
Chapter 125 Team

"But it doesn\'t bother you? I\'m talking about getting the people in this place to escape. At least the women who spent time with me, because I\'m not interested in getting the people out who are still in the isolated cells"

"I already said I don\'t care, in fact, if it wasn\'t for you, I would have left this place quite some time ago, I was just passing through... but don\'t hurt the guards, they are good women"

"I never thought of doing that" Christian nodded, then took his gun from the box in front of him and started loading it "What am I supposed to do now?"

"I already made contact with the army. You will enter with the rank of sergeant; you will not be affiliated to any platoon and you will be able to put together a team of up to 12 people. You will meet with an old lady of rank Major; she will give you a list of people you can include in your team. Your missions will be varied and you will have the privilege to choose them, one day you can go to Africa, and another day you can be in Afghanistan, it all depends on the missions you choose"

"Well... I have a question; will I legally be out of prison? Because as far as I know, I need permission from my parents to enter the army as a minor, and I don\'t plan to tell mom about this".

"Legally you will be out of jail, but no one will know about it until I want them to, as for legal... that\'s not in my dictionary... have you talked to your lawyer yet?"

"Yes... I had a hard time convincing her to stop visiting me, but I convinced her completely when I told her I now had access to calls...are you sure I can have a phone in the military?"

"Normally you couldn\'t, but take this. It\'s satellite so you can call anywhere you want, just make sure you\'re in an area that doesn\'t have systems that prevent this" Pulling out a cell phone with black buttons, Dimitri tosses it to Christian "You can call as much as you want, but... are you sure you want to lie to your mother?"

"She\'ll die of a heart attack if she knows where I\'m going" With bitterness, Christian sighed and continued "So, even if I don\'t want to, I\'ll lie to her for now, when my time in the army is up, I\'ll tell her the truth"

"..." Shrugging his shoulders, Dimitri looks at Christian\'s suit "Are you wearing your gifts?"

"Yes" lifting his sleeves a little, Christian showed needles hidden in a small bracelet near his elbow, then lifting his leg and showing 4 knives "I have the needles and knives in different parts of my body as you taught me, I will leave the jewelry and the gifts of the inmates with you for now, in the army I can lose them"

Dimitri gave Christian 4 birthday gifts, 40 silver assassination needles, 20 small custom knives to throw, the jewelry and his gun.

​ "Well, if you lose them, don\'t worry, I can give you more" Smiling with satisfaction, Dimitri looked at the screens and sighed "The escort has arrived, they will take you to the airport and from there you will leave on a plane to Afghanistan. When you are there, you will be taken by the military to the base with this old lady, her name is Alexandra Walker, she is a friend of mine"

Nodding, Christian looks at the old man with suspicion and asks "By the way... how did you get me into the military?"

"A lot of people owe me favors. Your country commissioned me for a few assassinations" Shrugging, Dimitri walked over to Christian and sighed "Stand up"

Rising, Christian found himself enveloped in an embrace with Dimitri, something he received with a smile.

"Just don\'t die"

"I\'ll try"

Taking Christian\'s shoulders, Dimitri looks at him with a seriousness never seen before and says "I recommend you use your cold facade in the army, don\'t show emotions or you\'ll get eaten"

"You will also live through many stressful situations mentally, call me when you need to or call your mother, but never try to carry all that alone or you will break, understood?"

"Yes..." Taking a deep breath, Christian nodded.

"Now go, your transport is waiting for you" Smiling softly, Dimitri waved his hand.


Monday, June 26, 2017.

Military base, Herat, Afghanistan.

Sitting on the end of a wooden table inside a makeshift bunker, Christian stared at the reports with a frown.

Christian was dressed very differently than he used to, no suit, no inmate clothes, much less his pajamas. Today Christian was wearing a sand-colored military uniform with the U.S. insignia.

"This is chaos..." Showing no change of expressions, Christian looked at the old lady in front of him and said "5 major ethnic groups forming the Taliban, more than 40% of the country controlled by warlords, while the other 40% is taken by Taliban... big mountains and all of Indu Kush taken by Taliban... on the other hand, we have only 6 military bases in the country and a dozen other countries that are helping... the government of Afghanistan does not have a decent military force, hopefully, they defend their \'safe\' cities. Even those cities have many Taliban infiltrators that will not hesitate to shoot us if they see us"

"That\'s the situation, we can\'t do more" Looking at Christian with interest, Alexandra replied.

Putting the reports aside, Christian takes a large folder of papers and starts to read them silently one by one, so that after 40 minutes, he frowned "A lot of soldiers with bad personalities"

"These are the only soldiers not currently in platoons, we can\'t just disassemble teams out of thin air"

Looking at the papers, Christian looks for a specific one and pulls it out "Rias White, 27-year-old female, close accuracy expert. It says here that she has incredible shooting skills with automatic weapons and pistols, her skills are incredible, but she is up for expulsion for her behavior... I don\'t quite understand why It is said that she harasses male soldiers constantly, to the point that she even harasses people who much higher rank than her.... wasn\'t it easier to add her to a team of women and keep them away from men? Is there any reason for her imminent expulsion?"

