
Chapter 39: New Policy

Chapter 39: New Policy

Ji-woo wanted to leave right away because of the nonsense Chief Lee was talking about it. And he then planned to complain to the Hunters Association about his home address.

Before he even got up and left, Ji-woo realized his obstacle had a solution. Currently, the chance of getting the hunter ID was in front of him. He didn’t know what fault the portable device had to mistake him for someone that got Mana’s blessing.

Anyway, that worked for Ji-woo’s plans. He could think of the cause why it could detect Mana from him later after his money shortage got settled.

‘Who cares being called the weakest or the lowest-ranked hunter.’

Ji-woo grinned while thinking about the problem that would get resolved without him having to bother. He further ruled out the issue of unofficially obtained home addresses. After all, he could be considered as a new hunter now. The investigation that Chief Lee did was still within the scope of the Hunter’s Association’s work.

At the same time, Chief Lee experienced the opposite of that happy occasion. His expression was sour and lackluster. Ji-woo was really different from what he thought.

The reason Chief Lee was disappointed in Ji-woo was not that he has Mana. But, his Mana was a far cry from someone that Chief Lee hopes to save the world. He abandoned his original idea to find out and confirm that Ji-woo was the same person who killed a High-Grade creature.

“Chief Lee, based on that portable device, I should be eligible for getting a hunter ID, right?

“What schedule does Chief Lee have after this? If Chief Lee returns to the Hunter Association, can I come together?”

Chief Lee was stunned by this sudden turn. He couldn’t understand why the young man in front of him acted like he didn’t know he had Mana. Likewise, and shamelessly asked for a ride to the Hunter Association’s office. His impression of Ji-woo drastically changed from a simple and polite young man to a shameless one. A very unpleasant sight to behold!

Chief Lee, who was feeling sad, helplessly let Ji-woo come along. He also felt sorry for doing something unnecessary about his home address.

—- —-

Seoul, Hunters Association’s headquarter building, At the lobby.

One of the front desk clerks called Chief Lee, who had just come from the entrance.

“Later on 09:00 PM, we will announce and broadcast the new policy. All of the Division Chiefs need to attend the conference.”

Chief Lee replied while trying to lift his mood. “Troublesome, Chief Yoon alone should be enough to handle all of that reporters and journalists.”

The front desk clerk was sweating bullets hearing the words, worrying if Chief Lee didn’t want to show up tonight. “Aii, sir. Please don’t say something like that. The appearance of Division Chiefs is needed. Chairman will throw a tantrum if no one handles reporters and journalists’ vicious mouths.”

“Alright, I’m just joking. It must be hard on you. Thanks for the work. You did well!” Chief Lee said sarcastically. That made all the work seem like only all the Division Chiefs could handle.

Of course, facing the reporters and journalists was not an easy task. Hunters Association had to be careful of their words. Media was dangerous. It could turn the good into a bad one.

Although the Hunters Association was not scared of the country, they needed support from ordinary people. They need to show a better side of the organization as the hope of humankind.

The front desk smiled wryly and changed the topic after seeing Ji-woo standing near the entrance.

“Your acquaintance, sir?”

Recalled Kim Ji-woo made Chief Lee feel down again.

“Maybe yes, maybe no.

“Ah, right. Can you tell the Management division to forge a new hunter ID? These are the information and his resident identity card.”

Chief Lee asked. And he gave a piece of paper containing Ji-woo’s necessary data and ID cards to the front desk clerk.

The front desk clerk was puzzled and troubled with the request.

“You can’t, sir. Whether it’s an acquaintance or family, they need to go through the procedure first. Sir, please don’t be like this. It is illegal soliciting.”

Chief Lee squinted his eyes because of the front desk clerk overreacting. “Don’t be exaggerated. I’ve already tested him with the Portable Mana device before.” Then put the device on the desk.

The front desk was embarrassed by his misunderstanding. Bow his head multiple times to Chief Lee.

“Ah, I’m so sorry, but still, he needs to go to the Mana detection room for it.”

Chief Lee waved his hand. “No need, this is enough. Just do what I said. I will talk with Se-hyun later.”

“Ugh. Alright, sir. I do it as you said.” The front desk clerk takes the paper and Ji-woo ID.

After an hour, the new hunter ID was ready.

