret accepting... at the time I found it fun but now I just see that it will complicate everything for me..."

"Why don\'t you just quit?" yawning lazily, Wrath continued "I doubt they could do anything to you."

"I\'d have to pay a few million in severance, but I really don\'t relish not keeping my words so I\'ll go ahead with this."

Shrugging her shoulders with disinterest, Wrath thought for a few seconds and asked "I hear you\'re building a kingdom, what exactly do you have planned?"

"To form my own kingdom on this island."

"It must be difficult, no?"

"It is" Sighing, Christian continued "To start with I had to invest a lot to increase the water supply and construction. Having to form sewers and get them as far away from the island as possible also cost a lot of money."

"Having to flatten everything for construction, having to spend on all the infrastructure, having to pay the builders... not to mention that I have to talk to the architect on a daily basis as I have several flaws in the planning."


"For example the electricity... I have an open research in Japan about the infinite energy, I really hope that will be successful... my plan is that the island works based on that energy and that would open many possiblities, but unfortunately the architect needs an idea of how all that will go to be able to build the houses and the energy system..."

"How will she do it?"

"I asked her to create the whole energy system subway, that can then be modified in case infinite energy is possible, although it will cost quite a lot of money."

"Creating a kingdom... I think there will be turbulent times ahead for our people."

"It will be, after all a war with the United States is almost certain, they will never leave us the ground without a fight" Turning his gaze to the distance, Christian continued "Not to mention that I still have to plan the whole financial system... how I will manage the economy in my kingdom, how I will manage the local businesses and everything necessary for the citizens... health, education, defense, trade... many areas to fill and so far I haven\'t even started looking for personnel".

"And what are you waiting for?"

"I need to have something that will convince competent people" Sighing, Christian continued "Even if I have a lot of money, true talents will not be easily tempted, much less by something as risky as a new kingdom destined for war against the colossal United States"

"So now your plan is nothing more than an empty shell..."

"Little by little everything is taking shape" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "Once we have the necessary technology to tempt these people, it won\'t be difficult to put everything in motion."

"And what about your citizens?"

"There are always honest people dissatisfied with their countries... fed up with crime, fed up with corruption, fed up with mediocrity... I\'m sure that once we accomplish what I have planned, the applications for citizenship will not be few."

"..." Staring at Christian in silence for a few seconds, Wrath finally shrugged and leaned back in her chair lazily "Anyway, that\'ll be Envy\'s and your job, I\'m not smart enough to handle that shit."

Chuckling, Christian commented "Have you thought about what position you\'ll want in my kingdom?"

Raising her eyebrows, Wrath asked "Will you give me a position?"

"Envy will be the minister of intelligence, Pride will be the minister of internal security, the shield of the kingdom... at least that\'s what I plan, as for the others... I really have to think about everything" Laughing bitterly, Christian continued "Lust, Greed, Gluttony and Sloth... really all those bitches have problematic personalities and I wouldn\'t know what positions to give them... maybe Gluttony will be in charge of weapons projects in the area of explosives, as for Greed... *Sigh* That bitch is hard to deal with."

"Lust and Sloth are no different... it\'s a miracle Sloth gets out of her own damn house, and with Lust... it\'d be a miracle if she doesn\'t get some sexual harassment complaint."

Chuckling, Wrath commented "If you don\'t want your new kingdom to fall, keep those bitches as far away from positions of authority as possible."

"And you? You\'re not much different from those troublesome bitches" With a mocking face, Christian thought for a few seconds and continued "But... I plan to open a military school in my kingdom where all the students will be taught to fight... you could be an instructor, are you interested?"

"Teach snot?" With a displeased face, Wrath waved her hand and replied "I\'d rather go rot with Sloth."

"We\'ll find something for you" Laughing, Christian replied.

"What are you doing today?"

"Mmmm... I was planning to go out and tour the town... but I don\'t think it\'s a good idea after what happened yesterday... fuck" Rubbing his hair, Christian continued "You don\'t know how frustrated I feel with this shit, I really have a strong urge to go to China and kill all those bastards today".

"Heh, what\'s gotten into you lately? You used to be calmer in these kinds of situations" Chuckling, Wrath continued "In the army you never lost your temper like you do now"

"Situations changed" Smiling bitterly, Christian thought \'Back then I didn\'t have a little daughter... I don\'t want to waste my time in this damn place when my little girl\'s childhood passes quickly while I\'m missing it\'.

Looking at Christian\'s face, Wrath was silent for a few seconds and sighed "You\'ve changed quite a bit from the way you were in the army."


"You don\'t look as empty as you did back then... now you radiate a great vitality and you almost always smile... back then you used to sigh every hour and always had an expressionless face... I\'m glad to see you like this..." Smiling slightly, Wrath looked sideways and continued "I would never have thought to see you with a smile like the one you have now... just as I would never have thought that we could have formed an organization like this one".

