
Chapter 22 Dissolute


Mom shouted with concern, causing my body to freeze for a moment.

Turning to her, I saw that damned expression on her face again, an expression that twists my heart, causing my thought process to clear up a bit.

"Mom... please... not again... just leave me alone for a moment... I need to reorganize my thoughts..."

Not wanting to look at mom\'s face anymore, I turn and run quickly, just following my desire to get away from everything.

After a while of running aimlessly, I regained a bit of clarity, instantly realizing I was near the bathroom, without a second thought I ran towards it and entered, quickly locking myself in one of its toilets.



Again I caused mom pain...

Again I lost control...

I haven\'t even had my mind awake for 24 hours and I\'ve already caused her so much trouble.

"Why does everything have to be so hard?"

I muttered in extreme frustration while gripping my head tightly.

\'you\'re horrible hahaha~\'

\'you should kill yourself\'

\'I bet your father doesn\'t even love you\'

\'Why do you have your hair white? It\'s so disgusting\'

Hundreds of insults and disgusting moments flooded my head, causing my body to tremble at the horrible feeling in my heart.


I screamed in fury, as I pounded my head hard with my fists, trying to somehow shut this damn brain off.

\'Why don\'t you say anything, are you stupid?"

\'Yuck, I touched him with my skin, now I\'ll get his disease stuck to me\'

\'You look like dog shit\'


More and more memories began to flood my memory, causing my anger to rise to another level.

They may be childish insults, with no argument, no logic, nothing in particular.

But somehow they\'re so hurtful and annoying...

"WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO!!!?" I screamed helplessly, while tears were falling uncontrollably, but in a moment of brilliance, I managed to understand the solution "I need to think of something else!"

What do I think about!?


\'My little prince is a genius\'.

\'My little prince is so considered\'

\'What can this poor woman do to make her prince forgive her?\'


With new memories in my memory, a smile bloomed on my face as all the negative feelings quickly faded away.



\'I failed you...\'

Please don\'t...

\'I feel so useless...\'

Stop it...

\'Forgive me son\'


Bitter tears welled up in my eyes, as memories of my sad mother replayed endlessly.

Her tears...

Her look...

Her defeated expression...

Her grief-stricken face...

"I\'m so stupid..."

I need to see mom!

With that sudden thought, I grab my things and run quickly to the office.


Meanwhile in the principal\'s office silence reigned in the place, as everyone looked at the principal who was rubbing her forehead wearily.

"So... Mrs. Grey... What do we do?"

The headmistress asked after a while, looking seriously at the woman in front of her.

"I... *Sigh* I don\'t know" Eva muttered with exhaustion, as she looked dazedly towards the wall.

"*Sigh* If you can\'t give me an answer I\'ll be forced to stay within the margin of the law..."

"Is it necessary to do that?"

Brad\'s mother asked, with pleading in her voice.

"You have the nerve to ask that!?"

Eva replied fiercely, as anger flashed clearly on her face.



But just as the situation was turning dark, the door quickly opened, as a small white-haired boy walked in.

"C-christian?" whispered Eva with confusion and relief in her voice. A few minutes ago her child ran off to who knows where, as anguish gnawed at her insides.

"C-can you come out for a moment?"

"¿...?" Eva frowned in confusion, looking at her son with concern, but still, she got up and left the office, being left alone with Christian in the hallway.

Hesitantly and worriedly, Eva asked, "Are you... Are you okay?"

"C-could you bend down a little bit please?"

"¿...?" With even more confusion, Eva crouched down to Christian\'s level, as the worry inside her heart rose to another level.

"¡...!" But from one second to the next, Christian leaped towards her chest, as he hugged her body tightly, causing Eva to go blank for a moment.

"I love you, mom..." Christian whispered, as his little body trembled as he said those words "S-sorry *Sniff* for making things so hard for you... Sorry *Sniff* for *Sniff* causing you so much sadness... S-sorry for everything *Sniff*"

"My prince..." Eva whispered pitifully, quickly wrapping her arms around Christian\'s back, hugging him tightly against her chest "You don\'t have to apologize... mom was stupid... I didn\'t think of you when I answered the headmistress-"

"No... I acted like a jerk... they are just children who don\'t understand their actions... if we denounce them I won\'t gain anything... I won\'t feel better, let alone these memories will disappear..."

"You are a child too Christian..." Eva whispered, as she took Christian\'s head in her hands, looking at him with absolute seriousness "You don\'t have to worry about so many things... not with money, not with the police, and much less with lawsuits... just leave all that to mom, I won\'t let anyone dare to bother my prince"

"..." Staring at Eva\'s face with tears in his eyes, Christian nodded after a few seconds, as a small smile began to form across his face.

"I love you mom" Christian whispered, as he rubbed his face with Eva\'s cheek.

"I love you my prince" Eva smiled softly, kissing Christian\'s forehead gently.

They held each other for a few more minutes, as the young man\'s troubled mind quickly faded away, leaving only serenity and happiness in its place.

"Now... What do you want to do with them?" Eva asked, as she pulled away from Christian and stood up, then took Christian back into her arms.

"Let\'s just follow what the headmistress says... it\'s the best way to go"


Nodding, Eva walked into the office, as Christian hugged her neck, resting his head quietly on her shoulder.

