
Chapter 205 Princess’s training

Chapter 205 Princess\'s training

Huff... Huff...

Shallow breaths escaped the trembling lips of a girl sitting on the wooden floor of her massive, old apartment room.

Waves of Mana kept rippling through the air, creating a shimmering glow that danced across the room.

It was as if the girl was in the middle of a magical storm, the cause of it.


Unbearable heat began to radiate from her body, making her delicate face shift into a sweat-drenched mask of pain.

However, she didn\'t let out even the slightest whimper.


A mysterious sound suddenly echoed through the room and the girl\'s face became calm and collected.

It was as if the pain disappeared completely.

"-D Rank..."

Opening her azure eyes, the girl stood up and stretched her body, letting out a satisfying sigh.

Brushing her azure hair out of her face, she looked out of the window and saw the campus that was almost empty due to the one-week vacation the academy gave for students after the completion of midterm exams.

With a determined smile on her face, Rose made her way through the academy\'s empty corridors. The one-week vacation was a welcome break from the rigors of academic life.

The silence was very comforting.

Tap... Tap...

Approaching another apartment, she knocked gently on the door, her azure eyes filled with anticipation.


The door creaked open slowly, revealing Tess with her disheveled red hair and sleepy eyes.

"Rose, what\'s got you up so early?"

Tess mumbled, her voice still heavy with sleep.

Rose chuckled softly.

"You won\'t believe what happened in my room just now. I had a breakthrough in my Rank."

Tess blinked, suddenly awake and intrigued.

"Really? That\'s amazing! Come on in."

Rose followed Tess inside, taking in the cozy interior of her friend\'s apartment. It was a stark contrast to her own, filled with warmth and vibrant colors. Tess disappeared into her bedroom to change, leaving Rose alone on the sofa.

As she waited, her thoughts drifted to a certain man - Aiden. Their relationship had always been ambiguous, a mixture of friendship and acquaintanceship. But everything changed when she witnessed a side of him that he rarely showed within the academy\'s walls.


Aiden had revealed a cruel and ruthless persona, one that had led to the deaths of people who might have been saved. He claimed it was all to ensure her safety and that of her friends, but Rose couldn\'t wrap her head around it. Did her life hold more value than anyone else\'s? She had always believed in the sanctity of every life, in the inherent worth of each person.

Her facial expression hardened as she grappled with her conflicting emotions. She couldn\'t simply dismiss what she had seen. Aiden\'s actions had shaken her to the core, and she hadn\'t yet determined how to treat him.

Tess returned, now dressed in her training attire, a determined glint in her eyes.

"Ready to spar, Rose?"

Rose blinked, pulling herself from her thoughts and managing a small smile.

"Yes, let\'s spar. It\'s time to clear my mind."

As they moved to the training area, Rose couldn\'t help but wonder how her relationship with Aiden would evolve and whether she could find a way to reconcile the conflicting sides of him she had witnessed.

\'Should I even try?\'

She mused under her breath.

However, the next second her eyebrows furrowed once again.

He was her compatible person, there was no way that her parents would allow him to stray away from her.


Rose was so lost in her thoughts that she didn\'t even notice as they arrived near one of the training areas.

Rose and Tess entered the academy\'s training area, a spacious room with high ceilings and walls lined with mirrors. The polished wooden floor gleamed under the bright lights, and the scent of sweat and determination hung in the air.

As they approached the center of the room, Tess gave her a knowing look.

"You\'ve got a lot on your mind, Rose. Let\'s use this spar as a way to clear your thoughts."

Rose nodded appreciatively.

Tess had always been perceptive, and today, she was especially grateful for her friend\'s understanding.


With a deep breath, she cleared her mind, focusing on the present moment.

Tess drew her slender rapier with a swift and fluid motion, her red hair falling gracefully around her shoulders. Rose watched her friend\'s movements closely; Tess was an incredibly skilled swordsman, and sparring with her was always a challenge.

