
Chapter 305 305 - Here Lies Humanity’s God [18+]

Despite having fulfilled his part of the deal, Michael ultimately got nothing out of it since Dominion was allegedly captured. Had the demi-god still been free, Razor would\'ve helped Michael get rid of the demi-god\'s ploys, but now, with Haruki as their last hurdle along with his people kicking him out of the tribe, Michael truly had nothing and nobody to turn to.

"Reality alter: Teleportation trap!" Pulled out of his thoughts by Razor\'s words, Michael shook his head and focused his eyes on Razor\'s back.

Kneeling on the muddy ground of the castle\'s garden, he\'d just finished laying a trap that would teleport the grave away the moment someone tries to dig it up. So long as the spell persists, the casket will keep hiding itself in the most secluded of places.

"Now rest you idiot," placing his hand on the soil, Razor shut his eyes for a moment and chuckled at a sudden thought. "I\'ve always looked for you around this stupid fucking world, don\'t make me chase you after you\'ve died as well."

For the faintest of moments, a smile washed over his lips, but then as the shadow of Michael crept over his shoulders, Razor quickly wiped it off and got back up on his feet. Turning around, he looked up at Michael with a light frown to mask his true feelings.

"Your fellow elves kicked us out, so where to now?" Razor asked, having no clue where to go himself.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, Michael crossed his arms while still looking at the grave. With both his captor and master now dead, and his people decreeing him a traitor, he was just as clueless as Razor if not even more.

"If we\'re facing a demon lord with an army, we\'ll need an army of our own," closing his eyes shut, Michael tried to think of ways they could acquire enough people to retaliate. "There must be people we can bribe with the prospect of freedom from his rule."

Thinking it over quickly, another possible idea popped up inside Razor\'s head as well.

"Not everybody is going to like his expanse in Gaia and Feral lands. The demi-humans and monsters will resist him the same way they did against the emperor," speaking his mind was enough for Razor to relay his plan to Michael.

Looking right at each other, the two lightly nodded and decided to prepare gathering an army that was ready to take on a budding god.

"Let\'s find that weak link under his command then," Michael muttered.

"Leave the tracking to me, starting from Hestemia," placing his hand on Michael\'s shoulder, Razor readied himself for the jolting flight.

With a single wasted second, Michael took the skies and thundered in the direction of the fallen kingdom. Off on their way to Hestemia, one thought did cross the minds of them both. Nabe, who\'d been left behind in the obsidian castle was nowhere to be found, and even the queen of Valkyries had failed to mention her. Perhaps due to her lack of knowledge ,or she had some other reason to keep it a secret.

In reality, however, even the queen of the undying army couldn\'t possibly keep watch on Haruki at all times. Peeking into his dungeon portals was also a near-impossible task, thus she had no clue where Dominion was being held or where Nabe was and whatever was happening to them.

\'We\'ll find that traitor later…\' Having already been suspicious of her, Michael and Razor were thinking nearly the same thing. The timing for her disappearance after the emperor\'s death was too perfect not to paint her as a traitor anymore. Now the only thing left to figure out was to learn exactly how much she was involved in everything that led up to the emperor\'s death. \'We need to plant a traitor in his ranks just like he did to ours as well.\'

Once again, their thoughts aligned, the two generals were ready to do whatever it took to take power away from Haruki\'s hands.


Upon their return from the monster hunt in the forests, the male soldiers were taken to their tents and provided with the women of the captured goblin tribe. Tied up and forced to spread their legs for survival, the goblins did what they had to as the seeds from the male soldiers slowly corrupted their minds. 

One after the other, with each shot of their semen, the women were turned into demonic slaves who would ultimately serve under Haruki. On the other hand, away from the tent of the soldiers and into Haruki\'s own tent, the sounds of numerous moans filled the entirety of the expansive multi-room place.

Digging away at the flesh of the toned female warriors with beauty so encharming it could blind the most virtuous of men. The goblins, the lamias, and even the demon girls were all flailing under his flesh as their bodies were left to shudder with each thrust of his dick. Their tongues explored the wet depths of Haruki\'s mouth, and some even ventured all over his skin as if licking him clean like a feline.

