
Chapter 93 You Are Important

"The first time I discovered it was when my father was there... I lost control and somehow all my sight turned violet, like my eyes."


"When that happens my logic processing becomes at least 10 times faster, my strength somehow goes up and my reflexes become far superior... but when I used it that time, I ended up in a coma... as I keep my memories, I know I damaged my whole body, since at that moment my whole body stopped working automatically and apparently I had to focus on every little part of my body, blood, emotions, nervous system, adrenaline, among other things... all made worse by explosive emotions"


"The second time was a few days ago, when they tried to kidnap us... I didn\'t have to control everything automatically, plus my brain had more mathematical and biological knowledge, I knew exactly where to attack to make it deadly and what degree I should use to hit the bullet with my flaws like lack of strength for example... plus this second time, I had no feelings and didn\'t feel the adrenaline thrill, just a coldness that causes me to shiver every time I remember"


"I felt like a robot.... my only goal was to take care of my brothers and it didn\'t matter what else... I just shot and shot... when I was shot my emotions had already returned, but the ability suddenly came back when I was about to pass out, it gave me strength to move and shoot at the police"


"But I\'ll tell you a secret..." Without blinking, Christian looked at Leslie "I didn\'t feel bad for killing those people... I felt bad for not feeling anything, I felt like a monster..."

"It\'s normal" Finally Leslie spoke "People usually exaggerate what it must feel like to kill someone, most people who feel something is because of how much they have heard about how ugly it is to kill or similar things... the truth is that you rarely feel something when killing, and in general if you feel something, it\'s what happens to you, feeling bad for not feeling anything as it should be according to other people... what I\'m trying to say is that everything you feel at that moment or we should feel, is something that was established by third parties and not something completely real."


"Just that, you kill and a person dies, there\'s no more for it..... no hell, no heaven, just the end" Leslie replied monotonously.

"Leslie... I think you\'re wrong."

"About what?"

"In what you come after" Looking at Leslie seriously, Christian spoke "When I was in a coma...I think I was in hell"

"...?" Raising her eyebrows, Leslie looks at the boy doubtfully.

"I\'m not kidding... I saw hell, a palace, many strange beings and a throne of a colossal size that surpassed my vision."

"And what happened?" knowing the child is not one for lies, Leslie asks with genuine curiosity.

"When I arrived I was with something like a blanket that I used to wrap around my naked body, I walked through a gloomy dark and foggy forest..."


"As I was walking I heard a man singing, so I approached with curiosity."


"Turns out the man knew I was coming, and showed me pictures of what was going on with you while I slept... I saw mom screaming as she looked at me on the gurney, there was Sarah and Aunt Sara affirming her to keep her away from me."


"It also showed me what would happen if I did what I did... the direct attack on those women" Without blinking an eye at any point, Christian spoke "I saw different paths.... Hailie dead along with Alan, Alan being raped, and Hailie in school.... I won\'t say more because they frustrate me... in short, according to the man... what I did was the best path I had in that situation."

"Who was that man? Lucifer?"

"I don\'t think so... the man didn\'t seem to own the place... but he did tell me a lot of things that left me with a lot of doubts."

"What things?"

"The man said there are more universes, but in this universe no human has ever entered angel heaven."

Frowning, Leslie asks "None?"

"No... but he told me that hell has its own heaven for good people, so I shouldn\'t worry."

"A heaven in hell?" asked Leslie quizzically.

"Exactly... the funny thing is what the man told me... hell is a planet the size of a medium sized galaxy, it even had a dark sky... although I didn\'t see any stars."


"He also told me that we all reincarnate, but he didn\'t tell me more... whenever I had a fundamental question he told me that he couldn\'t say more... he always talked about how human beings are a limited race and that they won\'t be able to understand those things... practically a child of any other race could understand everything, but humans could not... that humans were made with those limitations, no matter the intelligence"


"You know the funny thing? Is that I saw the demonic language and the language of the angels... according to the man that language is the universal one... it was the first language to be created and a language that is in all the universes... the man said it was created by the person who leads the angels, but it is also used by the people of hell and they share the language... it is funny if you think that the demonic language is seen as something forbidden to the church and it turns out that it is the same language as the beings they worship."


"I also saw demons... they had terrifying shapes and forms, but according to the man it\'s not their true form... and that what I saw is a kind of limitation on humans, creating within our mind the most terrifying figure we can imagine, thus preventing us from engaging in conversations with other beings... there were people shaped like flies, people that looked like pieces of meat with limbs with eyes and organs hanging off... it was scary shit."


"All in all, it turned out to be pretty funny stuff if I put my fear aside... it all ended with a person I think I know attacking the man and me being ejected back to reality... my body quickly regenerated and I survived" Getting up from the tub, Christian shows his naked torso to Leslie "I don\'t have any scars, I just have pains in the places I was shot.... but other than that I somehow made a full recovery in 4 days."

"..." Processing everything quickly, Leslie looks at the boy and sighs "When you told me you wanted to tell me your secrets I was thinking other things, like you eat candy behind your mother\'s back, or something more extreme like you smoke, but... all this is something I never expected"

"I need you to know this, because there will be situations where you will have to jump to conclusions with this in mind... just keep in mind that, if I tell you that someone is lying to us, it\'s because it\'s 100% real... and if at any point my life is in danger, there\'s a chance I can act quickly, so don\'t sacrifice yourself in silly situations, because I know you."

Scratching her head, Leslie speaks "It\'s all so complicated..."