Summoning her own weapon, Rose closed her eyes for a moment, centering herself. Her cryokinetic abilities allowed her to create and manipulate ice, and with a focused thought, she channeled her power into her weapon.

"Cryokinesis: Icy Blade!"

When she opened her eyes, a beautiful, translucent sword glistened in her hand. It was a weapon of pure ice, its edges sharp and gleaming like polished glass. A frosty mist surrounded it, making it both elegant and deadly.

Tess raised an eyebrow in admiration.

"Your control over cryokinesis gets better every day."

With a small smile, Rose took a defensive stance, sword at the ready. The two friends began to circle each other, their footwork precise and calculated.

The only sounds in the room were the soft swish of their blades slicing through the air and their steady breaths.

As they clashed, their weapons rang out in a harmonious symphony of steel. Rose\'s icy blade met Tess\'s with a resounding clash, and the room seemed to drop a few degrees as their energies collided. Tess moved with grace and precision, her red hair dancing with each graceful strike.

Rose, though, had always favored a more strategic approach. She allowed Tess to dictate the pace of the spar, focusing on defense and waiting for the right moment to counter. Her thoughts drifted once again to Aiden, but she pushed them aside, immersing herself fully in the art of combat.


With a lightning-fast lunge, Tess aimed for Rose\'s left side, but Rose parried the attack expertly, her icy blade deflecting Tess\'s rapier with a shower of frosty sparks. Rose countered with a quick jab, aiming for Tess\'s shoulder, but her friend gracefully sidestepped the attack.

The spar continued, each exchange pushing Rose to her limits. The physical exertion, the clash of blades, and the camaraderie with Tess all served as a balm for her troubled mind. As the minutes passed, her thoughts of Aiden began to fade into the background, replaced by the thrill of the fight.

Tess, too, was fully immersed in the battle, her eyes shining with determination. The two friends pushed each other to their limits, their sparring session becoming a dance of skill and camaraderie.

Their dance of blades continued each movement, a testament to their years of training together. Rose\'s icy blade sang through the air, and Tess responded with precision and agility. The room echoed with the rhythm of their spar, a symphony of skill and camaraderie.

Rose\'s mind was now fully focused on the spar, and the weight of her thoughts about Aiden had temporarily lifted. She took the lead, launching a flurry of attacks, each one calculated to test Tess\'s defenses. Her movements were fluid, and her control over her cryokinetic abilities allowed her to add an element of surprise to her strikes.

Tess met each attack with grace and skill, her rapier a blur of motion as she parried, blocked, and dodged Rose\'s strikes. The intensity of their spar increased with each passing moment, their bodies moving in perfect harmony with their weapons.

In the midst of their battle, Rose couldn\'t help but marvel at Tess\'s proficiency. She was a formidable opponent, and Rose knew that pushing herself against someone of Tess\'s caliber would only make her stronger.

The thoughts of Aiden and the complexities of her relationship with him faded into the background as the thrill of the spar consumed her.

As the spar continued, Rose\'s strategic approach began to pay off. She noticed a slight opening in Tess\'s defenses and seized the opportunity. With a swift and unexpected feint, she disarmed Tess, sending her rapier clattering to the floor. It was a calculated move, and Rose didn\'t hesitate to take advantage of her advantage.

Tess blinked in surprise for a moment, but then she grinned, acknowledging Rose\'s victory.

"Well done, Rose. You got me."

Rose offered a hand to help Tess up, a sense of accomplishment and relief washing over her. The spar had served its purpose - it had allowed her to clear her mind and regain her focus.

Tess accepted the hand and rose to her feet, still wearing a smile.

"You needed that, didn\'t you?"

Rose nodded, her azure eyes filled with gratitude.

"A little bit."

Giving Tess a subtle smile, Rose looked toward the ceiling.

"Want to use your Mana Art fully?"

Suddenly, Tess spoke, making Rose\'s face morph into a smile once again.


Standing up, she began to channel Mana through her entire body and prepared to unleash her full power.

Tess also did the same, their determination evident in the glow of their eyes.


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