"Headmistress, you can do as I speak to the children, my prince granted them his pardon" Eva smiled softly, as she turned slightly, showing him the laughing face of the child in her arms.


"Damn!" Emma exclaimed in amazement "The boy who was screaming hysterically a few minutes ago, now smiles stupidly *Sigh* I fail to understand men, not even children..."

"..." Eva\'s face instantly lost the smile, as she looked coldly at the woman "How did you say my son smiles?"

"You want to fight bitch!?" Emma shouted aggressively, completely forgetting about the previous result, even forgetting about the headmistress next to her.


"Ms. Emma!"

A loud bang was heard in the office, getting everyone to turn their gaze towards the headmistress, who was red-faced with anger.

"Can you behave like an adult!? Is this the kind of attitude you want to teach the children or your son!?"


Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Emma stood behind Jack and fell silent.

\'That woman is funny\' chuckled Christian lightly, noticing the woman for the first time. She had shoulder-length dark hair with dark brown eyes, while her stature was relatively large, measuring about 5\'7"; her easy features were not beautiful, but not ugly either, for Christian she would be a 6/10, while her age hovered around 30. Unfortunately, she was lacking a lot in the body department, slim and with a below-average butt \'Come to think of it... Aren\'t women too big?\'

Since coming to this world, Christian didn\'t have much time to adjust, but now he\'s noticed that all the women he\'s met in his life are relatively tall, none measuring less than 5\'6", while the few adult men he\'s seen were shorter than average in his old world.

"*Sigh* Do you agree with what I proposed earlier?"

The headmistress asked, staring at Christian, while her eyebrows were arched at his current demeanor.


Nodded Christian softly, clinging quietly on Eva, happily resting his head on her shoulder.

"It\'s good to know how to forgive" Smiled the headmistress lightly, taking some papers to her side, then starting to write on each of them for about 5 minutes.

"Okay, I need you all to sign this agreement in which the situation is explained and the measures that will be taken. I must inform you that, if you sign the paper, there is no turning back on the matter" The principal spoke seriously, looking especially at Eva.

All the mothers approached the sheets, instantly reading their contents; at least most of them did, Emma just signed and walked away, without giving the paper another look. After a few minutes, everyone signed, including Eva.

"Let\'s see..." Whispered the director to herself, she collected all the papers, looking at each one of them, making sure they all had their respective signatures "Now that everyone signed, we can start taking the measurements."

"Jack, Noah, and Brad will be suspended for 7 days for behavioral problems, when they return to school they will have to attend the school psychologist. They will be inside treatment until the same Psychologist says if they are ready or not... I myself will be following their cases" Explained the principal, while she quickly filled out another 3 papers that she took out of her desk, to then raise her gaze and ask "Any doubts?"


"Then this would be all for today" Finishing filling out the papers, the director handed one to each family "Here is the suspension, you have to take the children today".

\'Because I feel like I\'m missing something\' Christian thought, looking suspiciously at the calm expression of the mothers \'Whatever...it\'s none of my business for now\'

"Since that\'s all, you can go, we\'ll see you another day" Smiled the headmistress cordially, as she stood up to shake hands with every parent in the room, except Eva.

"Mrs. Eva, I would like to talk to you alone Can I?" asked the headmistress, looking seriously at Christian\'s mother.

"This..." Frowned Eva, looking sideways at Christian, who looked as if he might fall asleep at any moment.

"Christian" Whispered the headmistress, gently moving the boy\'s shoulder "I need to talk to your mother and your teacher would you like to go to the library until the second class starts?"

"Why would I want to go to-" Christian quickly replied, only to freeze in the middle of his sentence, as a contemplative look appeared on his face \'Library... they have computers, I could learn more about this world\'

"I\'d love to go" Christian nodded quickly, only to turn and quickly kiss Eva\'s cheek "I\'m going mom, see you tonight"

"See you" Smiled Eva foolishly, as she gently put Christian down, only to open her eyes a little wider and turn quickly to the boy who seemed to be running towards the door "I\'m coming to get you today too, so wait for me at the exit"

"Okay!" nodded Christian quickly, without turning around for any moment, quickly following his course.

"So... what do you need me for?" asked Eva seriously, instantly losing her smile, as she sat down in front of the desk.

"It\'s about Christian... I\'ve never had a close conversation with him before, but I noticed he\'s a rather... conscientious boy"

"Yes... my little boy turned out to be a genius" Eva smiled softly, as her gaze wandered for a moment.

"A genius eh..." Whispered the headmistress with a contemplative look, then turning to the professor "Professor Mason Had you noticed anything with Christian?"

"Not really... he was always the quietest in the class, that\'s why I hardly know much about him, since I have to worry about the more restless ones" After thinking for a moment, the professor shook his head "He always kept his grades well, he didn\'t reach 100, but he was always between 70 to 80... now that I think about it... he never went below that average, he never even went up..."

"Neither goes up nor down..." Whispered the headmistress softly, as her gaze became increasingly curious "Mrs. Grey.... you say your son is a genius What do you think makes him a genius?"

"..." Frowning, Eva looked seriously at the headmistress and asked "What is it you\'re looking for?"

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