“Ji-woo~si, take this. You can join a guild or go alone as a hunter now. If there is any problem regarding the hunter thing, come to Hunters Association. We’ll be here to help you.”

Chief Lee thought to recruit Ji-woo to the Hunters Association. But, his mood affected his interest in his work. And decide to let go of Ji-woo. He only wished Ji-woo could survive in the Hunters world outside there.

Well. Hope would not get called a cruel thing if it were so easy to make it happen.

“Thank you, Chief Lee.”

“Ah, right. How long since you got Mana blessing?”

“A few days ago?” Ji-woo answered ambiguously.

It was made Chief Lee frustrated dealing with Ji-woo. He felt like talking to an empty shell.

“Whatever, be careful on your ways back.”

Ji-woo didn’t mind Chief Lee’s unenthusiastic attitude. On the contrary, he was grateful for everything.

Meanwhile, Chief Lee looked at Ji-woo back, leaving the building. Although, Ji-woo was not what he was hoping to be. He was still willing to offer help.

Chief Lee knew the hurdles of the person who just got Mana’s blessing. They need to know how to fight and the risk of losing their own life. They also need to learn and understand how Mana works in their bodies. And how to become stronger and able to kill Portal Gate creatures.

In summary, the newborn hunters needed to get used to many unusual things as they stepped to the superhuman threshold.

It was getting dark, Ji-woo taking the bus to go back. On his way home, he kept looking at the new hunter ID that he had just received earlier.

There was a trace of Mana in the hunter’s ID card. Ji-woo found it fascinating.

How well the people on earth have adapted to the world with Mana, knowing how short time this world has started to have contact with it.

Suddenly, Ji-woo’s face turned solemn. He spoke in a grim tone. “There is something amiss on this,” While waving the hunter’s ID card in his hand.

Ji-woo stared intensely at the card and found out the problem.

“S**t! Today, I have a plan to cut my long wavy hair. Now, what should I do? Sigh, I should have cut my hair first before.” Ji-woo smiled wryly.

Earlier, before Ji-woo stepped out from his house. He was planning to go to the barbershop. Then got interrupted by Chief Lee, and his mind started focusing too much on how to solve his money problem.

Now, Ji-woo had useless worries. If he cut his hair and looked different from the ID card, someone might think the hunter ID was fake.

—- —-

09:00 PM, Hunters Association’s headquarter building.

At the conference room that Chairman Yu used before. Four people were standing behind the podium. Facing countless reporters and journalists that filled the place.

There were only four divisions in the South Korean Hunter Association. Even though the Hunter Association did well to conform to any changes, it was still premature. After all, the portal gate happened several years ago and not tens or hundreds of years ago.

The majority of reporters and journalists could only make a living if they created a controversial article. So, after hearing the Hunters Association want to announce a new policy, they immediately swarmed the headquarters, thinking that would be a piece of good news.

The one that spoke was Chief Yoon Soo-ah. She talked about the new arrangement like what Chairman Yu discussed with the other top three Guilds.

Some of the reporters and journalists were happy with the change. It would give a chance for the medium and small-size Guilds to develop and grow stronger. Maybe it could turn South Korea into a Superpower Hegemony like the United States, Germany, and China.

However, other reporters and journalists had different thoughts. They take that as an authority challenge for the officials by the Hunters Association. They know that lowered prices must meet disapproval on the government side.

It was sure to cause tension between the two sides tomorrow.

While Chief Yoon was speaking, the other three Chiefs in the back looked quiet and just stood still.

‘Don’t get surprised. Talk with your mind. It is my telepathy ability.’

‘We knew!!’ Both Chief Lee and Chief Yang replied at the same time.

‘Ah, right. It’s been a long time since I saw both of you. Forgetting that we are a colleague.’

Chief Yang and Chief Lee frowned but didn’t move their head to the left side.

‘Well, I only wanna say that we should let Chief Yoon handle this matter. She wouldn’t have a hard time against those reporters and journalists.’

Chief Lee responded. ‘And standstill here like a statue?’

‘Nah, we will become frustrated answering one by one the unreasonable questions later. So, it’s better to let Chief Yoon talk with them.’

‘Fu**** weirdo!’ Chief Yang just cursed out of nowhere.

‘Calm down!’

Chief Lee tried to ease the conversation. While Chief Joo only smiled subtly on the side, staring at the reporters and journalists who were slightly frightened to open their mouths in front of the Witch of Fire.

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