
Chapter 314 - Happy Cookie (3)

In the kitchen of Gael\'s brownstone, Angela sat at the island counter on a high stool that she insisted on sitting, despite him telling her it was dangerous because she kept swaying. In front of her was a spread of a box of twenty McNuggets, a container of what looked like a kilo of French fries, ice-cream sundae, and cola. Her head bobbed in rhythm, and he assumed there was a Spice Girls concert happening in her head while she ate her munchies.

She stared at nothing in particular, her hands never empty since she started eating as soon as they arrived at his home—a nugget in her right hand and a handful of fries in the left. In between chewing, she\'d sip the soda that\'s right in front of her, using the straw sticking upward, before she\'d dip the fries into the sundae and then shoving them into her mouth—all of them in a cycle.

Gael was leaning against the counter with his arms folded across his chest and his legs crossed at the ankles as he watched her at an arm\'s length, unwilling to stay far away in case she fell out of her seat. He ran his tongue inside his cheek, a question lingering in his head as to how he fell for this woman who was currently out of her mind. For someone high, she managed to have only a little mess as she ate—sort of. She seemed to be fully aware of where her mouth was, delivering the food straight into it. 

A couple of times, she\'d smeared ice cream on the corner of her lips, and he\'d wipe it with his thumb. He quietly observed as he let her have her fill. On the third time that she made a small mess again, he\'d wipe it off, then her lip twitched into a smile. 

"Are you having fun?" he asked, wondering what crazy stuff was in her head at the moment.

Angela\'s smile went wider, and she giggled. Her reaction made him chuckle and shake his head, thinking, \'Yeah, she\'s tripping, all right.\'

When she\'d finished eight nuggets and a lot of fries, Gael decided that she had more than enough. He then began to clear the food from the counter. "That\'s enough."

"But I\'m still hungry~" she whined in her whispery voice, pouting as she finished the remaining fries in her hand.

"You only think you are, but you already ate plenty."


"If you don\'t stop eating, you\'ll explode."

Angela gasped in shock, her whisper-like voice still in play. "Oh, nooo~"

"Yeah. You don\'t want that, do you?"

She shook her head, and a smirk peeked out from his face. Helping her off the stool, he led her out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "I thought so. Now, let\'s go upstairs and get you cleaned up. You have a fry in your hair."


Angela could barely stand still if Gael hadn\'t held her by the waist, trapping her between him and the sink behind her while he wiped her face with a washcloth. He\'d cleaned up her hands, arms, and then her face while she busied herself unbuttoning his shirt—slowly and failing like her fingers forgot how to function, yet she succeeded to do it halfway down.

She began shaking her head from side to side and then started gagging. He knew she was getting nauseous when she started whispering, "Stop spinning", a few times then, so when her body began to lurch, Gael swiftly maneuvered her towards the toilet. He was just in the nick of time before Angela belched and emptied her stomach.

"I feel like dying…" She sobbed. "Am I dying?"

"No one\'s dying." He stroked her back with one hand while holding her hair with the other.

"I\'m so sorry… So sorry…" She kept repeating the phrase while she was sick.

Angela was able to brush her teeth, though it took a long time, after Gael cleaned her face again. "You need to change your clothes. Can you do that?" he asked as he walked out of the bathroom and searched for some sleepwear in her luggage. 

She didn\'t answer, but she followed him out. When he found a pair of pajamas that was warm enough to sleep in, he turned back towards her, immediately halting before they collided.

Her arms went around his torso, and she looked up at him through her half-lidded eyes. "Babe~"

The endearment was both adorable and amusing to him. Angela hadn\'t stopped calling him that the whole night and he wondered if she\'d desired to do so if she wasn\'t high.

His lip twitched. "Yeah?"

Sliding her hands up his neck, she softly and slowly told him, "Babe~ You know?"

"Know what?"

"I really…really…really…like having sex with you…"

Oh…kay… That was not what he expected at all. The sudden confession caused his cock to bob as if it nodded in agreement. \'Fuck yeah. Me too,\' his dick thought.

"You do?"

Angela nodded. "Like…really, really…"

A grin slowly grew on his face as he placed his hands on her waist, steadying her to keep her from swaying. He wished he could record this moment and replay it tomorrow when she\'d gotten out of this high.

Angela was still clearly having fun. It wouldn\'t be selfish of him if he had fun himself by asking her questions she would probably deflect when she\'s sober, right?


"Really~" she whispered. "But it\'s a secret~ Shhh…"


Gael swallowed the rest of what he was supposed to say when Angela pushed him backward and he landed on the bed. She peeled her top off and then her jeans next. He should stop her—that was the right thing to do. But at the moment, he was too mesmerized at the scene before him that words refused to leave his mouth.

He swallowed. It had been too long since the last time they\'d been intimate, and he wouldn\'t put it past him to reject her advances—especially if she looked like sex on a stick, just waiting for him to be devoured.

Before he realized it, Angela only had a pair of black-laced panties as she came close and straddled him, her center sitting right on top of the bulge in his pants. She grinded on him, and he knew he was losing it with her tits just a few inches from his face. The sensation woke him up from his stupor, and he gripped her hips to stop her from moving. "Angel…" he groaned.

It seemed as though she didn\'t hear him as she started unbuckling his belt. The urge to flip her on her back and take over was killing him. But he stopped himself before losing control.

"Baby, stop." Gael caught her wrists. "This is a bad idea."

"This is a great idea~~~"

He softly chuckled, wishing she wasn\'t high right now. If it were any other time, he wouldn\'t stop her at all. He was undoubtedly rock hard. But he wasn\'t a total asshole. Fuck. Why wasn\'t he a total asshole?

Gael held her neck and kissed her hard, biting her bottom lip before breaking the kiss. A sweet moan came out of her, and it was nearly impossible for him to stop.

Pressing their foreheads together, he told her, "Not tonight. I won\'t do this to you." He pushed a lock of hair away from her face. "First, you sleep. Sober up, and then we\'ll talk in the morning if this is still what you want tomorrow."

He couldn\'t tell if she understood what he was saying, though she responded by mumbling incomprehensibly. He swore she said something about animals, but he couldn\'t be too sure with her current state.

Lifting her off of his lap, he set her next to him and helped her put on clothes before tucking her to bed. She didn\'t fight him. She was probably so exhausted after everything that happened that night because as soon as her head hit the pillow, her eyes closed.

Was it strange that he went from getting pissed mad when he learned she got high to just laughing about it and now even taking care of her, making sure she wouldn\'t have a bad trip?

Gael laid on his side next to Angela, the two of them facing each other and had less than a foot apart. Her eyes were closed and the corners of her lips were tilted upward. Part of him felt thankful that she was at least able to take her mind off the horrible incident back at her apartment.

He didn\'t tell her that while she was sleeping last night, she whimpered when he tried to get out of bed to sleep on his own bed. And he was almost certain that she was having a nightmare about the gunshots and bloody mess when she mumbled a series of incoherent words under her breath. She only calmed down when he resumed his position, pulled her back to his chest and tightened his arms around her.

"Babe~" Angela reached for him and he caught her hand.


"I see bloop~ Come say hi~"

His brows drew together in confusion and he chuckled. God, this woman was so high, she was floating in space. "Enjoy it while it lasts, Angel," he whispered above her head as he pulled her to him and closed his eyes.

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