
Chapter 237 Returning

"I\'m late..."

Opening the door to the mansion, Christian calmly enters and walks into the living room, only to see the red-haired woman sitting watching television and sit down next to him.


Suddenly taking the woman\'s head, Christian lays her down on the couch and rests her head on his thighs, then stares into her face "My dear Wrath, how are you?"

"..." Staring at the man\'s face, Wrath sighs and doesn\'t try to resist "What do you want?"

Gently caressing the woman\'s cheek, Christian whispered softly "I heard you killed the woman who stole your man."

Frowning slightly, Wrath averted his gaze and whispered "If you want to punish me, I\'ll accept it in silence."

"Why would I punish you, she\'s just another bitch~" Bringing his face closer, Christian takes Wrath\'s face and forces her to look at him "But I told you to talk to me if you ever feel overwhelmed with your emotions, I really care about you and I don\'t like to see you so depressed~"

"..." Watching the warm eyes on her, Wrath bites her lips softly and forces her neck to dodge the gaze.

"*Sigh* What a stubborn girl..." Shaking his head, Christian gently caresses the woman\'s face and whispers "I would like you to confess me your thoughts and your feelings... we have lived moments of life and death together, we have been together for more than a year and it hurts me to see that you don\'t trust me..."

"I-it\'s not that I don\'t trust you... I just find it hard to talk, it\'s not that I don\'t want to" Turning even more, Wrath hid her face and whispered softly.

"..." Noticing Wrath\'s flushed ears, Christian smiled softly, then gently shifted and lay down on the couch behind the woman.

Hugging her gently, Christian pressed his body with Wrath\'s and pulled her to him, then brought his face close to her ear and whispered "It\'s okay, if you\'ll eventually learn how to do it, for now let\'s just relax and watch TV~"


Shrinking into Christian\'s embrace, Wrath shook her head and hid her flushed face with her crimson hair, silently enjoying the small occasion.


The next day and early in the morning, Christian gathered his girls and gave his first orders.

"For starters, I will say that Sloth is on vacation, everyone knows that moving that lazy ass of her for a year was already a miracle" Looking at all the girls in their dark military clothes, Christian continued "But today we will do our first mission as an organization, since I am the leader I will execute it myself".

"What mission will it be?" fiddling with the sand, Envy asked.

"Something small, there is a certain billionaire in this country who has a certain taste for the extraneous, she personally indebts ordinary women and then pressures them to the point where she forces the husbands of these women to have sex with her."

Frowning slightly, Pride asked "You say that as if they were numerous victims?"

"78 as of yesterday"

"How come the police don\'t catch her?"

"Pride, honey, do you really trust the police?" chuckling lightly, Christian continued "This woman is in Washington, she has a lot of influence among the \'Elite\' people and she only picks weak prey, people deep in debt, people with prior records or very poor people, this woman is not stupid."

"Why did you choose this mission?" looking at Christian with a thoughtful face, Envy asked.

"As sharp as ever" Smiling slightly, Christian walked over to the sand and drew with his foot "I\'ll leave a mark at the murder scene along with the recordings and evidence of her crimes, send anonymous copies to reporters and leave this logo marked in blood on this woman\'s house."

"That logo..." Looking closely at the drawing on the floor, Envy looked at Christian and asked "Isn\'t it too obvious that it\'s you?"

The logo that Christian drew is a pentagram with an eye in the center, no more and no less, but almost everyone knows that the Grey family\'s corporate logo is a purple eye, connecting these two eyes is so simple even for a child.

"That\'s what I want" Increasing his smile, Christian stared at his girls "This murder was me, the evidence of corruption was given by me."

"I want to make it clear to this fucking Elite that Lucifer Morningstar is back and this time he will show no mercy like Christian Grey did!"

"Stop your bullshit or die, no in-between!"

"Won\'t this get you in trouble with the police or the FBI?" looking at Christian doubtfully, Envy asked.

"They might get suspicious, but what will they do without proof?" erasing the mark in the sand, Christian continued "I\'ll do the first mission, but I\'ll give another 5 missions around the country, then open up another 10 missions in other states, and then we\'ll have another 20 missions around the rest of the country, I\'ll make them have so much in their mouths they\'ll end up with their jaws broken"

"I see..." Nodding with a small smile, Envy spoke "You want everyone to know that you are a threat, you want everyone to know that you are fearless and will not hesitate to spill blood."

"As sharp as ever" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian continued "This mission you will also participate, take your suits and your masks, we will transmit everything to our recruits on your cell phones"

"So it\'s all going to start at last!" With a big smile, Greed exclaimed with excitement.

"Take a handful of recruits and head to the place I\'ll designate for you, I\'ll arrive in the evening and we\'ll start the mission."

"How many people?"

"I already took care of dividing all our people into diverse teams, we will have 50 people in Washington, take them all, the names are in your cell phones, you can notify them through the system."

"Then we\'ll be on our way, I can\'t wait for the blood!" Rising quickly, Greed patted Lust\'s shoulder and smiled "I bet $1 million I kill more people than you!"

"Fucking cocky bitch!"

Shaking his head, Christian turned and looked out to sea "My little girl... your father is entering the board... I\'m no longer a pawn... is it the right thing to do?"


