
Chapter 14 1.4.9

With the comment Elijah just made everyone became enraged and the more that they thought about it the more it seemed to be true.

Who would go out of their way and risk angering all the top rankers to get a training room and do nothing in it?

Even after this whole time that they were standing outside the room, the boy had refused to move an inch.

He was just sitting there as if relaxing in the comfortable mana environment.

With every passing second, the students got madder and madder. Even if someone planned out the whole thing it would at least be impressive if they were training. But to sit there and waste the room for someone who could be using it more efficiently, it\'s a plain insult.


Oscar was running through the hallway to make it to the training room. Even though he was a bit late since he wasn\'t renting out the individual room he didn\'t expect any problems.

As long as there wasn\'t a challenger he figured he would be able to sneak in and take the room.

Due to there only being eighty-three individual training rooms and the person who had the eighty-third often had to face challengers to want to take the spot.

This was a rule added by the school that allowed a challenger to at any time challenge someone who had an individual room. The owner had to accept and refuse or defeat would lead to the challenger gaining access to the room.

But there was also an added consequence for losing. The person who owned the room and lost would be unable to challenge any person for a week straight.

If the challenger lost there would be no dire consequences from the school at least.

Unfortunately, like many of the school\'s rules, these rules were taken advantage of by the strong.

If the eighty-third person lost someone higher up would immediately challenge the winner and beat them to a pulp. This would discourage them and others from challenging others. In addition, the room would become the winner\'s place.

When this happened because the winner usually had a lower room with higher mana the eighty-third room would be rented out.

If this happened it was normally the eighty-third person who bought back into the room they just lost. This would turn everything back to how it was.

However, among the students there was a rule that if a higher-ranked person got a second room they had to sell it to the highest bidder.

Under normal circumstances, the eighty-third would buy it back but every once and a while someone who had been saving up would win the room.

Oscar didn\'t really care if this happened because he was rich with credits. This is why he didn\'t mind staying with Mrs. Fischer for a while longer.

Finally arriving in front of the training room he pushed open the doors but his eyes immediately locked on to the gathering of students that were in front of his room.

Oscar felt frustration fill his mind. Since he was late and unable to accept the challenge of someone that most likely meant someone took his room.

This meant a higher-ranked person would take back the room and Oscar would have to pay up.

It wasn\'t the biggest deal in the world but it did annoy him.

Walking up to where everyone was gathered he was surprised to see the number of people.

If someone took a room from him, too many people would be willing to challenge the person.

The reason being was that it was more beneficial to keep training rather than beat the newcomer and rent out the room for a few credits.

Thus, it was only the eighties and some of the lower seventies who stood outside his room but now he saw all kinds of people and he even thought he heard Elijah\'s voice.

Confused by what was happening Oscar pushed past everyone to arrive in front of his room only to have his mouth drop open with shock.

There, in front of him, seated looking like he was taking a nap, was the very student he swore to beat up and force back into Mrs. Fischer\'s class.

Oscar thanked the heavens for the perfect opportunity to beat the kid senselessly.

But then a sudden feeling of nervousness filled his mind. If a student walks out of a class, takes someone else\'s training room, and only sits there wouldn\'t it be fair to assume they were incredibly stronger?

Slowly Oscar lifted his head to see the rank displayed above the training room but when he saw it he couldn\'t help but burst out laughing.

Illuminated for all to see was the number 993.

Now Oscar was really ready to punch the kid\'s face. Oscar started to think that the kid might even have a mental disability. Who would be stupid enough to provoke every high-ranking student?

Oscar\'s only regret was that since the person was so low ranked Elijah would have to deal with them for breaking the rules. But that just meant Oscar would get his chance at a later time.

But just as Oscar was thinking this even more luck shined down on him.

"Oscar, do you want to challenge him?"

The person who had asked the question was none other than Elijah.

Having been given the opportunity and go-ahead to beat the boy, Oscar voiced his challenge by pulling up his smartwatch.

"I Oscar ranked 83rd challenge student 993. The victor will be awarded access to training room 83."

Whenever a challenge was publicly declared a notification would ping throughout the school.

Since the watches were connected with mana throughout the entire school a system of sorts was established so the challenge was immediately recognized.

However, unlike what the system would say it voiced out an error.

[83 is unable to challenge 993.]

Dumbfounded Oscar had no idea what went wrong.


[83 is already the owner of training room D-83.]

Now Oscar was even more confused. Checking the setting on this smartwatch he checked all the past challenges he took part in. The last one was three days ago when he beat 102.

This shook Oscar\'s mind even more. There was no notification that he was challenged by 993.

This meant that somehow there was a way to take someone else\'s room without challenging them.

"Uh, Elijah, I didn\'t get a challenge from 993 so I\'m unable to fight him. It says that I am still the owner."

Hearing this Elijah went quiet. If there was no challenge then 993 should have never been able to use the training room. But then the more Elijah thought about it the more it made less sense.

If 993 did challenge Oscar, then Oscar shouldn\'t have been able to challenge 993 in the first place because of the week\'s suspension. However, Oscar said he was still the owner.

"Oscar, try challenging me for my training room immediately."

Oscar was confused by this request but he did as he was told.

"I Oscar ranked 83rd challenge student Elijah. The victor will be awarded access to training room 83."

[Confirm or Deny.]

This time the message that was supposed to come up came. Oscar quickly hit deny and told Elijah.

"I can challenge you, but when I tried to challenge 993 I got an error."


Elijah, now knowing what happened, voiced a challenge himself.

"I Elijah ranked 1st challenge student 993. The victor will be awarded access to training room 83."

[1 is unable to challenge 993.]


[83 is already the owner of training room D-83.]

With that last bit of confirmation, Elijah finally understood. 993 found a loophole.

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