
Chapter 136 Lunch With The King

When Alicia approached the garden to have lunch with the king, she noticed how quiet the environment was. There were no maids or guards in sight, except a bodyguard, and he stood away from the garden. She couldn\'t help wondering why.

By the time she arrived at the garden, she noticed that the king was already seated there and a variety of meals had been served too. She felt sorry that she had kept the king waiting.

As soon as the king saw her, he acknowledged her presence with a smile that made her nervous. Funny how she had been looking forward to this meeting so she could tell the king all she had on her mind, but now that it was just the two of them with no one else in sight, she was a little nervous.

Also, she wanted to be done with this as soon as possible so she could go appease the big baby, who hadn\'t wanted her to leave when the guard came to call for her, because, according to him, he was not done teaching her for the day.

Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do since the king had already sent for her. She had to cut their lecture, which didn\'t please Harold one bit. He had warned that if she left, it meant she was not going to visit Hellion that afternoon since she would be using that time.

It seemed he was trying to bait her because he knew she could not turn down the king, and now she had one day cut off from visiting Hellion.

"That doesn\'t mean I have to spend an extra night in your chamber, does it?" She had asked, even though deep down she really didn\'t mind staying in his chamber since not only was his bed more comfortable than hers, but he was also a man of his words, and she didn\'t have to worry about being touched.

"You will spend an extra night since you are the one breaking our agreement," Harold had said as he eyed her from where he sat.

"That means I don\'t have to spend this night with you since you won\'t be taking me to Hellion," she concluded, and Harold shrugged and looked away from her to the big book she had been reading earlier.

"As you please."

She could tell by the nonchalance in his tone that he was not happy with her. Unfortunately, it couldn\'t be helped. And she was keeping the king waiting right now. "I will try to be quick with the king so I can return in time for us to go see hellion," Alicia had said before walking away in quick steps.

Standing before the King now, and seeing how everyone had disappeared, she doubted that this would be a brief conversation. Something told her that just as she wanted to talk to the king, he also wanted to talk to her. "My king," she bowed.

"Sit," he gestured at the seat across from him and she sat down elegantly, her eyes on the table.

"I hope you find something you like," he said calmly.

Her eyes lit up at that, and she smiled at him. "Thank you for your boundless generosity, my king," she bowed again while seated.

The King nodded and had a small smile on his face as he gestured for her to eat. Before she started, the king watched as she pushed some plates to the side. He guessed she was preserving them for someone, but he didn\'t ask.

They both ate in silence for a while as Alicia tried to gather her thoughts and decide on the best way to raise the subject of leaving the palace. She hadn\'t wanted to raise it in the presence of everyone else since she knew that the Queen and Ivan would frown at it, and she didn\'t want those two in her business. Also, she wasn\'t sure if the king was going to agree to that particular request, and she didn\'t want to embarrass herself in front of everyone.

"You don\'t like your husband very much, do you?" The king asked suddenly, making her almost choke on the meat she had been eating, since she hadn\'t been expecting such a direct question from him.

Why was everyone interested in her relationship with Harold? "Uhm... my king... we... are getting along..."

"You don\'t have to lie to me," he said calmly, before sipping his wine without taking his eyes off her. He had made sure that no guard or maid was around who would eavesdrop on their conversation and report it to either his wife or Ivan.

Alicia didn\'t bother to say anything because, judging by how serious he looked, she could tell that he knew something, but she didn\'t know what it was. Was he asking because he found out that she stabbed Harold when she first came?

"You don\'t have to be uncomfortable. I asked us to meet here, not as your king, but as the father of your husband," he said, hoping that would calm Alicia since she was shifting in her seat uncomfortably.

Alicia nodded slightly, "We are getting along, my king."

The King studied her face for a while before speaking again, "Do you miss your kingdom?"

There was nothing to miss about that shithole kingdom that princess Amber came from, but she did miss her home, and that was her kingdom, so she nodded, "Very much."

The king\'s lips twitched, "I am aware of the fact that you were brought from exile to marry Prince Harold. And I am also aware that you are the woman who was dressed as a man," he announced, shocking Alicia.

Her eyes widened a bit when she heard that, and her heart almost burst out of her chest in panic as different questions raced through her mind. What exactly did he know? And since when did he know about this? How did he know about that? Did Harold tell him? She recalled that they both left together after dinner that night. Was the king going to punish her? Did he also know that she had been trying to escape this whole time? She tried to calm herself by reminding herself that as long as he hadn\'t killed her this whole time, she was safe. Also, there was no way he would know that she wasn\'t even the exiled princess. She was living in the princess\'s shell.

"Then... why didn\'t you... do anything?" She stuttered.

"Because you are Harold\'s wife. And even though he is bad at revealing what he thinks and feels, I know that he cares about you greatly, so I have to keep you safe," the king said softly.

Oh, well! She swallowed air nervously.

"That is why I am asking you for a favor. Since I have turned a blind eye to everything that involves you, can you promise me that you will always look after Harold?" He asked, and from his tone, Alicia could tell that he cared deeply for Harold.

Alicia looked at him in confusion, wondering what he meant, "But I..."

"Do you think the attack on you two on your way back from the marketplace is going to be the last? Or do you think it is the first time he has been attacked?"

"What... attack?" She asked in confusion.

The King paused and looked at her confused face in confusion. Did Harold ask her not to talk to him about it? Was that why she was pretending not to remember? Or did she really not remember? He wondered as he watched her.

"You really do not remember," He said it more as a statement than a question. It seemed she had been telling the truth when she said she knew nothing.

Alicia racked her brain, trying to recall what he was talking about. There had really been an attack. Was that why she collapsed? Why didn\'t Harold mention anything about it? She remembered how he had interrupted them while she was asking Alvin about it. Why was he hiding it from her? Most importantly, why couldn\'t she remember that particular incident whereas she remembered everything else that had happened that day?

"I don\'t remember, and Harold didn\'t say anything," Alicia murmured after some time.

"He probably did not say anything because he is trying to protect you. I\'m not sure he understands that it is best for you to know there is danger and be on alert."

Was that why he was teaching her how to use the bow and arrow? Because he wanted her to be able to defend herself in his absence? Different thoughts swam around her head.

"As his bride, you have to protect him in any way you can," the king said, even though he trusted that Alicia would do just that. He had heard about how she had attacked the men who were training with Harold, thinking that they were trying to hurt him.

"Who are they? And why... are they attacking him?" She asked in a shaky voice.

"Being a member of the royal family comes with attacks like this. If one is tough, they may survive. If they are not, then it\'s a pity."

"But you are the king. Can\'t you do something about it? What if he gets hurt? What if something bad happens?" She asked, panicking. She found it difficult to breathe well as her heart contracted at the thought. It was terrifying. She couldn\'t imagine living in this time and place without Harold. What would she do if Harold got hurt? If he was no longer here for her? She\'d rather just die.

The King noticed how worried she looked and smiled in relief, "You seem to care about him more than I thought you did."

"Eh? W-What?" She stuttered in confusion.

Even she was surprised to realize how deeply she cared about him too. If she didn\'t know better, she would have thought that she was in love with him.

Pfft! What a silly thought.

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