"Just think about it, let\'s take Japan as an example..." Turning to look at Christian, Wrath continued "It wouldn\'t be an exaggeration to say that we could drive that country into misery with almost no effort. Collapse their banking systems with the blink of an eye, kill all the politicians with less than a month\'s planning, cause riots easily with another month\'s work."

"Cut off supplies, pollute waters, induce chaos..." With an indifferent face, Wrath continued "I\'m 100% sure we could cause the fall of Japan in less than 4 months and none of our people would be affected... no one knows us, no one knows how we act, no one knows our reach..."

"And as if you felt that wasn\'t enough... you set up your crazy plan to create a nation... declare war on the United States... build a bigger army... and search for technologies that could break the balance of the world" Laughing with a strange smile, Wrath continued "Recruit orphans, expand the army, ally with mafias and in the future form treaties with countries... if you know that our army already exceeds 5000 people, don\'t you?"


"We managed to create this in just a year... a while ago we were just simple renegade soldiers of the US army... how fucking crazy" Patting Christian\'s shoulder, Wrath continued with a big smile "Stop being so uptight, we are not such weak shits as you make it out to be. Yes, we\'re nothing compared to countries or those old families, but we\'re also not so easily intimidated that they dare act brazenly against us."

"Those damn Chinese will have no choice but to grit their teeth and accept whatever deal Envy offers, those mercenary bastards who dared show their teeth will have to watch bitterly as everything they built fell in less than a day... just wait a few days and all this shit will be back to peace."

"..." Raising his eyebrows at seeing such an uncommon facet in Wrath, Christian chuckled and commented "Envy asked you to say that?"

Shrugging, Wrath replied "She saw it coming that you were going to get impatient, she asked me to keep an eye on you so as to prevent a nuclear catastrophe in China."

Laughing, Christian commented "How did she know I wanted to start a nuclear catastrophe?"

"You are so fucking crazy, anyone who knew you would have seen it coming" Laughing while looking at Christian with disdain, Wrath continued "We were watching each other\'s backs in the military for almost a year, we personally saw your descent into madness and how bloody minded you become when you lose your patience."

"That\'s not something you should say to a man~" Fluttering his eyelashes tenderly, Christian smiled sheepishly.

"It gives me chills to see you talk like that" Trembling slightly while hugging her body, Wrath continued with a disgusted face "Please don\'t do that again, I\'ll really puke"

"Tsk, you fucking bitch" Recovering his annoyed face, Christian sighed and continued "But it\'s okay, I would never ruin our plans... I just vent my frustration every chance I get to avoid being blinded"

"I don\'t believe you at all" Looking at Christian with a face full of suspicion, Wrath continued "I\'m 100% sure that if I brought you to this place some of those people who played the prank on you the night before, you would tear them apart with your bare hands."

Frowning slightly, Christian asked with some discomfort "Do they really see me like that?"

"What, you don\'t realize?" Raising her eyebrows quizzically, Wrath continued, "Don\'t you remember how crazy you got with the Taliban in the army? They didn\'t fear us just for killing them, but for how we did things."

"The Taliban..." Remembering the amount of blood spilled, Christian scratched his head and sighed "I wasn\'t very well mentally at the time..."

"That\'s what I\'m getting at.... you look nice and calm now, but when you lose your temper... you become a dangerous bastard."

"..." Lowering his gaze, Christian watched his hands as bitterness flashed through his eyes.

How could he not remember everything he had done in this life?

He remembers every little thing about his actions, the warmth of the blood, the look those people had before they died, how excited he got to feel, how angry he got to feel, how regretful he felt every night.

Christian, as always, is a mess of uncontrollable emotions, to such an extent that he doesn\'t even recognize himself in many occasions.

Because even though he committed atrocities with people he considered enemies, his heart can\'t help but ache and flood with regret every time he takes a life.

But the most frustrating thing for him is not the taking of life itself, but the fact that he gets to feel that way about something that his brain knows perfectly well is the right thing to do.

Christian wouldn\'t think twice about killing someone he doesn\'t know in order to keep his loved ones free of any risk.

In situations like that, he won\'t judge whether the person deserves to die or not based on their personality, hero or villain, nothing matters. If you put his loved ones at risk, he must die, simple as that.

But even though his brain tells him that this is the right thing to do and Christian does it without hesitation, the regret that follows is something that unfortunately he cannot avoid, no matter how hard he tries to get used to it.

It is something that is completely out of his control and many times Christian came to feel on the verge of collapse.

Because no matter how many atrocities he commits, Christian knows deep down that it\'s not what he wants.

His only plan in life has always been to be happy with his family and nothing else.

He never wanted to be the richest man in the world, he never wanted to build an army of his own, much less perhaps have to kill so many people or cause so much suffering.

But unfortunately life pushed him into a position he never asked for, but needed.

"What a load of crap..." Sighing with resignation, Christian turned his gaze to Wrath and commented "Today we\'ll rest, tomorrow early I\'ll go to the filming set and hope everything goes smoothly... I\'m entrusting you with the security of this place."



Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown

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