
Chapter 23: Unless we can go back in time and recreate the scene…

Chapter 23: Unless we can go back in time and recreate the scene…


Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Ghostie

Wei Fuyuan was still in a state of drowsiness due to insufficient blood supply to his brain as a large amount of blood had run to his stomach to help digestion after stuffing himself full.

After Bei Quan spread the information on the dinner table, Master Wei knew that his boss had no intention to give him time to digest after a meal, and was, instead, going to stuff him with more work.

“All right.”

The one who paid the salary had to be treated as a God. Wei Fuyuan sat up and reluctantly cheered himself up.

The first bit of information Bei Quan pulled out of the file bag was on the details of the interpersonal relationship manager, Xu Ziye, who had his throat cut.

Xu Ziye was 32 years old, and his parents were ordinary wage earners. There were two brothers in his family. In short, his family background could only be described as ordinary.

He was, nevertheless, successful. He earned a master’s degree in media from a prestigious university and was also rather attractive. He was also promoted to the post of manager of the public relations department after five years of working with Lisa media due to his strong business acumen and exceptional communication abilities.

Xu Ziye had, had three different girlfriends in recent years, all of which had been investigated by Zhu Ling.

Although they were all relevant practitioners in the media industry, they were not employees of Lisa Media. His last relationship had ended after they had dated for? more than a year.

Bei Quan said, “The three girls have been contacted, and it seems the breakups between them and Xu Ziye were relatively peaceful; it doesn’t look like they had any lingering feelings for manager Xu.”

Wei Fuyuan understood.

“That means they have no reason to be targeted by the Hui Gui, right?”

Bei Quan smiled and went on, “Lisa Media has unwritten regulations. If you fall in love with an employee in the company, you can’t work in the same department; however, although you? won’t be dismissed, it will have a prominent, negative impact on an individual’s evaluations and promotions.”

“Xu Ziye’s friend said that manager Xu would avoid looking for a romantic relationship with someone in the company because he was worried over this…”

Bei Quan stopped at this time.

Wei Fuyuan has guessed his “affair.”

“So, had Xu Ziye made an exception?”

“Last year, Lisa Media appointed an executive producer. She is the only child of a well-known filmmaker and has quite a solid background.”

He pulled out another piece of information.

Wei Fuyuan took it.

In the upper right corner of the file there was a three-inch, half-body professional picture. The girl in the photo was in her twenties, with attractive facial features and a beautiful face. She was not a great beauty, but her makeup was exquisite, and she wore formal clothing, giving people a professional and reliable feeling.

The executive producer’s name was Lan Tian. She was 26 years old and had a very attractive resume. She was first born when she returned home. It was obvious that she was going to inherit the family business.

Bei Quan said, “Xu Ziye and Lan Tian held a high-profile engagement banquet two months ago. Everyone in the company knows that manager Xu has an owner, and that said owneris the daughter of the director.”

“Unfortunately for them, Xu Ziye was killed by Shen Xing after being engaged for only one month.”

“After Xu Ziye died, Lan Tian seemed to have taken it hard and never went back to work.”

Wei Fuyuan suddenly realized that Xu Ziye had claimed he had never dated female employees working in the same company, just because he hadn’t met anyone worthy of his affection and time.

However, being with the daughter of a well-known producer meant he wouldn’t need to work an extra 10 years as manager of the public relations department to get promoted to a higher position in the company. Thus, he didn’t hesitate and took a shot at the director’s daughter, and after dating her for less than half a year, he proposed to her for marriage.

Young Master Wei had seen a lot of people like this, men and women alike, who wanted to fly to the top and become a Phoenix overnight. He didn’t believe Xu Ziye truly had a deep love for Lan Tian.


Wei Fuyuan sneered, “Since he has climbed to the top, how can he still have something to do with Yan Shuangshuang?”

He frowned, “It’s impossible for Shen Xing to kill someone…unless he also liked Lan Tian?”

“That’s what’s interesting about this case.”

Bei Quan smiled at Wei Fuyuan, “Have you noticed who has seen Yan Shuangshuang so far?”


Wei Fuyuan hadn’t thought about this before. When Bei Quan suddenly asked the question, he was stunned– unable to answer for a while.

Bei Quan smiled, took out a piece of paper and a pen, and began to analyze the situation with classmate Wei, who had not kept up with the progress of the study.

He folded the white paper in half and wrote “yes” at the top left corner of the paper and “no” on the right.

“The column on the left we’ll list the people who have seen Yan Shuangshuang.” Bei Quan explained, “On the right, we’ll list those who haven’t seen her.”

Then Bei Quan wrote the first name on the left of the paper: “Xiaoqing.”

“It seems that the ‘S’ that Xiaoqing mentioned should be ‘Yan Shuangshuang’.”

Wei Fuyuan also agreed with this speculation.

“Next is Ms. Huang from the Business Negotiation Department of Lisa Media.”

Bei Quan wrote “Ms. Huang” on the right.

“She doesn’t know Yan Shuangshuang and doesn’t think she exists at all.”

Then he moved to the left again.

“The murderous copywriter Shen Xing has a crush on ‘Yan Shuangshuang’, so there is no doubt that he should be on this side with those who have ‘seen.\'”

The tip of Bei Quan’s pen moved down one line, “Now, I guess manager Xu Ziye was killed, not because Shen Xing had a mental problem, but because Manager Xu provoked him.”

