
Chapter 519 - Both Heaven and Hell know that the Devil never jokes.

Chapter 519 - Both Heaven and Hell know that the Devil never jokes.

In the study room upstairs,

"Help me investigate something", Feng Shufen said in a solemn tone as his eyes stared at his laptop screen at the front while his phone kept at the side of the table with the video and the speaker on. His face had traces of irritation, but that irritation was yet to cross its limits.

"Hmph! You only remember me at the time of help. Do you take me as a friend with benefits or something that sort of?" The voice of Qi Shuai rang in the air intending to let his friend know how upset he was with the thought of being used.

But his words only made the man\'s expression turned gloomy. Qi Shuai could also realize what mess he created with his own words. But was he the person to accept his fault that easy? The whole world would doubt that one thing for sure.

"Aye … it\'s fine. Don\'t get grimaced at such simple words. I was just kidding with you. Do you think with my charms I would go after you? I am pretty capable of getting lines and lines of women after me. A man like me is born to capture women\'s hearts not to taint himself by going after some cold-hearted President like you", he said, showing a smug face on the call.

Feng Shufen rolled his eyes at his exaggerated words and simply said, "Before showing your charms, learn to use your words properly".

"You … I was saying …"

"That\'s enough! That was not the reason for which I called" The man interrupted the moment he heard his friend again getting started with the blabbering.

"There again you go, like the heartless friend you are! You know this is the reason why I prefer Sister – in – law over you. You are no good to me. Sigh! Heaven has been ruthless to me by destining me a friend like you." The dramatic Director said while buttering his bread after getting it toasted in the toaster. "But nevermind, I can\'t be like you. I am good and helpful, so tell me what you want me to investigate? I would do it for you". He said, feeling all of the world\'s pride in himself.

Investigating something or someone was not a big deal for someone like Shufen. He has the connections all across the world to even find the thinnest needle out of the haystack. Only ordering Gao Fan would do. The secretary was too efficient and meticulous to find out every detail for his Boss.

But since seeing his friend not asking his stoic, cold secretary to do the work for him rather requesting him to find out the thing was only making him feel proud of himself.

Shufen did not pay any heed to his smug face. Keeping all his expressions straight, he simply worded out the point for which he had made the call. "Investigate how 5 years ago, WeiWei has been inseminated into Li Xue".

The moment that revelation hit Qi Shuai\'s ears, he choked on the bread he was chewing in his mouth. His fair face instantly got in the colour of blood. Coughing profusely, he looked at his phone screen, trying to find out if that was some kind of joke his friend has learned to crack.

But when did he start having amnesia? That was not any other person but Feng Shufen on the other side of the call. And both Heaven and Hell knew that Feng Shufen never jokes.

Quickly scrambling to the other counter, he went to get himself a glass of water. The camera screen remained devoid of him for a good moment of time, but the man on the other side of the call did not bat any eyes to his absence. Rather he went to scroll down the report data he was studying on his mails, being all nonchalant at his Director\'s reaction of shock.

When gotten almost all sobered up with his rigorous coughs, Qi Shuai came back to the screen only to scream out loud, "Hey, Shufen, can you at least warn me before revealing something like this?"

"…", Feng Shufen did not respond to his words. He kept himself busy on the laptop, only to hear him say more of the words.

"You know I almost died a few moments before. Can\'t you be a little easy with me? Don\'t you know how weak and frail my heart is, in respect of taking such huge surprises?" Qi Shuai was purposely blurting out these usual off the topic conversations. It was still tough for him to digest everything he has heard moments before.

All this time, he was just thinking that the presence of the little munchkin in the woman\'s life was just out of the consequence of the scandal, 5 years back. But now hearing his friend reveal something this sort of, he could only feel like the things were not as simple as they have been portrayed on the news. The more he looked at the things now the more he felt them as some messy conspiracies to attend something big.

Who was behind all this? The question arose in his senses but got no hint of an answer in any contemplation around. For some reason, he felt like in a situation like this, wild guesses will only deviate him off the subject.

After almost getting himself absorbed into the situation, finally, Qi Shuai got back to the topic that required his attention. "So, all these years it was not about the scandal but some other mishap? Do you think that it was some other cheap conspiracy from that model, Wen Sying? I don\'t feel like she would be capable enough for something this big. Someone else must be there"

Feng Shufen\'s eyes went still on the screen at first, getting sharper and darker with every passing second. The temperature around also dipped gradually along with his darkness in his orbs. Though for Qi Shuai his eyes were still not at him, he could still see the dark clouds shrouding over his friend\'s head, making his bones shiver on their own.

"She better not be involved. If I find her anywhere related in such thing against my wife, even if that just for the thinnest line, she would have to suffer the most dread torture of the Hell".

The Director could see how serious his friend was about it. And his seriousness on a topic like this was also not wrong. Even he was feeling the same. Ruining someone with something like this was just too much …

Nodding his head, he said, "Okay, give me some time. I would dig everything out".

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