
Chapter 224 Form a Team?

Chapter 224 Form a Team?


Constant chatter was everywhere in the classroom.

\'Can\'t they be quiet?\'

Burying my head in my hands, I let out a frustrated sigh.

One thing I really didn\'t miss was the noise.

I\'m sure Kai would agree with me as well.

Peeking at the class from behind my arms, I glanced at one of the protagonists with brown hair and eyes, trying to nap with all the noise.

From his facial expression, I could tell he was also annoyed.

My eyes darted toward the other three students in the group, and they too seemed to be struggling to focus amidst the chatter.

Drake was trying to control his facial expression since a lot of people were gathering around him.

Tess was busy scribbling something in her notebook, her hand moving rapidly as she tried to drown out the noise.

Rose, who was sitting beside her, was chatting away with another female student, probably adding to the overall noise level in the classroom.

The chatter in the classroom was becoming increasingly distracting and disruptive.

My head was also not a fan of the crowded class since I barely had any sleep tonight.

Chronic stress and all of that led to this but I\'m fine, I guess.


The clapping sound startled me and the entire class instantly became silent.

All of our eyes were drawn toward an Individual standing at the front of the class, his face adorned with a lazy smile.

It was Robbin.

"Hello, fucke- students!"

He began his speech, drawing a few glares from the students, however, Robbin simply ignored them, his gaze traveling around the room.

For a moment our eyes met and he smirked but before anyone could notice, he quickly shifted his attention back to the class.

"Most of you are still as shit as ever..."

He sneered, clasping his hands together and leaning against the podium.

"Anyways, I\'m going to announce the results of your mid-term exams!"

With a click of his fingers, he summoned a list of names projected onto the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.


Instantly, complete silence overtook the class as everyone was searching for their name.

\'Please be in the Top-50...\'

Even I was eager to know which place I\'d managed to reach since this would determine whether Robbin would torture me to death or I would live to see another day.

\'Mana Perception...\'

Since the names on the list were written in small letters, I used my Mana to enhance my vision.

I started from the bottom of the list, slowly raising my gaze to the top.

I didn\'t expect myself to place very high since expectations are the root of disappointment.

However, I was confident my results wouldn\'t be terrible.

And surely, it wasn\'t long before I found my name.

21. Aiden Steele

22. ...

23. ...

A smirk began to form on my face.

Not only did I manage to reach the Top 50 but also the Top 25.

I stared at Robbin with a smug smile and it didn\'t take him too long to feel the gaze.

\'Lucky bastard...\'

I could see him mouthing, however, there was a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

I guess he was also proud of my result.

"Okay losers, another announcement!"

After everyone checked their results, Robbin weaved his hand to dismiss the projection on the whiteboard and continued speaking.

"The Queen\'s tournament is about to begin and there\'ll be a series of preliminary matches to determine the participants."

Robbin made sure that everyone heard him and continued.

"The Fights will be happening in the Colosseum starting next week and it is mandatory for all students to participate."

With all said, he proceeded to discuss the rules and regulations of the tournament, emphasizing the importance of participation and showcasing one\'s skills.

"Anyways, I\'m done, have a good day!"

Saying his final words, Robbin vanished into thin air, leaving us alone.

Soon, all the students followed, leaving me in the empty classroom alone.


Sighing, I ruffled my dark hair.

After a few minutes or so, I also left the room.

However, as soon as I stepped into the corridor, I noticed a girl leaning against the wall, looking at me through her thick eyebrows.


I waved my hand with a confused expression.

Why was Katarina waiting for me?


Katarina greeted me, pushing herself off the wall. Her eyes, a deep shade of emerald, held a mix of curiosity and something else I couldn\'t quite put my finger on.

"Congratulations on the exam results, Aiden."


I replied, a bit taken aback by her unexpected compliment. Katarina was not so aloof, so any sign of acknowledgment from her was a surprise.

"Did you... need something?"

Her lips curved into a half-smile, and she motioned for me to walk with her.

"Walk and talk, Aiden. I\'ve got something to discuss."

As we strolled through the corridors, I couldn\'t help but wonder why Katarina, of all people, sought me out.

Did she by any chance know that it was me who raided the Shadow Dungeon?

A drop of sweat trickled down my forehead upon the thought.

"So, about the Queen\'s tournament."

She began, her tone low and serious.

"I\'m forming a team, and I want you in."

Her sentence made me freeze.

"How do you know that there were teams in the Queen\'s tournament? Isn\'t it a standard individual competition?"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Of course, I knew that there would be a team round in the tournament, however, this was only because I knew the future of this world.

How did Katarina know any of this?

Katarina chuckled, her laughter echoing through the empty corridors.

"You underestimate the power of connections and a well-informed network. Information flows like water in this realm, and I happen to have my ways of catching the currents."

She didn\'t answer my question directly, and her mysterious demeanor only made me more suspicious.

Walking beside her, I couldn\'t help but notice how effortlessly she navigated through the bustling city, her every step calculated and purposeful.

As we continued our stroll, the noise of the city gradually enveloped us. Merchants haggled in the market, children played in the alleys, and the aroma of street food wafted through the air. It was a stark contrast to the quiet classroom I had just left.

"So, why me?"

I finally asked, breaking the silence.

Katarina\'s emerald eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Aiden, you have skills, and your results in the mid-term exams only prove that. Plus, I\'ve heard whispers about your spars with other students."

I tensed at the mention of the spars. How did she find out about that? About which spars was she talking specifically?


She continued, ignoring my silent inquiries.

"I\'m not just interested in your skills. I\'m interested in your potential. The Queen\'s tournament is a stage, and I\'m assembling a team that can leave a lasting impression."

Her words hung in the air, and I couldn\'t shake the feeling that there was more to her proposition than she was letting on. We walked through the city gates, and the grandeur of the capital unfolded before us.

"I\'ve got my eyes on something bigger."

Katarina said cryptically.

"And I believe you can be a valuable piece of the puzzle."

I tried to read her expression, but Katarina\'s face was a mask of inscrutability. What game was she playing, and how did I fit into it?

Also, why was she acting like some mysterious MC?

Wasn\'t that supposed to be my role?

We entered a hidden part of the city, a place I hadn\'t seen before. It was a labyrinth of narrow alleys and concealed entrances, a shadow within the shadows. It seemed like Katarina knew every twist and turn, leading me through the maze with confidence.

"So, what do you say, Aiden?"

She asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Will you join my team?"

I hesitated. The tournament was one thing, but Katarina\'s motives seemed to extend beyond the arena.

Should I accept?

I didn\'t have a team to begin with, so joining would be the most calculated and purposeful decision to make.

However, it felt like I was stepping into the world of the unknown.

Too many unknown variables...


After some time, I finally sighed and nodded.

"I\'m in."

Katarina\'s half-smile widened, and for a moment, the enigmatic aura surrounding her seemed to lift. She extended her hand, and we sealed the agreement with a firm handshake. The subtle hum of mana in the air resonated with the unspoken promise between us.

"Good choice, Aiden. You won\'t regret it."

After that, I was somehow dragged into one of the restaurants near the hidden part of the city where Katarina had led me.

Although I had played this game countless times, I hadn\'t been to this part of the city before.

This was a new experience for me, so along the way, I spent my time observing the surroundings.

It was fun.

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