"Daddy..." Hugging Christian\'s neck, Helen stared at the big plane in front of her.

"This is our plane sweetie, when you grow up daddy will give you one just for you" Kissing his daughter\'s chubby cheek, Christian nods towards the drivers of the private jet and climbs in with his little girl.

Looking at Christian\'s back, Emily smiled softly and followed him, as Sarah and Leslie handed the bags to the flight attendants.

Entering the jet, Christian walks down the aisles and arrives in the main lounge, then sits down on the couch with his baby girl in his arms.

Raising her little head, Helen looks all over the place with curious eyes, while her chubby arms never let go of Christian\'s neck.

"Daddy..." Suddenly opening her mouth, Helen stares at Christian.

"What\'s wrong my girl?" looking at his little girl\'s toothless mouth, Christian walks over and carefully looks at her gums, then smiles as he sees a small fang peeking out "Hahaha, my girl is already growing teeth~"

Getting up, Christian walks over to the small white backpack and begins to look through its contents, then pulls out a special rubber toy for Helen to chew on.

"Here, I know when your teeth grow in it hurts a little, this will help."

"Daddy..." Looking curiously at the purple toy, Helen lets go of Christian\'s neck and takes it between her little hands, then brings it to her mouth and bites it gently.

"Are you sure she can\'t talk? She always seems to understand everything to Christian" Sitting on the front couch, Sarah whispers in Elisa\'s ear.

"*Sigh* They must have some kind of special connection, he\'s the only one who can talk to her" With a bittersweet smile, Elisa continued "But I\'m glad she can communicate with someone, it would be worrying not having Christian to be able to communicate with my little girl."

"Christian, where will we go now?" turning on the television, Emily asked.

"To New York, my mother is staying there, I want her to see Helen..... although first I will pass to Washington, I have some business to attend to, but I would arrive in the evening without problems" Turning to Elisa, Christian continued "You will go to our building and you can stay on the top floor, I have bed, kitchen and everything you need... we will be in New York for a few days and then we can go back to Malibu"

"Christian, we have to register Helen, she doesn\'t even legally exist in this country."

"I already took care of that" Stretching out his hand, Christian grabs his bag and opens it, then pulls out a folder and tosses it on Elisa\'s couch.

Taking the folder with arched eyebrows, Elisa opens it and looks at the papers "Helen Jones, born in New york, 8 months old... legal guardians, Sarah Jones, Elisa Jones..."

"I didn\'t register as a parent for now, I have to arrange certain situations first and it would be a danger to have Helen connected to me."

"..." Gently biting her lips, Elisa nodded "I was just worried in case the police stopped us or something similar, they might say we stole Helen or something..."

"That\'s okay, although I\'m not worried about the police, it\'s not too much to have the protection" Lowering his gaze to the little girl leaning against his chest, Christian smiled softly and began rubbing her small belly.

Lifting his gaze, Christian stared at Elisa\'s face and sighed "Honey, you know how much I love Helen, although I never minded showing something to others, Helen is my daughter and I would like everyone to know it, but for now I can\'t... I have a lot to do and obviously there will be people with bad intentions... give me 3 years and I will have everything solved, in 3 years I myself will make everyone recognize my little girl as Christian Grey\'s daughter."

"Okay, that\'s not what I\'m thinking..." Smiling bitterly, Elisa continued "I\'m just worried about the fact that you\'ll be going out again for a long time and you know perfectly well that Helen needs you with her... she won\'t close an eye if you\'re not by her side, she refuses to eat if you don\'t accompany her... what will we do when you\'re not around?"

"..." Lowering his gaze in silence, Christian stared at the little girl in his arms, then sighed and scratched the back of his neck "I don\'t know... do you think video calls will work?"

"We\'d have to try..." Sighing, Elisa continues "Just don\'t disappear for so long... yes?"

"Don\'t worry, I couldn\'t live that long without my little girl either" Smiling slightly, Christian looked down and saw his little girl asleep still with her toy in her mouth, causing his heart to sweeten with tenderness at the sight of her.


[Selene Brown-POV]

[A/N: For those who forgot who this woman is, Selene is the one who starred in the last POV (Unknown-POV), the day they arrived at the island].

"So we are leaving in 5 days from this island".

Looking at the woman next to me, I nod calmly "What\'s your mission?"

"Set up in New York, team 20."

"I\'m going to Texas, team 34"

"What rank did they give you?"

"Rank C"

"I\'ve been asking around and all the people who got computers are C Rank, team leaders."

"It\'s a pretty weird system within an army" Nodding, I grab my cell phone and continue "From rank S to rank E, we all start with low rank and you can go up with missions accomplished... the more achievements, the more classified information you can get... supposedly people who achieve Rank S have a unique benefit but they don\'t say what it is and until some of us reach it, we won\'t know what they will give..."

"Also pay increases, I\'m making $23k when I was making $15k before."

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Hearing the notification on my cell phone, I frown slightly and turn my gaze towards the woman "Did you get the notification too?"

"Not just me, it seems like all of them" Pointing towards the women who started to pull out their cell phones, the woman answered me.

All of them?

How strange...



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