
Chapter 835 - That depends.

Chapter 835 - That depends.

Li Xue had just gone halfway towards the exit of the Western Arcade when she realized forgetting her wallet in the store. To take it back, she thought about returning but never expected to get surprised seeing the founder of the store as well standing there.

"My happiness was so much of concern, I never knew". Li Xue said, her eyes staring at the woman\'s back, unable to see her face. "Ma\'am, are you the owner of this store?" She asked with a smile. Her eyes trailing to look at the salesgirl for a moment. And just by a glance of her expression, she was sure that she wasn\'t wrong to guess that.

"…" The woman didn\'t turn around. Instead, she stayed rooted to her position with her back towards Li Xue.

Seeing her like that, Li Xue\'s brows knitted together in confusion, which she smiled to shrug off. "I have heard that you have kept your identity hidden, ma\'am. But since I have already found you here, I can at least know you a little. Don\'t worry I won\'t be revealing to …" She was in the mid of words when suddenly her sentence paused to see the woman turn around.

Her pupils dilated first in shock and then in surprise. "It\'s you!"

"Small world, right?" The woman laughed as she gestured to the salesgirl to leave them alone before looking back at Li Xue with a smile. "Such a coincidence. I wasn\'t expecting to see you at my store. But it feels good to see you here".

"Ms. Yana, I wasn\'t expecting to see you here as well. But even if that was unexpected, I can\'t dare to call it a coincidence, given our past meetings" Li Xue said. Though there was a smile over her lips, that smile was serving a different meaning in the situation.

The lady Yun stared at her as her lips curled as well to give a deeper smile. "I see. I see. You have been holding the grudges from all our past meetings. But how could I not remember doing anything wrong to you?"

Li Xue looked at the woman. It was right to say that her words were sharp and with her tone it could be said that she was holding a grudge against the lady. But it was also equally right that in any of the previous meetings, Yun Yuchun has not offended her in any way. It was just that the suspense she has weaved around her has been too tough for Li Xue to handle.

"You didn\'t wrong me, Ms. Yana. But your presence has as well not done any good to me . Except for making me restless and anxious for the answer, it has not served any other purpose".

Yun Yuchun nodded before turning to look at the couch at a distance. "We can sit and sort out our misconceptions if you have time." She said, gesturing to Li Xue to follow her to the seat at the distance.

Though Li Xue doesn\'t want to stay long, something still made her follow the woman around. Even after so many things, she could not deny the sense of familiarity she could feel coming from her.

"Misconceptions? Are you sure those were some misconceptions in my mind and not your deliberate attempts to confuse me, Ms. Yana?" Li Xue questioned, setting aside her carry bag to take her seat across the woman. Her words clearly accusing the woman of the things she has committed against her.

Yun Yuchun stared at her for a moment before she chuckled. "Have I been too deliberate? I don\'t think so." She said, pausing to raise her brows of acknowledgment at the girl. "I mean I know I left you with some questions. But aren\'t questions meant to be left so that people could find their answers? If you weren\'t able to find those answers, how am I to be blamed for your restlessness and anxiousness?"

She said and Li Xue could not help but be speechless at her eased words. She wanted to say something to prove her words wrong but knew well that to some extent those words were right. Though the woman has started the confusion in her, it was her fault to get confused in the first place.

Her amber eyes turned deeper as she stared at the lady with some meaning before asking in an unbending demanding tone. "Do you know my father?"

Yun Yuchun nodded without any hesitation. "You are still suspicious of that? Of course, I know him. If not known then how would I have known you so well?" Her eyes blinked at Li Xue with ?ssuredness.

"But I have never seen you with him in the past. Neither in his friend\'s circle nor in the business circle. Then how do you know him?" Seeing the woman finally answer her question, Li Xue couldn\'t control herself from asking more. Her eyes desperately looked at the lady, waiting to hear her reveal more.

But at that question, Yun Yuchun just shrugged off her shoulders. "That depends!" She said simply and those two words made Li Xue knit her brows together.

"That depends? What does that mean?"

"That depends mean that depend on who you are looking at as your father? The one whom you have known to be your father or the one about whom you are still unknown?" The old lady said with ease but her words only made Li Xue\'s expression heavy with utter confusion.

"What are you saying? How is it different? I have only one father. Why are you making it sound like we are talking about two different personalities?" She asked, at once shooting up from the seat.

At her abruptness, the lady smiled but didn\'t reveal much, she just pushed her shoulders back, looking at her with naturalness. "You were complaining about confusing you before when earlier, I actually kept it really simple for you. The matter is not something simple that you will understand just after hearing me say everything. The more I reveal, the more it will confuse you. So, it will only be better if you find it out on your own, otherwise …"


"Otherwise, wait for it to come to you on your own. I am sure, it\'s not too far away from you now. Sooner, you will get to know everything that is concealed from you".

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