
Chapter 35 Darkness

A few minutes later and with a brow full of sweat, Eva arrived at the motel, heading quickly towards her room, meeting David, who stood with a worried look outside the door.

"Eva!" exclaimed David with relief.

"Did something else happen!" Eva asked quickly, as she reached into her pocket for her keys.

Biting his nails, David shook his head quickly "I don\'t know, I don\'t know what\'s going on inside!"

"Move aside" Eva whispered, bringing her trembling hand towards the door, as she tried to insert the key into the lock, failing a few times in the process.

"Shit!" Eva shouted in frustration, as she grabbed her right hand with her left and brought the key to the lock.


Removing the lock, Eva quickly opens the door, as worry already filled her entire mind.

*PA!* *PA!* *PA!* *PA!* *PA!

But what awaited them inside was something they never in their lives could have imagined.

There was Christian, sitting on Brayan\'s chest, punching the man again and again.

Blood covered his face, as his face split creepily and strangely.

Half of his face seemed to be smiling at what he was doing, while the other half was crying with obvious sadness.

As Ashley tried to pull him away from the man, desperately screaming in the process "CHRISTIAN PLEASE STOP!!!"


With a thud, David fell to the ground, apparently passed out from the shock, while Eve looked at everything in a daze as if she couldn\'t process what she\'s seeing.

*PA!* *PA!* *PA!* *PA!* *PA!* *PA!

But no matter how much force Ashley used, Christian was holding on tightly with his legs around Brayan\'s body, while the blows never stopped.

Blood splattered everywhere, Brayan didn\'t move an inch, while Ashley desperately tried to pull his brother off the man, though her muscles tensed to the extreme, she couldn\'t move him.

Turning her head upward, Ashley\'s eyes lit up at the sight of her mother "MOM HELP!!!"

Startled by the scream, Eva moved quickly to her son, gently taking him in her arms.


"Christian calm down... mommy is here" Eva whispered, hugging the boy tightly in her arms, as she tried to pull him away from Brayan.

As if listening to his words, Christian slowly stopped pounding, until he no longer moved and slowly let himself fall.

"M-mom..." Christian murmured, only to collapse in Eva\'s arms, causing the woman to despair.

Turning her head with concern, Eva grabbed her cell phone and tossed it to her eldest daughter "Ashley, call the ambulance, quick!"

"Y-yes!" Ashley quickly replied as she walked out of the room.

"Christian..." Murmured Eva in a daze, gently laying the boy down next to her, then gently wiping the blood from his face with her clothes

"My boy..."


Where am I?

The last thing I remember is that I was beating Brayan, then I got tired of it, and then I went to sleep...

And a second later, I was in this strange place.

Looking around me curiously, I see no more than what appears to be a dark cave with a single path in front of me.

No matter how hard I try to look ahead, even though there are torches on the sides, it seems like the whole path in front of me is an endless hole because of the amount of darkness in it.

Am dead?



I can\'t speak...

Frowning at the unknown, I slowly take a step forward, fearful of the almost solid darkness in front of me.

With one foot in front, I walk slowly while my right foot was touching everything around me, preferring to be cautious of the solid rock at my feet, fearing to find a trap like in games or movies.


Looking down slowly, I find myself wearing something rather uncomfortable.

Something resembling a white dress hung from my shoulders, perfectly concealing my entire body except for my feet and arms.

It doesn\'t look bad.

Touching the garment curiously, I notice that it has a rather nice, soft fabric.

At least it doesn\'t look as weird as this place.

Frowning, I turn my gaze to my front.

I feel overwhelmed...

The path in front was so dark, it seemed to solidify as if you were enclosed in a box, but when you reached out, the box seemed to get bigger and bigger little by little, causing the oppressive feeling and claustrophobia to overwhelm even the strongest.

I kept walking slowly in place, never ceasing to test the terrain in front of me, completely distrustful of the place I am in.

I don\'t know how much time passed, I just walked and walked, but tiredness or boredom never came, as if the cycle was just repeating itself, and my steps were just a repetition of what already was.

Something very difficult to explain, but that is what I manage to understand.

I walked and walked, but I never found anything different in the place, no angels, no demons, nothing, just a seemingly infinite cave.

But when silence reigned all, a lump resembling a silhouette was seen ahead, causing my whole body to tense up, as I raised my fists in defense.


A woman?

Although I could only see her back as she lay on the ground, I could easily tell it was a woman by her long hair and slender body.

Cautiously, I slowly approach the woman\'s apparent silhouette, easily reaching her side after a few seconds.


Again I try to speak, but the voice wouldn\'t come out of my mouth, causing my frown to deepen even more.

Stealthily circling the body, I come across something that made me shiver, as I quickly backed away.

Resisting the overwhelming fear and the urge to vomit, I quickly process in mind what I saw.

The woman...

She was dead, undoubtedly dead.

Her eyes were bleeding, while fragments of flesh that appear to be her eyes were strewn across her face.

Blood flowed and flowed down her face, leaving a small puddle in front of her, while her entire expression was solidified in terror and fear.

