
Chapter 582 - Got late by 5 minutes.

Chapter 582 - Got late by 5 minutes.

With every passing second, the condition of the Han Guoli was deteriorating. Though he was not that old in age, just in his late 50s yet seeing him in a pathetic state like this was doubling his age. His breathing was turning heavy and heavier to the point where his words were no more coming comprehensible to understanding. While cracks were also appearing on his trembling, making him look more paler and ghostly. Just a look at him like that and none would doubt that his death was nearing.

But even at his such condition, Li Xue did not bat an eye of compassion at him. "Confess your deeds and help me prove myself innocent." She demanded in one tone that was telling about her unbending nature at the situation.

The man was not in a situation where he could bargain. In the present scenario, only his life was his priority that he could not ignore. So, the moment he heard the woman putting forward her demand, he agreed to it. "Okay, I will do as you say but first help me reach the hospital. I might not have time. Believe me, I have enough evidence to prove you innocent from a 5 years back scandal but …"

His voice came incoherent, but to Li Xue, it was clear enough to spot her point of interest in between his garbled words. "Evidence?" she asked. There was evidence of her innocence. She never knew it and that was the reason why getting evidence was never in her plans.

"What evidence are you talking about?" she asked looking intriguingly, bending down to his height.

The man only nodded, no more feeling the extra strength to answer the lady. "Yes, but first take me to the hospital. I need the doctor. My … I am not getting the breath and now almost all of my body is feeling paralyzed".

At his words, Li Xue was the most impassive. Rolling her eyes, she turned to the side to check the time showing on the clock. "So boring! Time is ticking by Mr Han. I don\'t think even if I move you to the hospital, you would be able to make it on time. So, why not just put every word we discussed into a trash bin and wait for you to take your last breath". She said showing his unconcerned attitude toward the evidence the man was holding with him.

Han Guoli was at once a loss. He looked troubled. "Ms Li Xue please don\'t do this. Save me. I don\'t want to die yet. Just save me. Whatever you will ask I will give you but please save me". He cried out and the woman nodded giving some thoughtful nod.

Li Xue looked at him for some seconds, keeping a finger of pondering over her chin, she said, "Save you? Though you can\'t be saved even if I take you to the hospital, still I have a way that has got the chance to bring you back to life. But this time it will not be you putting forth the condition, it will be me."

The man did not delay any longer. Quickly nodding, he added in a stuffed tone, "I agree … to eh – every condition. Bu – But save me please". He begged.

Li Xue nodded before retrieving two glass bottles from the insides of her jackets. "So here is a solution. There are two-step potions that I got as an antidote. To be perfectly fair to the things and not neglecting your choices, we can do this. I will give you one dose of the first step, you give me the evidence you are talking about and also the confession, and then take the second step to get your life." She suggested, before bringing out a slim box recorder.

Han Guoli nodded. Though there was a risk in trusting the woman, he had no other choice. Seeing him nod in agreement, Li Xue gave him the first bottle to drink and the man gulped it down in one go.

"The second dose should be given exactly after 10 minutes. Come on! Your time starts now" She said, extending the recorder to him in front while her eyes noting down the time on her watch. It was already time for both her Mr Beelzebub and daughter to reach home. She needs to get back fast and prepare some good dinner for them.

"Quick, Mr Han. You only have 9 minutes 35 seconds now. Make the confession all perfect and reasonable so that none have questions to ask. After all, if you die today, I can\'t bring you back to life to make you vouch for the things".

Han Guoli gritted his teeth at her audacious words. Nope, he won\'t die. In no way. Taking the recorder at once, he thought to not delay the things and record the confession straight away but the box dropped down the very moment he took it in his hand. Due to increasing paralytic effects on his body, there was now no longer any strength left in him.

"Oh-oh, Mr Han! Take it easy. I don\'t have a spare recorder and if something happens to this one. you would be the one in trouble. Wait, I will press the button for you". Li Xue warned very sweetly as she pressed the button to start the recording.

The old man glared but ultimately began his words. "5 years back, the scandal in Grande Royale was to implicate Ms Li Xue falsely. She was all innocent and has never been involved in any wrong means rather has always remained righteous. That night she was drugged and sent to my room. But due to my lack of alcohol tolerance, I was not able to do any bad to her. So, even after spending the night with me in the same room, Ms Li Xue has always been innocent. To further prove my words to be true, I have video evidence that shows how Ms Li Xue was sent into my room in her unconscious state and further details of the night. I won\'t be revealing who all were involved in all this as I feel people are smart enough to guess who they can be".

Even though the voice has come stuffy in audibility, Li Xue was satisfied. Just a little modification in the voice note would be enough to make it clear to ears. But there was something she needed to ask. She paused the recording before putting it back into the pocket. "So, you have got the video recording of the night? Where is it? Even if you don\'t tell the name of the people involved, I am sure after seeing the video recording the things will get all clear to everyone".

"Give me the second dose of the potion" The man demanded. His eyes staring at the clock, where the time was already ticking to reach the deadline of 10 minutes.

"You have yet not completed the task, Mr Han. Where is the video evidence?" Li Xue asked, not budging from her words.

"That\'s there in my laptop. Take it but give me the antidote first"

"Fine, I have no problem. Enjoy". The woman shrugged her shoulders, before setting the second bottle down in front of him and moving to get the laptop in her hands. "But wait, Mr Han, I almost forgot to tell, the first dose of the antidote was delayed itself. It should have been given to you just 15 minutes after you drank the poison. And till when you reached back the room, it was already 20 minutes. Oops! That got you bad"

Did he really think, she would let him have the medicine back so easily? She was not that forgiving to let go of things.

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