
Chapter 20: Fifteen years.. Heavy Aura

Chapter 20: Fifteen years.. Heavy Aura

She arrived at the top of a sand dune and brought out her gun, a tiny case came out from her exo-thighs and she grabbed the special bullets which had its tip replaced with a blue liquid encased in a glass which had a pointed tip, she inserted them into her gun, took aim and fired.


From the head to the front legs of a rat in front of Raymond burst with green blood gushing out like a fountain. Raymond smiled and turned to the soldier who was running beside him, they were deep into the enemy\'s domain and a single mistake could be costly.

Amelia slashed in a full circle, her light blade leaving afterimages of blue hazy waves, and all the rats surrounding her divided into two with smoke rising out of their divided bodies.

Amelia\'s light blade had no mercy as more rats fell to her blade, all ambushes were useless as their heads would burst before they could lunge at Amelia.

She swung her sword with elegance and speed, while Raymond took the strength approach, his light blade was huge almost like a broad sword, blue lights flashed around him as he would slice everything that appeared in his path, he never pierced as Amelia did sometimes, everything about his skills were slashing and it worked wonders because some rats had fear flashing in their small red eyes.

They only rushed towards him when they heard the forceful command from their leader. While slashing recklessly, Raymond checked his screen and turned towards Amelia who had separated from him, she was more than twenty steps away from him as she danced with her blade in the midst of endless rats.

"The chip is just few meters away, stop playing, we have strict orders to return on time"

Her COM beeped and she groaned coquettishly "uhh.. You\'re so strict, relax a little"

"This is a battlefield. I can\'t relax!!" Both Raymond and Angel yelled at the same time.

Raymond smiled while Angel had no visible emotion as she continued to shoot, Amelia smirked and burst forward, Raymond followed while leaving trails of dead rats with green blood dying the soil.

Ronald watched the battle from the top of the peacemaker, his hands were at his back as he stood straight, giving the illusion of a sharp spear.

Ronald had a heavy aura which suppressed his surroundings, his every order controlled the flow of the battle, he had accumulated his aura throughout his years as a soldier, he joined the army at just fifteen.

Then, the government was in dire need and would recruit anyone who could hold a gun, most of his friends who joined with him had died but here he stood, all those years of suffering at the hands of the nightmares had formed the steel hearted man who controlled this team filled with exceptional soldiers.

He knew what happened to Zach, it was soul suppression, powerful beasts and humans had it.

His aura was impressive but compared to that condor it was a joke, his gaze locked on Angel, Amelia and Raymond, he monitored their every movement with hawk-like eyes.

"Captain this safe zone would not last for long" he heard 1 voice.

His brows furrowed " have you found any clue?" He questions with a deep voice.

"No sir, no single trace, the first squad was here before them so they had only one option"

"They instigated the rats so they could destroy the chip" Roland muttered with his lips curling down.

"Exactly, no one knows what that chip holds but according to peace-corp it\'s a powerful resource, I suspect some organizations at the stronghold are involved"

Roland frowned when he heard 1, he had arrived at the same conclusion, he turned to the vast expanse.

"Then a dark cyber organization must be out here" he said with a grave tone.

"We need to evacuate" 1 suggested.

"I need you back here in five minutes" Roland said while exhaling loudly, this mission had gotten more complicated.

"Understood" 1 knew if he didn\'t appear with that time limit, then he was all alone, he hopped on his bike and leaned forward, a steel like glass though slightly transparent, covered him and the bike zoomed off leaving a trail of dust and fading blue light.

"I\'m running out of ammo, you guys should get out of there" the COMs of both Raymond and Amelia beeped, they nodded and began to retreat.

Angel turned to the other sniper at a dune close to her and raised her index finger, the sniper glanced at her and threw a case into the air.

Angel smiled and rushed towards the case, when she was close to the edge of the top of the dune she jumped and placed her sniping gun at her back while she drew a pistol from her thigh. The muzzle flashed twice and two rats which had creeped to the dune had their heads blown to bits.

She raised her other hand and grabbed the case with the same momentum her feet hit the ground sinking slightly with a small wave of sand rising while she inserted the bullets into her gun, she stood up, her screen showed a blinking red light few yards behind her, her pupils contracted without much thought she abruptly turned and fired.

A rat about to ambush Zach fell to the ground headless. Zach was shocked, he wanted to turn to see who fired the shot but the rats ahead of him were aggressive, he could not be distracted right now.

Angel ran forwards while staring at her screen, any rat who got close to her had their heads blown, soon she found what she was looking for, she increased her pace and stomped on a damaged turret, she flew into the air and pointed her muzzle towards the direction of a soldier who was almost covered by rats.

Flames flashed repeatedly as the rats around the soldier lost their heads consecutively, the soldier was free in no time, he turned and saw Angel retreating.

"Thanks, I thought you forgot me," James grumbled.

Angel chuckled "don\'t worry I\'ve got your back" she pacified.

A bright smile appeared on James face as he shot the rats with renewed vigor.

Roland almost clapped, the skill, insight and reactions which Angel showed were amazing, even Raymond who was an alpha ranked soldier didn\'t have such top characteristics.

\'Crawfords, it\'s in their blood\' he praised inwardly, he didn\'t want to believe in those so called inherited abilities but he couldn\'t avoid the facts that laid right in front of him, the Crawfords has been a military family for generations and their prestige wasn\'t small, their roots were really deep in the army but the fact that both Micheal and Angel are beginning to show such talents had brought the Crawfords to a different level.

Angel found a good spot and began to support Amelia and Raymond who were having a hard time getting out of the encirclement of the raging rats.

Amelia slashed off the head of a rat and another lunged at her and bit her shoulders. She felt nothing as her suit protected her perfectly, she stabbed the rats abdomen with the blade coming out of the other side and blood gushed out with some internal organs slipping out.

Her eyes flashed and she jumped into the air and slashed horizontally, blood and the smell of roasted rat meat filled her surroundings, she leaped and stepped on the head of a rat, crushing it instantly, she gave her AI an order and small metallic round balls rolled out from the small case at her waist.

"RUN!!" She yelled towards Raymond and ran, Raymond didn\'t ask any questions and ran after her, when they were more than twenty steps away, a huge explosion roared.

The wave flung them off their feet and they slammed to the ground while groaning, Amelia felt a sour taste in her mouth, she turned and tried to stand up.

"Uhhh!!" She yelped with knitted brows, she felt a searing at her abdomen, she looked and saw a seething red metal deeply rooted into her suit.

It must have been from the destroyed metal parts where they found the chip, the wave must have flung them into the air and one of them came straight towards her.

Raymond quickly turned to her when he heard her painful scream, he saw her lying motionless with an uneven shaped metal which had a red shade because of the heat pierced deeply into her exo-suit, and from her scream it must have pierced through. He didn\'t know how long that metal was but, should it be longer than expected then.... His pupils trembled and he immediately activated his COM.

"What\'s your position 10!" He heard the captain\'s loud voice, and it seemed like the explosion had hidden them from sight. His lips trembled as he opened them.

"..Captain.. 3... is.. down..".

Pics of Amelia and the peacemaker M1 truck is out.. on my server.

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