
Chapter 833 - Token of gratitude.

Chapter 833 - Token of gratitude.

After taking a whole stroll of one hour in the Western Arcade, Li Xue was still not able to find something that could pique her interest. She has gone to the luxe jewelry shop, yet none of the pieces there caught her eyes. She has gone to the jade store as well but there also she felt nothing could be seen to match the elegance and grace of the Queen.

Not finding anything suitable, she kept on taking a stroll around the floor in search of something without getting bored or tired. It was just then a shop at the corner caught her eyes.

It was dimly lit in the dark, having strange attractive charms that were both inviting as well as repelling the customers. A shop like that in the cluster of big-name brands like Chanel and Gucci was undoubtedly standing out. But it was as well intriguing her curiosity to know what made the owner of the shop get the corner like that in the Western Arcade.

After all, the place was not some cheap location where anyone could come and put their stall. There was a process and procedure to follow. Thinking it that way, she soon found herself walking in the direction of that store.

"Hello, is there anyone here?" She asked as she slowly knocked at the door of the store. Through the glass walls, she could see no one inside. Aye, it\'s so dark in there and also no one seems to be interested in welcoming the customer. Is this shop closed? She thought to herself and was about to turn to ask someone about it.

But just then the glass door got pulled open and next came a soft greeting in the utmost polite voice. "Good afternoon, Ma\'am. Sorry for the delay, but how may I help you?"

Li Xue turned to gaze back inside the shop before looking at the person who had come to greet her. "Oh, that was really quite late. I almost thought that the shop was closed". She said before making her way inside the store.

"Our apologies, Ma\'am. We were just not expecting someone to come here". The salesgirl said and in her words, Li Xue just lifted her brows of surprise.

"Not expecting someone to come here? Does this store doesn\'t receive customers? I thought every store in Western Arcade is doing good business here". Li Xue said as her eyes stared around the empty space of the store. Not much collection was showcased around. There were a few on the mannequins but those pieces were enough to hold anyone\'s gazes at them for a moment.

"Our store is not at loss Ma\'am. And above all else, this store has not been set up with the aim of making profits. Our owner just started it to look at the domestic market of the country". The salesgirl said, following Li Xue from behind. She let her walk freely to check the items while serving her with polite ?ssistance.

Li Xue nodded. "Oh, that explains why there are less customers here since you are not concentrating on profits. By the way, this store is mainly about?" She asked, pausing to check an embellished wallet on a crystal stand.

"This is a luxe store with few luxury items. There is not a design in particular, but you can check around to see and find if there is something that suits your taste. I am sure you will definitely find one suiting your interest". The salesgirl said with a smile as she guided Li Xue more inside the store.

Li Xue looked around, scanning her eyes at every item one after the other. No doubt, there was almost everything suiting her choice there, but then she was not there to shop around for herself, rather has come around to shop for a perfect gift for the Queen. A gift that she owes her since New Year.

"Ahh, everything here looks good. But can you tell me if there is something that could suit as a deep token of gratitude? Something full of warmth and care?" She asked, suddenly turning around to look at the girl behind her.

The shop was truly a charmer in her eyes as the more she was looking at the items, the more she was having the urge to get everything. So killing the chase at once, she thought to get on the main thing without running around in search.

The salesgirl\'s brows knitted in confusion as she glanced around before reverting back to look at Li Xue to ask, "Ma\'am, aren\'t gifts already a token of gratitude?"

"They are. But not every gift is considered to be full of warmth and care. I am searching for something like that. Being the salesgirl here, I am sure, you know both the store and the items available here well. So, I am asking you, is there something that could match the option I am looking for? I want to gift it to the woman who is no less than a mother figure to me." Li Xue asked. Her tone was a little desperate. In the past she has never come to shop around for her mother, knowing well that no matter what she shops for, her gift will simply not get the acknowledgement.

But today buying something for the Queen, she has thought to keep it perfect. Not because she thinks that her gift will be judged but because she wants her present to be something suiting the woman\'s choice and liking.

The salesgirl scratched the back of her neck as she looked a little apologetically. "Ahh, Ma\'am, for that I am sorry. Though I am a salesgirl here, I am still not sure if there is anything such among the things showcased here. We …" She was in the mid of her words when suddenly her words were interrupted with a call.

Looking at the number appearing, she apologized with a smile. "I am sorry, ma\'am. But please give me a moment. This call is urgent and I\'ll have to take it".

Li Xue nodded as she saw the girl walking away to take the call. Her back stiffened a little when she felt someone\'s eyes on her. But when turned to look behind she found no one around.

She shrugged the thought as she saw the salesgirl returning. Her face holding a smile of confidence like she has found a treasure. Li Xue felt a little confused at her expression, but instead of asking she waited to hear what was there for her to say.

"I am sorry, Ma\'am. But there is something that will suit your preferences, I think. Let me bring it for you to look".

"But didn\'t you say that there might be nothing like that here?" Li Xue asked, raising a slight brow of suspicion, to which the salesgirl just smiled.

"That was my fault, Ma\'am. I have been ignorant. I just received a call saying there is another batch of items shipped last week. They are just kept inside the storage room. Give me a moment, I will get it here for you to see". She said before walking briskly inside to get the thing. While behind, Li Xue just stood there, looking at her disappearing silhouette.

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