"Rias... that woman" With a tired sigh, the old woman continued "She not only sexually harasses men, but women... she is a total pervert that we can\'t keep in the army"

"..." Looking at the paper\'s face, Christian noticed that even her smile was extremely vulgar "Well, she\'s the first one I\'ll bring in"

"Are you sure? She\'s dangerous, the old man would kill me if anything happens to you" Nervously, Alexandra asked.

If her people saw the nervousness in Alexandra, they would be surprised to see the strict woman showing those expressions that seemed to be impossible for her.

"Okay, if I can\'t control a woman who can\'t keep her hands to herself, I would be ashamed to say I learned from the old man" Leaving the paper on the table, Christian took out another paper from the folder "Kyra Hall, 28 years old, an expert in combat with bladed weapons, has great shooting skills with semi-automatic weapons, has done several missions, serious behavior... she is about to be discharged, insulted her superiors and refuses to follow orders"

"Kyra, she\'s a great soldier, but she\'s very arrogant, never could work in a team, no matter how hard we tried to fix it"

"Well, she\'s the second one" Putting the paper aside, Christian takes another one out of the folder "Susan Harris, 26 years old, expert in close combat, has very good reactions at close range, weapon of choice shotguns. Has missile launcher skills, never missed an opportunity... extremely aggressive"

"She beat up a sergeant just being a recruit, all because she spoke to her with a very high tone of voice, at least those were her words" Alexandra added bitterly, knowing that such good soldiers have an uncontrollable personality, automatically transforming them into waste.

"I want her too" Pulling out another piece of paper, Christian read it "Tracy Cooper, 29 years old, expert sniper, with a record distance of 3000 meters in full attack.... several missions completed... thief?"

"Yes... she was one of our best snipers, but she steals everything she sees, even from her teammates, no matter if they are alive or dead... watches, guns, necklaces, even weapons... if she likes something, she steals it... we couldn\'t keep her on a team, no one wants to work with her"

"Good, I love her" Pulling out another piece of paper, Christian continues "Margaret Lewis, 26 years old, great intelligence and knows how to plan missions without any problem, she was the leader of her team, she has skills with several types of weapons... automatic weapons, pistols, shotguns, snipers... but she was kicked out of her own team for... being too lazy?"

"Margaret, the one it hurts me the most to have to take out" Feeling increasingly tired, Alexandra continued "That woman fell asleep on a mission prepared months in advance, in the end, the mission ended up being thwarted because of her... She had a lot of complaints about her team, she didn\'t prepare her weapons, she always complained about everything... the worst thing is that when I threatened to expel her, she was happy"

"I like her, I\'ll bring her in too" Pulling out another piece of paper, Christian continued "Joanne Scott, 30 years old, explosives expert, can prepare explosives with anything she sees, has general knowledge with automatic weapons and pistols...she was going to be discharged as soon as tomorrow, but it doesn\'t say why, what happened?"

"We found her eating the corpse of a person she killed" With a serious face, Alexandra continued "I really prefer that you don\'t work with this woman, she has more of a terrorist profile than a soldier"

"I like her, let\'s leave her" Without caring about the warning, Christian took out another piece of paper. "Samantha Carter, 29 years old, expert in infiltration, speaks the local language, favorite weapon type the submachine gun.... has a lot of emotional intelligence... she will be discharged but also doesn\'t say why"

"Manipulates everyone around her, has the profile of a psychopath, but the reason for the expulsion is that she planned the death of her team leader, according to the person who did her therapy, she only planned his death because she wanted her place"

"Well... I\'ll take her too" With a bit of hesitation, Christian accepted, then frowned and remembered all the other profiles, without finding anything that caught his attention "These people I want, I don\'t need any more burdens"

"Only 7? You can choose up to 12 people if you want"

"7 is enough. The other people are regulars, they are not experts in any field and don\'t have any qualities that make them stand out, I don\'t want robots"

"As you wish, let me know when you are ready for missions, I will give the order to bring your team together, in 5 minutes they will be present outside" Getting up, Alexandra put on her military cap and left the room.

Looking at the place with nothing but the table in the center, Christian sighed and stood up, then walked out and walked.

"Sergeant!" Walking out, Christian was instantly greeted by two women in military uniform.

"At ease" Nodding, Christian walked calmly through the place, oblivious to the piercing gaze of the two women.

Walking through the place, Christian reached the exit and an embracing sun shone down on him.

Women were running, military vehicles were in constant motion, and thick concrete walls surrounded the whole place.

With their hands behind their backs, Christian attentively observed every movement of the place, while his body was constantly watched by hundreds of embracing gazes.

"Reporting!" a shout sounded from Christian\'s side, causing him to turn his gaze.

"Sergeant, these are the people I\'m sending for!" With a straight back, a woman exclaimed, as 7 women stood behind her, watching Christian with different looks.

"Thank you, you are dismissed" Feeling a little uncomfortable with so much shouting, Christian nodded towards the woman, then looked at his new team.

Stepping towards them, Christian gave them a quick glance and turned around "Follow me"

"..." Looking at each other, they simply followed his footsteps in silence.


Edited By: Joy_a

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