
Chapter 71 Grateful

In short, Christian, who never trained, managed to defend himself and erase the fear just by his emotion, managing to land a blow on the man\'s face after dodging the knife.

\'That thrill... I never felt it again after that... until now.\'

Closing his eyes ecstatically, Christian opens them again and laughs "Hahaha~"

Looking at the boy quizzically, Elisa turns to Sarah "What\'s wrong with him?"

"I told you this kid was crazy."

Still, with a big smile, Christian puts the guitar aside and looks at Elisa "Repeat what I am about to show you."

Approaching the small table in front of the sofa, Christian began to hit it in a rhythm quite peculiar and familiar in his old world.

*Pa* *Pa*


"Repeat that, beat, beat, clap" Smiling, Christian began to carry the rhythm, while Elisa hesitantly, left the cell phone recording on the couch and sat down on the floor to start repeating the sound.

"Good, good, perfect!" Christian exclaimed, feeling his blood flow with excitement as he bobbed his head to the beat.

"♪ Buddy, you\'re a woman, make a big noise.

Playing in the street, gonna be a big woman someday ♪"

Jumping onto a nearby chair, Christian climbed onto the head table and began to sing with glee, moving slowly toward Sarah.

"♪ You got mud on your face, you big disgrace

Kicking your can all over the place, singin\'♪"

"♪ We will, we will rock you

We will, we will rock you ♪"

Stretching out his finger to point at Sarah, Christian continued to sing, as he slowly moved closer to her.

Elisa\'s beats were getting more and more excited and louder, perfectly accompanying the melody of the song.

"♪ Buddy, you\'re a young woman, hard woman

Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday ♪"

With a nimble hop, Christian arrives in front of the kitchen table and hops on top of it facing Sarah with a smil as she looked at the boy with arched eyebrows.

Moving around the table following the rhythm, Christian sang with passion and joy, while Elisa just laughed in the background.

"♪ We will, we will rock you, yeah, yeah, come on

We will, we will rock you, alright, louder!

We will, we will rock you, one more time

We will, we will rock you

Yeah ♪"

Looking at the boy, Elisa laughed softly "Haha~ that was great!"

"Catch me!" Still in excitement, Christian jumped towards Sarah, not caring about the distance between them.

Eyes widening, Sarah quickly ran over and grabbed the boy, while Christian just laughed "Hahaha~ I knew you\'d catch me!"

"Damn, you\'re fucking crazy!" Sarah exclaimed in annoyance "You could have killed yourself!"

"But I\'m alive, aren\'t I?" A little calmer, Christian asserts himself by the collar, and Sarah smiles.

Sarah tries to stay angry, but seeing the boy\'s happy expression, she fails, drawing a tired sigh from her "*Sigh* You will be my undoing child, I rue the day I met you."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll remember it fondly for both of us" Christian smiled happily, then put his finger to his lips "How long have we been in this friendship? 2 years?"

"We\'re not friends!"

"Oh, I forgot it\'s our first date, we\'re more than friends" Christian nodded with an enlightened expression.

"Pfffffft~" Covering her mouth, Elisa couldn\'t resist laughing and burst out laughing "Hahahahahaha~"

Looking at Elisa with boredom, Sarah looks at Christian with a frown and speaks as she releases the boy, "Get off!"

"I refuse!" Christian exclaimed, hanging onto Sarah\'s neck as he wrapped his legs around the woman\'s waist.

"Get off me you fucking child!" shouted Sarah in annoyance, trying to pull Christian off.

"Never!" with a scream, Christian somehow managed to turn around and stay on Sarah\'s back, firmly clinging to the woman "Let\'s go for an adventure my faithful horse!"

"Damn it!" cried Sarah, awkwardly trying to get Christian off her back, as she scrambled all over the place.

"Easy mount of mine, you\'re in good hands!" holding on tightly, Christian gently stroked the woman\'s hair.

But as they struggled, Sarah tripped and fell to the ground landing on top of Christian, causing the boy to take the full impact on his thin back.

"Christian!" Startled, Elisa got up and ran to the boy.

But as if she didn\'t feel it, Christian shifted awkwardly and sat on the woman\'s stomach quickly "See? I told you everything would be okay."

"You okay!?" Sarah asked with concern, as she tried to get up.

"Relax, it\'s just a bump, I\'ve taken worse" With a big smile, Christian laid back on the woman\'s chest, leaving Sarah wide-eyed at his comments, knowing thanks to Christian\'s interview on TV that indeed the boy could have taken worse blows.

"You have pretty soft breasts Sarah" Rubbing lightly against her breasts, Christian spoke in a soothing voice.

"I force her to use cream every day" Being more relieved to see that Christian is okay, Elisa smiles and speaks.

"But I\'m not feeling her skin, I\'m just feeling them on top, the cream doesn\'t matter in that."

"Of course it matters, the cream gives elasticity to the skin, you should know that, right?" taking Christian\'s hand, Elisa continues "You have very soft and nice skin, what creams do you use?"

"I don\'t use anything" Shaking his head, Christian replies "I was born perfect".

"I don\'t believe you!" Elisa exclaimed, this time touching the skin on the boy\'s arm "It\'s impossible to have this skin without taking care of it, even children are not spared!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Christian smiles "I told you, I was born perfect!"

