
Chapter 139 - Did He Know Her?

Chapter 139 Did He Know Her?

Nanny Dong came with two men.

The man walking in front was an old man who seemed to be a steward and the other man walking behind was a young gentleman wearing in white with a handsome face and a bamboo-like towering figure. The most striking thing about him was his smiling eyes, showing his innate elegance and kindness.

However, it somehow seemed that he could not be despised!

Different with Chu Liuchen’s occasionally harmless elegance, this gentleman seemed to be more carefree and much more peaceful in mind.

It seemed that his smiling eyes could warm their hearts.

In Qin Wanru’s last life, he had given her numerous great moments of warmth but it was also because of him that she became a widow and was evicted by Deputy Prime Minister’s Chambers at the end.

If Qi Baiyu had not recommended her to be a royal painter to paint for the emperor’s harems, she could have avoided her tragedy that she could go back to her maiden home, and would not be evicted by her husband’s family and tramp the streets at the end.

But even so, Qin Wanru was grateful to him because he treated her well during his last few months. He taught her medical skills, taught her how to raise a domestic swallow, taught her how to untie the knot in her mind, and taught her how to smile…

However, all had gone since he died!

A trace of warm radiance came with his appearance and vanished with his death. Later, she was expelled from Deputy Prime Minister’s Chambers tragically. As for why she was evicted, she could not remember it. Something seemed to cover up her memory of her last life, which made her could not recall all details. But she seemed to be scolded because of her color.

She put her hand over her head subconsciously. She had a dull headache, making her uncomfortable!

She quite appreciated him and wished she could have saved him before he suffered from an illness. This also was her origin intention to learn medical skills!

This man was her teacher and her friend in her last life and how could she not be excited to meet her again in her present life!

“Excuse me, are you the lady who wants to buy my shop?” asked Wen Xichi with a gentle smile, standing in front of Qin Wanru. Although a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, he still asked with a smile very politely. He didn’t look down upon Qin Wanru because of her age. He glanced at her pretty face calmly with a sense of alienation.

Trying her best to calm her mind, Qin Wanru stood up and bowed deeply to Wen Xichi deferentially. She raised her head and showed her sweet smile in her face. That was a very bright smile!

“Yes, I am!”

“Please have a seat!” said Wen Xichi. He looked at Qin Wanru curiously from head to foot and then reached out hand politely with a smile. She looked very young but calm. Although her face was pale, her pretty face with fresh rouged lips amazed him.

He could imagine how beautiful this girl would be when she grew up!

Moreover, she was so perfect that her tiny peak of brow revealed a kind of natural charm. Although she had such a beautiful face, she behaved politely and soberly. He could tell that she came from an aristocratic family with perfect breeding.

Her smile was so bright that there was no scheming trick, which made people like her. Wen Xichi, Deputy Prime Minister’s youngest son who had seen many ladies from aristocratic families before, had never seen such a charming lady like Qin Wanru before.

Trying her best to calm her mind, Qin Wanru asked very slowly, “Sir, are you going to sell this shop?” She had never known Wen Xichi had such a shop in her last life.

However, when she came to Deputy Prime Minister’s Chambers in the name of driving out bad luck, she knew nothing but Wen Xichi. Otherwise, she would not be evicted at the end.

When she got married, Wen Xichi had suffered from his illness and could not get up. He seldom woke up and even kept in a coma for several days and nights. He didn’t suffer for a long time and finally he passed away soon at a very young age.

As for Qin Wanru, he was much like an elder brother. When he woke up, he took good care of Qin Wanru and he was very patient and nice when he taught her. He never got angry because she didn’t understand.

He was born to be intelligent and smart. Qin Wanru could not be compared with him. Even so, he never called her stupid!

He once fell into water and that was the cause of his illness. The man that Qin Wanru asked Wang Feng to look for was him. She must try her best to let him pay attention to that couple. She must not let him lead a life same as his last life, in which he suffered from illness for so long and die so young even though he was intelligent.

She bit her lips with her tearful eyes, which made her beautiful eyes more charming.

Wen Xichi looked at Qin Wanru in surprise. He felt that the lady in front of him seemed to be emotional when meeting him and now she even wanted to cry. Although she bit her small rouged lips tightly and repressed her feelings, a hint of darkness flashed in her tearful and beautiful eyes.

“Have I met her before?”

Thinking for a while, then Wen Xichi denied it. It was impossible for him to meet her before. If he had met this perfect lady, he could not have not remembered her.

“No, it is one of my friends who wants to sell it. He is too busy to come here today so he asked me to negotiate the shop on price with you,” Wen Xichi smiled gently and said, “I heard that you have talked about the price yesterday and what do you think?”

Nanny Dong did tell her the price yesterday so today Qin Wanru wanted to make a decision after visiting the shop.

Calming her mind, Qin Wanru asked slowly, “How would you deal with these brocades and embroideries in the shop?” She picked up a piece of embroidery near her shoes casually. She knew that Wen Xichi was very smart and she could not let him know anything!

