
Chapter 343 - 11.35

Lee Yongsun watched from his devil\'s eyes how his Haneul was being taken by Im Jaehwa. He was so close to crushing Jay\'s heart, so he would die on the spot. But after he realized that Im Jaehwa did not penetrate Kim Haneul, he decided to wait.

Because he didn\'t want Haneul to be too heartbroken to function. As much as he hated Im  Jaehwa and couldn\'t wait to just crush his heart, he didn\'t want Kim Haneul to hate him forever.

Lee Yongsun felt restless after watching how Haneul and Im Jaehwa became closer after they signed the devil\'s contract. Lee Yongsun could not sense a trace of fear in their hearts. As if they had given up on their fate, they came to the realization that both of them were trapped and didn\'t want to struggle.

As long as they would be together, even in hell, then everything would be alright.

"BULLSHIT!" Lee Yongsun slammed the wooden table until it got split in half. He didn\'t want to admit that he might have failed to separate Han and Jay. He could just kill Im Jaehwa and take Haneul.

But what he wanted was Han\'s heart.

He wanted Han to love him just the way he loved Im Jaehwa.

Lee Yongsun scoffed as he glared at the television. He saw the replay of the BXB69 debut showcase in Music Bink. It was a fantastic performance indeed. Lee Yongsun smiled, but his smile didn\'t reach his eyes.

He opened his hand to summon a blank contract. At first, Lee Yongsun was hesitant to make such a contract with a human. But now that he felt the sense of crisis, he didn\'t care anymore, even if he had to be bound with only one human for the rest of his long life.

"If Han wants me to be loyal to him and only with him, then so be it," Lee Yongsun said. He cut his finger, and dark blood seeped out of his finger. His blood dripped from his finger to the surface of the contract paper, and the blank contract suddenly created many complicated spell circle on its page and around Lee Yongsun.

This was the sign that someone who dared to sign this contract would be entangled personally with the devil himself, the king of hell.

Lee Yongsun sat on the sofa. He allowed the devil circle to bind him. He smoked his cigar and puffed out the smoke. "Now, all I need to do is to make Kim Haneul\'s group win that useless Daebak Award. What\'s so important about that anyway? I can even make a dog win that award if I want."

"But Han wants that award, then so be it," Lee Yongsun said.

He picked up his phone and started calling few important people in the industry. Those people already sold their souls for money and fame before. So it wasn\'t hard for Lee Yongsun to use them for his benefit.


~You know I\'m yours, even my devil wouldn\'t say no!~

BXB69 was currently listening to their comeback music they would sing for their comeback. The song title was My Devil. They were listening attentively and were awed by the amazingness of this song. This was an amazing song! The lyric, the music, and the catchy parts. Everything was just perfect.

This song should\'ve been given exclusively to their worldly popular senior, but they got instead.

Their PD-Nim smiled and said, "We get this song thanks to Mr. Lee Yongsun\'s generosity. He personally poached this song for us, so no other groups can have it."

  "Wow, Mr. Lee is so kind!" Kyong said excitedly.

"Let\'s do our best so we don\'t disappoint him!" Taeyang and Taesa said together.

Everyone was ecstatic for this comeback, but Han and Jay only smiled perfunctorily. Because they were the only ones who knew that Lee Yongsun wasn\'t so kind to give them something like this for free.

Han and Jay already talked about this problem and decided to face Lee Yongsun together. \'As long as I have you, then I can bear with everything, Han Hyung.\' Jay said to Han before.

They started practising their vocal and dance to prepare for their comeback, and there was no new text or call from Lee Yongsun. He simply vanished after that incident.

But Han knew it wasn\'t that simple. When he saw the social media, especially Naver trending. He saw BXB69 was always ranked up high in trending and always a hot topic for people to discuss.

They were flocked by so many new fans that they would never expect to have before Han knew about Lee Yongsun. Yet, it made Han even more restless than before.

"Hyung? What are you thinking about?" Jay asked after their dance practice. "Your mind seems to be somewhere else."

"Ah, it\'s nothing," Han smiled at Jay.

"Is it about Lee Yongsun again? Did he text you again? Hyung, I\'ve said this once, and I will say this again…" Jay said. "I don\'t care if he will drag us both in hell. As long as I\'m with you, then everything is alright. Trust me, Hyung!"

Han had a blush on his cheek as he took the initiative to kiss Jay\'s lips, "Thank you, Jay. I believe in you."

After Jay left, Han opened his phone again and saw the new text from Lee Yongsun. What Jay didn\'t know was that… Lee Yongsun still continuously texted and called Han. In which Han always responded in secret.

Because Lee Yongsun was obviously pissed off with their love.

*Mr. Lee Yongsun: Don\'t forget our new contract is ongoing. I will make sure that your group will win Daebak Award. In exchange, you should break up with Im Jaehwa and be my bride. Don\'t worry about commitment. I will spend the rest of my life with you.*

*Haneul: But, what about the devil contract that Jay signed with you? What\'s the point of me continuing my contract if, in the end, Jay will still be your doll?*

*Mr. Lee Yongsun: Don\'t you understand your position right now? Your life and that bastard Im Jaehwa\'s life is in my hand. It\'s not hard for me to pick you up coercively and throw Im Jaehwa to the deepest hell full of torture. You will see and hear his skin melted, his bone crushed, and his scream full of agony every day. Do you want me to do it?*

As much as Han believed that Jay would really die for him, he didn\'t want Jay to be tortured forever. He wanted Jay to live a good life no matter what, maybe because Han was an egoistic lover…

Rather than bearing the pain together, he\'d want to save Jay instead.

*Haneul: Will you promise me not to do anything to Jay as long as I\'m with you?*

Lee Yongsun laughed when he read this text. In the end, Han still came in a full circle. He sacrificed his freedom to save Jay, only for Jay to sign a contract to be thrown in hell.

And then, again, Han came to him and begged him not to torture Jay and nullify the contract.

"Kim Haneul, you are so stupid… yet… your love for Im Jaehwa is really pure that you still want to save that idiotic, emotional guy no matter what…" Lee Yongsun\'s gaze darkened as he scoffed, "You are testing my patience, Han."

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