Bei Quan wrote Xu Ziye’s name on the left.

“I believe he also knew of Yan Shuangshuang.”

Wei Fuyuan also agreed with this point.

“But the police said they couldn’t find Yan Shuangshuang.”

“There is no such person in the personnel file of Lisa Media.”

Bei Quan added “police” and “personnel” in the right column.

The weight of these two was quite heavy.

If these two concluded that Yan Shuangshuang was not in Lisa media, then this person really did not exist at the legal level.

Wei Fuyuan touched his chin, “The older sisters who chatted with us at the wedding photography scene also said they didn’t know Yan Shuangshuang.”

Bei Quan smiled and nodded, adding “makeup artist, etc.” to the column on the right.

Wei Fuyuan continued, “But the prop master said that he had seen Yan Shuangshuang twice, and his description of her was very specific.”

He carefully recalled the content of the conversation with the prop master, surnamed Xie, two hours ago.

“Even if it’s all just his imagination, it’s abnormally detailed…”

Bei Quan nodded again.

“Yes, so the prop master is also someone who has seen Yan Shuangshuang.”

At the same time, he wrote the words ‘prop master’ on the left side.

“Now, look at this.”

Bei Quan slid the summarized form to Wei Fuyuan, “Can you conclude anything?”

Wei Fuyuan felt a chill in his heart when he realized that Bei Quan was testing him. He quickly cheered up his spirit and carefully looked at it.

There were four names in the “Yes” row on the left, namely: Xiaoqing, Shen Xing, Xu Ziye, and the prop master.

The “No” on the right also had four: Ms. Huang, police, personnel, and makeup artist.

Wei Fuyuan frowned his eyebrows in thought.

According to his usual thinking, the credibility of the “No” column on the right was much more authoritative and convincing than the other’s.

If it were the former Young Master Wei, he would think that Shen Xing, Xu Ziye, and the others were collectively hysterical, committing adultery and murder for a non-existent woman…

“That’s it!”

Wei Fuyuan patted his thigh, “I see!”

He pointed to the left column.

“Except Xiaoqing who called us, all the people who saw Yan Shuangshuang are men, and they are all employees at Lisa Media!”

Then, Master Wei pointed to “Ms. Huang” and “makeup artist” on the right.

“These two also work at Lisa Media, and yet, these ladies don’t know Yan Shuangshuang and think she doesn’t exist at all!”

He raised his head excitedly and looked at Bei Quan with sparkling eyes.

“I remember Xiaoqing saying that ‘S’ is a ‘daughter of the devil’ that can make all men fall in love with her– that implies only men can see Yan Shuangshuang, right?”

Bei Quan laughed, “Yes, I can give you a passing grade.”

Wei Fuyuan opened his eyes wide and looked at him with disbelief.

“How did I get the passing score?!”

Bei Quan laughed louder.

He raised his hand while laughing and straightened out the mess of hair on his temples.

“Did you catch the important detail mentioned by the props master when describing Yan Shuangshuang?”

Wei Fuyuan wasn’t sure of what Bei Quan was referring to. For fear of showing his uncertainty, he pressed his lips into a line without answering.

Bei Quan didn’t create any more suspense for his assistant.

“At the time, the prop master said that he was introduced to Yan Shuangshuang by a female colleague.”

Wei Fuyuan’s eyes widened.

When Bei Quan saw Master Wei’s expression, he knew the other understood and continued with another sentence.

“Then, when the prop master saw Yan Shuangshuang for the second time, the female colleague was next to her again.”

“I get it!”

Wei Fuyuan suddenly slapped his thigh.

“If the female colleague introduced Yan Shuangshuang to the prop master, and the female colleague walking beside her when the prop master saw Yan Shuangshuang for the second time, were the same person, then she had to have been the only woman who could see Yan Shuangshuang!”

He paused and pointed to the word “Xiaoqing” with his fingertips.

“Xiaoqing told us over the phone that she had a good relationship with ‘S’ and that they used to always be together.”

Wei Fuyuan’s eyes were shining; he looked like a large dog eagerly waiting for praises from his master.

“So, we can assume that the female colleague the props master met was Xiaoqing?”

Bei Quan thought in his heart, “this young man is promising and worthy of being taught” and gave Wei Fuyuan 40 points.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Although he answered correctly, Wei Fuyuan thought about it and began to worry again.

“But how will we find out Xiaoqing’s real identity?” Master Wei asked, “As soon as the prop master saw Yan Shuangshuang, he forgot his last name. Even if we tried to force him, he probably wouldn’t be able to remember who the female colleague was at that time? And after such a long time, even if we go to Lisa media to check the monitoring, we may not be able to find evidence on her?”

His fingers unconsciously rubbed Bei Quan’s beautiful and well-defined handwriting.

“Unless we go back in time and recreate the scene, otherwise—-”

Wei Fuyuan’s words stopped abruptly.

He slowly turned his head and looked at Bei Quan.

Bei Quan’s eyes curved with a gentle smile.

Wei Fuyuan shivered inexplicably.

The author has something to say:

Bei Quan: Get out of the way, I’m going to start pitching people^^

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