"How envious!" looking at the boy with pursed lips, Elisa speaks "I have to use Shampoo and soap without chemicals to avoid damaging my skin, I even use 5 different body creams depending on the weather"

"Why so much effort? I don\'t see the point"

"Of course it makes sense, we have to look beautiful" Elisa nodded wisely "Do you want me to do your makeup? You\'d look even prettier"

"No thanks" Shaking his head quickly, Christian moved a little further away from the woman, while Sarah looked up at the ceiling with vacant eyes, unfazed by being used as a chair by a child.

"Why not? You\'d really be even more beautiful!"

"I don\'t want to."

"Not a bit~?"


"As you wish" With a sad expression and slumping her shoulders, Elisa nods.

Looking at the breasts fluttering from Elisa\'s movements, Christian tilts his head and asks "Can I touch your breasts?"

"What for?" with confusion, Elisa asks.

"I don\'t know, I just want to see them...I see Mom\'s all the time, but I haven\'t seen any others in person."

Pursing her lips, Elisa nods, slowly lifting up her shirt, exposing her slim stomach while showing that underneath she\'s wearing a short wedgie that tightly squeezes her waist and butt.

"No, wait" Pulling down her shirt, Elisa squints at Sarah, who was looking at her sideways "Let\'s go to the bedroom, we have a pervert in this place."

"Go about your business, I won\'t see a thing!" Covering her eyes, Sarah speaks quickly


Snorting, Elisa stands up, takes Christian\'s hand, and speaks excitedly "Come on, I\'ll show you all my clothes, I even have men\'s clothes, but I don\'t think they\'ll fit you!"

Turning his head as he walks, Christian looks at Sarah with a smirk and speaks "Pervert!"

"..." Looking at the smirking boy, Sarah loses all the sparkle in her eyes, looking like a corpse instantly.

"Hehe~" Elisa smiled, then entered the room and locked it.

Looking around the place, Christian speaks "You have a pretty big and nice room."

The room is as big as Christian\'s whole house, it had a big Queen bed in the middle, a big TV in front of the bed, while on the left side you can see an open door, showing a big bathroom inside.

The most special thing is that the whole room was decorated with flowers, pictures, it even had Christmas-style lights on one wall, giving a nice atmosphere to the place.

(A/N: In this world, the biggest beds in standard is Queen, not King).

"Thank you~" Elisa smiled, then turned to a large closet taking up more than half of the room "Here are my clothes!"

"The closet is full?"


"That\'s a lot of clothes" Raising his eyebrows, Christian replied.

The closet is of the style that comes included with the house, where a large space on the wall is left empty and is covered by doors that move, but it\'s so big that even with a chair Christian wouldn\'t reach the top.

"We have to look spectacular at every turn Christian, don\'t you know?"

"I live alone with mom and my little brothers, I don\'t worry much about clothes" Sitting down on the bed, Christian looked curiously at the excited woman.

"No, no, no, no, that\'s wrong, you have a lot of potential in the fashion world!" Elisa exclaimed, quickly opening her closet and pulling out at least 10 different garments "I\'ll take care of introducing you to all this!"

"Mn!" Nodded Christian energetically, watching with a sly glare as the woman begins to remove her shirt \'I love this world more and more every day\'

Removing the long t-shirt, Elisa turns to Christian, revealing her large breasts pressing against her crimson bra.

"Will you help me take them off~?" sitting down next to Christian, Elisa smiles and speaks.

Swallowing saliva, Christian stretches his hands and nimbly pulls them off, having already practiced enough with his mother.

"Thank you~" Turning with a smile, Elisa looks at the boy and speaks "So? How\'s it going?"

Firming her breasts, Elisa squeezes them lightly "They\'re nice, aren\'t they?"

"Very nice" Christian nodded quickly, as he felt his mouth dry up little by little.

No doubt these breasts were the nicest Christian had seen so far. The size was much larger than his mother\'s, reaching \'F\' cup easily, even surpassing them with no problem. But it wasn\'t the size that left Christian with indecent thoughts, it was their shape and color.

Her breasts were perfectly round and erect, while her nipples were the most beautiful pink color Christian had ever seen in this life and the other, color that seemed to glow and at the same time gave the impression that, if you touched them, the nectar of the gods would come out.

"Do you like breasts?" tilting her head slightly, Elisa squeezed her breasts a little tighter and asked.

"I love them, I used to play with moms all the time...but now I have a lot of work and no time."

"How sad" Looking at the boy\'s sad face, Elisa thinks for a moment and smiles "If you want you can play with mine."

"Really!?" With a big childish smile, Christian looks straight into Elisa\'s eyes as they seemed to shine brightly.

"Of course I do~" Elisa smiled, releasing her breasts to then take Christian\'s hand and move it to her chest.

\'God, goddess, tooth fairy, Shrek, Lucifer.... thank you for this\' Praying happily, Christian makes all his effort not to show indecency in front of Elisa, feeling that today his body was acting extremely strange, as he hadn\'t felt lust since years ago on that special shower afternoon with his mother.

"Hahaha, that tickles me" Elisa giggled softly, as Christian enjoyed this whole moment from his heart, thanking the universe again for his perfect memory.

Christian does not know why, but in this world, he has met so many beautiful people by chance, that he doubts if he lives in reality.

From the world he comes from, he rarely gets to see a woman of this type, the kind of woman that would put magazine models to shame, but in this life everything is different, his mother is an example, Sarah, Elisa, even the Harvard psychologist, all exceptionally beautiful women and coincidentally to his taste.


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_

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