
Chapter 320 - 320 Turn yourself in(1)

She realized what she had implied as soon as her words were out.

Zaria caught the implication and shook her head. “Zeus would never.”

“Neither would Des or Liam or I. Zaria,” she took her hand. “No matter who did it, it’s going to be heartbreaking and unbelievable. You have to be prepared to hear any name being dropped as the culprit. Didn’t Lucy say she knows who it is?”

“I have to ask her that.” She decided to talk to Lucy as soon as her meeting with Natalie ended.


That night.

The doorbell rang at Theodore’s villa and he was puzzled. Who would drop by so late? Besides, it was raining heavily. He checked the monitor and when he saw Lucy, he nearly tripped on his legs running to the door. He opened it and gasped at her drenched appearance.

“Lucy? It’s so late. You’re not wearing anything warm either.” He held her shoulders. “Did something happen?”


“I was on a run.”

So late on a rainy night? He pulled her in and shut the door. “Let’s get you warm first.”

An hour later, she had taken a hot shower and changed into the pajamas he had bought in case she stayed over, and he had made her a cup of hot coffee. They sat by the fireplace with her snuggled up close to him.

“What happened?” He was certain there was no way she would go on a run so late at night if everything was okay. All he knew was that she always ran to clear her mind when things got too mentally exhausting.

She set her cup on the side table. “I don’t know what to do, Theo.”

“Tell me what happened.”

When she looked up at him, there were tears in her eyes. But instead of explaining what happened, she shook her head. “I just didn’t think I would have to do this.”

He frowned. He didn’t know what she was talking about but something told him Zaria and Zeus were involved. He thought about the fake wedding and frowned. “Are you saying…are you saying Zeus is behind the attack?”

She shut her eyes, letting her tears fall. “He’s our son. I don’t want to see him behind bars. But the alternative is to risk everyone else’s lives, including Zaria.”

He put a hand around her shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” she sobbed.

For a moment, he wasn’t sure if they were on the same wavelength. She had not explicitly said Zeus was the culprit and although she had implied it, she was apologizing for something she hadn’t done. He didn;t understand until the next day, when she asked to meet the whole family.

“I have something to say,” she started when Desmond and Zaria arrived.

Zaria’s brows knitted. How convenient. Just when she planned to ask Lucy about her discovery, she had something to say.

“I found the culprit.” She announced. Her gaze swept through them all. “When I made you reveal information about each other, it wasn’t because you provided any meaningful responses. It was because the culprit is me.”

“Zaria, I’m sorry.” She took Zaria’s hand. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Just him.” She glanced at Desmond, who didn’t flinch either.

She looked around again and realized no one was buying it.

“You’re covering up for someone.” Natalie called her out on it. “Who is it?”

She looked down for seconds and resigned to her fate. “Fine. Zeus, it seems like there’s nothing I can do to help you out.”

“Zeus?” Zaria was shocked. “There’s no way that is true.”

“Zeus confessed to me.” Lucy sighed. “I need a favor from the two of you.” She faced Desmond and Zaria. “I know what he did was despicable and it could have caused horrible consequences but he is my son. Please let me handle this, will you?”

“I remember you promising to skin the culprit inch by inch.” Desmond reminded her. “Does that not apply if they are one of your people?”

Lucy squeezed her eyes shut. “Even a tiger would not eat her young ones.”

“A dog would. Why can’t you?” Desmond challenged.

Lucy gave up reasoning with him. “What do you think, Zaria?”

“Prison would be best for him. But if I hear anything about him escaping, I’m hunting him down and thrusting a sword right through his heart.” She compromised, but only because she was not convinced either.

“Then it’s settled. Zeus, you will turn yourself in right now. I’ll drive you to the station.”

“Who said I was going to turn myself in?” He protested.

“Do you want to know what The Dark Knights would prefer to do?” She asked, successfully shutting him up. “I thought so.”

“Wait.” Zaria intercepted him. “Why?” She asked.

Zeus eyed her from head to toe. “Why not? I could get everything I wanted if I worked for him. Who was I to say no?” Would you give up a ludicrous offer for the sake of loyalty if you were in my place?”

He then brushed past her with Lucy hot on his trail.

Theodore pulled her into his arms. “It’s okay, princess. We didn’t know them for that long. It wasn’t guaranteed that they would be loyal to us.”

That wasn’t what she was thinking about.

Lucy was a good actress and a mother trying to cover up for her son sounded plausible. However, Lucy had called all of them to make a show of exposing Zeus and forcing him to turn himself in. The entire scene was meant for all of them to see. But why? Would the real culprit let down their guard when they thought someone else was going to pay the price?


Lucy had already contacted a police officer on the way so when they arrived, they took Zeus into the holding cell. She cupped his face through the bars. “Just a day. I’ll try to be quick.”

“What are you talking about? This place looks like a blast.” He chuckled.

Lucy frowned and turned to face the warden who had followed her. “If my son loses a single drop of blood in here, I will draw a pint of yours.” Then she straightened up to leave. She hoped Natalie would once again cry about the turn of events to her trusted new friend. The faster the news spread, the sooner he would come trying to silence Zeus to secure his freedom. She would be waiting.


In Theodore’s house, Natalie had been pacing for what seemed like forever to Zaria.

“Nat, you’re making me dizzy.” Zaria finally couldn’t take it anymore.

She threw her hands in the air. Zaria had just filled her in on the reason why she thought Zeus might be the culprit, without revealing what she was certain Lucy was doing.

“Forget about the fact that Zeus would rather poke needles into his eyes than set you up. I trusted the wrong person, oh my God…he overheard my conversation with Nathaniel so I told him everything, but I thought he could be trusted since we have known him for so many years and he has been nothing but kind.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Someone who knew about the decoy bride and could easily contact Nathaniel.” Natalie pulled at her hair. “Uncle Norman.”

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