"Don\'t tell me, it took me weeks to get used to it... there are also certain things, I can hear everything from a radius of 15 meters, no matter if there are walls or not... outside of that my hearing is dimming... I can also detect smells from far away, at the same time recognize smells of people... for example you used to smell of cigarettes all the time, but now that you spend the day with me, you have my scent impregnated in your body."

"..." Raising her arm, Leslie sniffs.

"That guy I killed, my babysitter... he really sucked, I felt like 8 different scents on him, the weirdest thing is that I felt both male and female scents... I think the guy was bisexual."

Opening her eyes a little wider, Leslie speaks "You can feel that too? How do you know if they\'re male or female?"

"Men stink, women stink too, but they have a unique smell that somehow attracts me, but since I started experimenting, no one has the same smell... in general I\'m like an animal that marks all its people with its smell, and unfamiliar smells I can detect them easily. .. I can also detect how close one person was with another... for example if someone hugs you, their smell on your body will be much stronger, on the other hand if someone just passes by you or greets you with a handshake, the smell will be there, but it will be vague and almost unnoticeable... plus the scent will quickly leave your body."

"Those are amazing abilities..." Leslie murmured "Do you know how you got them?"

"I\'ve had them since I was born... I just discover them over time or they appear... I don\'t know where they come from, but in the future I will investigate and see if I can replicate them."

"Have you discovered anything with these abilities? Anything interesting?" Curious, Leslie asked.

"Have you heard of Uncle Jayden?"

"Sara\'s husband?"

"Yes, when we first met I found out he cheated on Aunt Sara...I don\'t know who with or when, but she said she would never cheat on Aunt and I felt the lie...it was that day I found out about this ability."

"Wow... you didn\'t tell your aunt?"

"No... I don\'t know how to tell her and over time I let it go... but in a few days they will come, I want to sniff the man... if he has strong smells, it\'s because he is still cheating on her... it\'s complicated, because Jayden really loves her, I proved it with my ability, but... he cheats on her"

"Adult relationships are complicated..." Leslie nodded "You should talk to your mother about that..."

"I\'ll see about that in the future" Getting up again in the tub, Christian looks at Leslie and smiles as he stretches his arms out to the sides "Will you dry me off?"

Nodding, Leslie takes the towel and approaches the boy, then begins drying his hair carefully.

"Gently dry my chest, I\'m still in a lot of pain."

"Understood" Nodding, Leslie moves on to drying the child\'s neck.

Finishing with the entire top, Leslie stopped at the waist and looked at Christian.

"Just continue."

Nodding, Leslie carefully ran the towel over the boy\'s member, then continued with the rest and carefully removed him from the shower.

"Take me to bed, I\'ll get dressed there."

With the boy dry, Leslie takes him princess-like and lays him on the bed, then takes the pajamas and helps put them on, leaving Christian with a relaxed sigh as he looks up at the ceiling.

"Leslie... if I ever do something you don\'t like, tell me and if I can do it, I\'ll stop... when I say I care about you, I mean it from my heart... even more so with what we talked about today, I see you as someone very important to my life and my mental health"

"..." Looking gently at the boy for a few seconds, Leslie walks to the bathroom and wipes the floor, then drops the towel in the basket and stands next to the boy.

"Leslie...what kind of man do you like?"

"I don\'t know, I\'ve never had a boyfriend."

"You\'re almost 30 and you\'ve never had a boyfriend?"

"In school I wasn\'t very popular, then I went into the military and didn\'t think about those situations...and lately I didn\'t think about anything to do with feelings until I met you"

"You can be so good with words, I feel my heart racing" Smiling with amusement, Christian winked at the woman, receiving only a bored look from her.

"Don\'t you look at men on the street? Any specific ones that catch your eye?"


"Come on, don\'t be shy, I just want to know."

"I just think about work, I don\'t have time to go around spying on men on the street" Leslie replied monotonously.

"*Sigh* You\'re back to being your usual boring self" Leaning back again, Christian pursed his lips "I\'m bored..."


"Leslie, lie down on the bed."

"..." Turning to the boy, Leslie lay back down and looked up at the ceiling in boredom.

Crawling towards Leslie\'s head, Christian sat up and rested the woman\'s head on his thighs, looking directly into her blue eye.

"You\'re very beautiful Leslie."


"Do you want me to sing to you?"

"If that\'s what you want."

"What kind of song do you like?"

"None specific..."

Pursing his lips, Christian looks at the dark circles and tiredness on Leslie\'s face and smiles "I\'ll sing to you in German, enjoy because it\'s the first time I sing in another language."


Taking a deep breath, Christian begins to sing while caressing Leslie\'s face.

"♪ Schlaf ein, schlaf ein, schlaf ein, schlaf ein

Du gähnst schon, komm, kuschel dich ein

Ich sing dir noch ein Lied

Ich freu mich so, dass es dich gibt ♪

(♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep,

You\'re already yawning! Come, I\'ll cuddle you up.

I\'ll sing you another song,

I\'m so glad that you are here! ♪)

[A/N: The original song will be in this section, I didn\'t find any video with English subtitles, so I\'ll leave you also the link to the Google translation along with the original video].

"♪ Ich wünsch dir noch eine Gute Nacht

Wir sehen uns, wenn wieder die Sonne lacht

Schlaf ein, schlaf ein, schlaf ein

Wir lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein

Wir lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein

Wir lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein

Schlaf jetzt ein

Schlaf jetzt ein

Schlaf jetzt ein

Schlaf ein ♪"

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