The sight ventured on for hours on end, with Haruki taking turns with the girls and filling them to the absolute brim. In the meantime, his closest aides joined in the fun as well, however, left behind from the orgy, Asmodia wasn\'t too keen on letting things be.

"Are you done?" She complained, grabbing the girls off of Haruki\'s body via the use of invisible hands. Pinning them in the air like coats, she left them floating while making her closer to Haruki.

Visibly disgruntled, Haruki rose to his feet and looked at her with a crooked expression. For a spell, he wanted to retaliate with something, but deciding against his temper, he moved past Asmodia and slipped into the other room. Following him from the edge of her eyes, the mistress let the female soldiers fall to the ground squealing.

"Leave!" She yelled, glanced through them all.

Terrified of the mistress, the soldiers hastefully gathered their clothes and sped out the exit of the tent. The rest of Haruki\'s aids, however, weren\'t too pleased by the stunt she\'d just pulled. If anything they were quite disappointed that their fun had stopped even before it properly started.

"You three, get to the bedroom, and sleep," ordering the demi-human members as though they were her servants, Asmodia tried to have Asuka and the demi-cats follow her orders.

"Oh shut up…" Said Athena as she rose to her feet.

Moving towards the next room out of her own violation, she led Alice behind her and even bumped the mistress\'s shoulder as she headed into the bedroom. And although Asmodia was quite disgruntled by the whole thing, there wasn\'t much that she could do, especially in a body that limited her abilities.

"You should learn to be a little nicer to your companions," moving right before her eyes, Asuka spoke her mind to the mistress. Wearing a deceptive smile, the demi-fox tilted her head sideways and even gave a light nod. "Maybe then people will like you more, even better, maybe Master will let you join in on the orgies."

Patting Asmodia on the shoulders, Asuka moved past her as well. Insulted to an extreme, Asmodia stood there in utter shock, wondering if she\'d dreamed everything that just happened. But pulling herself out of that false pretense, she made herself realize just how little she meant to these demons who were once supposed to be her underlings.

\'Is it because of the title?! Because I\'m no longer the demon lord?!\' Gritting her teeth, her mind wondered if it had anything to do with her lost grasp on their minds that she had while being the demon lord of lust.

"Oi…" A sudden voice calling out to her from behind almost made her jump forward.

Lost in thought she hadn\'t even noticed Riley walking up behind her. Shifting her attention to the spy, she expected herself to be insulted once more, but surprisingly reality turned out to be much different.

"There\'s enough room on the makeshift bed we have, you don\'t have to sleep in this room if that\'s what you were planning," Riley\'s words were somewhat elusive to the mistress, as she couldn\'t figure out if she was being insulted still or not. "Either way, I can shift the couch I was sleeping on in here if that\'s what you want."

"I-uhm…No, I\'m coming in," Asmodia replied calmly, her rage now having subsided.

The mellow conversation between the two made the mistress feel a little let down as if inherently she expected a verbal fight. But when it didn\'t happen at all, a strange hole was left behind where her rage once used to be.

\'Maybe…Yeah, maybe I should try to be a little nicer?\' Living amongst humans or any other creatures has not been Asmodia\'s strongest suit, in fact, her life in seclusion had turned her into an extreme introvert while in the physical form.

"Alright then, I\'ve had enough sleep so I\'ll watch the entrance and you can go sleep for now," saying that Riley swiftly made her way out of the tent.

Letting out a sigh after watching Riley disappear outside, Asmodia made her way to the bedroom with hopes of improving her social skills around the others.

And while everyone settled into the bed, and Riley watched the outside of the tent, something sinister lingered through the forest with its eyes set to corrode the minds of Haruki\'s closest aides. Through the eyes of an elusive hellspawn, the prince of hell kept a stern watch on the swiftwind spy.

\'Slip into her mind and strip her of her loyalty.\' He ordered, and it complied.

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