With staggering steps, I move faster on the dark path, doing my best to leave that corpse behind me, while my mind tortured me with the sight over and over again.

But after a few steps, I no longer saw just one silhouette, but dozens of them in front of me.


W-what\'s going on!

With panic and fear attacking my senses, I thought no more and turned around, knowing that this path would lead me to no good.

But as I took a step to turn back, I collided with something that caused my expression to freeze.

Behind me, where the path I walked before should be...

There was a wall.

Not a wall of rocks, let alone bricks, but a wall of darkness.

With desperation, I move quickly to the sides of the wall of darkness, trying to find some way through it, but no matter when I push and inspect the wall, there was no change in it, leaving me only the path full of silhouettes in front of me.

With resignation, I slowly turned around, observing how the darkness on the path seemed to swallow me at any moment, while the silhouettes still showed no movement or signs of life.



With a turbulent mind and overwhelming fear, I made the decision that I considered the wisest at the moment.

I did not follow that fucking dark path and sat down on the cold ground, refusing to take a step towards what may be my death or my start in hell.

With my limbs trembling with fear, I focus all my attention on the ground, trying my best not to get lost in the darkness.

But not even a minute passed when I felt something sliding down my back, as a strong shiver ran through my entire body.

Turning my head robotically, I see something that completely horrified me.

A completely dark hand came out of the wall I was leaning against, as it slowly crept up towards my face.


Unable to scream or speak, I quickly got up from the ground and quickly ran forward, as my expression transformed into pure horror.

I ran as fast as my little legs would allow, quickly reaching towards the silhouettes. With a quick glance towards the 23 silhouettes, I confirmed something I already knew.

All the bodies were lying on the ground and leaning against the wall, some were missing their eyes, others had cuts on their necks and even one silhouette had a hole in her forehead, forming between all the bodies a large pool of blood on the road.

But as if my feet were impermeable, no amount of blood touched my skin.

All these bodies had one thing in common, their gender.

All the bodies were female, causing a feeling of rage to grow inside me, but fear still overwhelmed any other feeling, so without stopping I kept running as fast as I could, afraid that the hand would catch up with me.

The further I went down the road, more and more bodies began to appear, some were missing arms, others had no head, while a small amount had holes in their body or face.

The blood flowed to such an extent, that the whole road looked like it was made of blood.

There came a moment when I lost track of the time I ran, I even stopped counting the bodies, but I know that there were hundreds of bodies I found along the way.

Hundreds of women were cruelly massacred...

My stomach seemed to twist, but no matter how much anguish I had, the vomit never came.

Tears started to stream down my face at some point, the fear was so much that I felt my whole mind numb, only leaving me with fear and nothing else.

But at some point in my run, my legs collapsed and I fell on the ground, but unlike my feet, my face was filled with blood, while the metallic taste reached my mouth.

Looking up, I watch as the dark hand rushes towards me, and unable to bear the mental burden any longer, I curl up into a fetal position and cry bitterly.



Help me...



I\'m scared...


Closing my eyes tightly, I whisper my pleas in my mind, knowing that those hands should already be on me.

But when I expected them to drag me away and attack me, nothing came.

Slightly opening one eye to see what\'s going on, I manage to see that indeed the hands were on me, slowly approaching me towards my body.



Seeing that the hands were only a few centimeters away from me, I shut my eyes tightly, knowing that this will not lead to anything good.

But when I felt the hands touching my body, I was confused.

I no longer felt the shiver or fear, but an incredible warmth flooded my body.

With confusion, I slowly opened my eyes, as the hands gently lifted my body.

W-what is happening?

I was still in the same cave, still surrounded by corpses and blood, but the atmosphere no longer generated fear, only warmth, and satisfaction.

Multiple dark hands surrounded me, while two of them cradled and lifted me. But for some reason, all this did not generate terror or horror in me, only... happiness.

"Don\'t cry anymore, my child..." But out of nowhere, an unfamiliar voice sounded in my ear, a beautiful soft voice "Mommy is here~"

The voice was incredibly melodious and intoxicating, but I\'m completely sure that the language it speaks in is not mine, but for some reason, I managed to recognize what it said to me.

Squinting contentedly at the warmth and melody of the voice, I snuggle into the dark hands, quietly resting my body and mind.

"Mom will always be there for you~"

The voice sounded in my ear again, a completely unfamiliar voice, but laden in affection and fondness, to such an extent that for some reason I could feel it solidifying in my bones.

"You don\'t have to be afraid of the dark, the dark loves you~"

Hands would slowly begin to wrap around my body, as the relaxation and contentment reached a bit intoxicating in me.

"Darkness is good and beautiful~"

Hands touched my face gently, as I felt him wiping the blood on me with her thumbs.

"Darkness is mommy and mommy loves you~"

The hands wrapped around me completely, leaving only my head exposed.

"Darkness is you and mommy loves it~"

I whisper the voice, as I felt warm lips on my forehead, sweetening my whole being.

"My little one, it\'s time for you to be on your way~"

Hands began to gently lower me down, as I felt them slowly pull away from me.

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