“If you want, you could have them,” answered Wen Xichi, smiling.

Qin Wanru smiled and asked, “Couldn’t I have them and the shop at this price?” When she raised her head, all emotions in her eyes had gone.

“I am afraid not. These brocades and embroideries are the best. It is only because the shop is in a mess and there is no good way to attract customers that the shop has become unpopular. In addition, my friend does not care about the shop so he just makes these goods seem cheap!”

Wen Xichi answered leisurely.

Qin Wanru blinked her enchanting eyes and asked in curiosity, “He is going to return his home village, isn’t he?”

“Yes, but he decided not to leave here later. About the embroidery shop, my friend doesn’t like running this shop. Then now someone wants the shop so he would offer such a low price because he also wants to sell the shop. When he decides to handle this after a while, your servant came. Then he told her!”

Wen Xichi explained this thing in a few words and smiled.

So it was not only cheap but also coincidental. Looking at those embroideries on the ground, Qin Wanru felt pitiful. It might be because man didn’t care about these goods that the shop was in bad management and could not survive. She liked these embroideries and brocades in front of her.

Then if she decided to run a shop, she would have to buy a batch of brocades and embroideries. So it would be the best way to buy those goods and the shop together.

“May… May I buy them on installment?” asked Qin Wanru. She had counted her money and knew that she didn’t have enough money.

She could only afford the shop and there would be working capital left. But if she wanted to buy these goods, she would be kind of short of cash. But she didn’t want to bother the Old Grandma and her mother.

“Qin’s Mansion is also looking for a shop so Old Grandma and mother would not have too much money.”

“No! The price is quite low. According to my friend, he wants to sell them for one time. He offers you such a low price and then at least he wants to avoid too many troubles.”

Wen Xichi answered, smiling.

Qin Wanru bit her lips. Her fresh pink lips whitened because of her bite. Her charming eyes fell upon somewhere in the shop and it seemed that she was thinking about the accessibility of the plan.

Wen Xichi set his eyes on her face again. He dare not look at her out of embarrassment when Qin Wanru stared at him. Now she was thinking so he could see her clearly.

The lady in front of him was very beautiful. Although her refined features still seemed to be a little childish, her beauty was beyond words. She was like those fairy-like beautiful women in those ancient books but she was much more charming and lively than them.

Qin Wanru’s childishness, transcendence and charm integrated together, which made people keep looking at her. She was a very beautiful girl.

In the name of pure appreciation, Wen Xichi took another glimpse at Qin Wanru and then he lowered his eyes in a very polite way. A swift smile crossed his face. He thought that if his best friends knew he would take another glimpse at a girl, he could not imagine how they would laugh at him in surprise.

His best friends all said that he could be a monk if he continued to live such a life.

When he raised his head again, Wen Xichi gave a gentle smile again and said, “If you do have not enough money, there is a bank outside across the street. You can raise a mortgage on this shop!”

His words reminded Qin Wanru. Suddenly a brilliant idea jumped into her mind. Rolling her beautiful eyes, she gradually relaxed and did not bite her lips so tightly. She said, “Fine. That’s the deal! First, I would pay for the shop. Second, I would raise a mortgage on the shop and use that money to buy these goods. However, it is a one-time payment so you have to give me a half-price discount! And your friend could also save a lot of troubles!”

Wen Xichi suddenly felt that he quite liked the lady in front of him and answered her directly, “Deal!”

He only thought that the lady was very beautiful but he didn’t expect that she was also quite smart and decisive. She was good at discovering the weakness others revealed during the talk and hitting the nail on the head, which made people have to consider her suggestion.

If the lady had been a man, he would have made friends with this guy. However, it was a pity that the Qin Wanru was a woman!

Thinking for a while, Qin Wanru rolled her eyes and said, “Then in five days. I would bring my money to buy this shop in five days. At that time, I would have to ask you to give me a hand. Could you go bail for me? Then I could raise money faster.”

She was not familiar with everything and everyone here in the capital city. Thus, it was not easy for her to raise a mortgage on the shop. Actually she didn’t know those complex steps quite well but the thing would go well and fast if Wen Xichi went bail for her.

Wen Xichi frowned and was to turn her request down but when he looked at her dark eyes, he paused and frowned again. Actually he didn’t want to help her but he just could not refuse her request when seeing her eyes.

Wen Xichi answered slowly, “If, if you find nobody to help you, I could ask my friend to go bail for you!” He had never liked meddling so it was the best way to let his friends help her.

“But if… if he doesn’t?” asked Qin Wanru pitifully.

Wen Xichi thought and answered, “If so, I would do it!” His low voice showed his unwillingness!

Qin Wanru was very happy and stood up. She bowed sideways to Wen Xichi slightly and said, “Then I sure appreciate! May I know your name?” She raised her head with her pretty smiling eyes.

It was at that moment that her bright smile hit his originally calm mind directly!

Did he know her…

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