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Chapter 586: The Attack

Chapter 586: The Attack

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After entering the Extradimensional belly, witnessing the terrifying flexibility of the Dimension Doorways, and seeing the numerous other supercats within the Extradimensional belly, the Special Higher Police and other Japanese apostles, including Kaede Hattori, Hideki Kujyo and the others were all convinced of his powers.

Especially when it came to Kaede Hattori and Hideki Kujyo, to them, as long as such abilities were carefully managed, even if the goal was to conquer the world it would not be impossible. As such, they became even more eager to cooperate with Zhao Yao, hoping to use him to achieve their own ambitions.

This also achieved Zhao Yao’s aim of wanting to ‘help’ them, and very quickly he received the third mission of the chain mission from Kaede Hattori, which was also the last mission.

Chain Mission: Kaede Hattori’s Wild Ambitions

Mission Objective: Help Kaede Hattori achieve his wild ambitions step by step. The third step would be to steal the American supercats stationed in Japan’s base.

Reward: Steal various supercats to receive varying mission completion rates. The current mission completion rate is 70%. Rewards would be calculated at the end based on the completion rate of the whole chain mission, which includes a vast amount of experience points, the Paralysis Ring, the Dragon Slaying Saber, activating a new ability, and other great rewards.

Punishment: None

In the specific list of mission rewards, all of it were the four supercats listed in Kaede Hattori’s intelligence. These four supercats provided for all the abilities of the American superpower unit stationed in Japan, including the gravitation field and robot integration powers.

If all four supercats were stolen it would amount to 30% of the mission completion rate, which meant that the whole chain mission would be completed.

The reason why there were only four supercats was because the nine times nine different varieties of supercats owned by the Americans were all situated in their homeland. The supercats that were sent out to different parts of the world were only used for lending out their powers, hence, the quality of their powers were valued more than their quantity, for their powers would be good enough as long as they could lend them out on a large-scale basis to complete various missions.

Zhao Yao looked at Kaede Hattori at the side and said, “Are you sure the American supercats are all here?”

Kaede Hattori nodded, “No matter what kind of supercat it is, their powers could only be lent out for at most 24 hours, hence the American troops that were stationed across the world all have accompanying supercats stationed with them. As for the supercats stationed in Japan, they are all gathered in the base here.”

After saying this, Kaede Hattori looked at Zhao Yao with worry and asked, “Are you sure you want to go in alone? The defense in this base is very strict and complex, full of various high-tech American products, as well as various supercats with strange powers.”

“Don’t worry Kaede, I will make it quick.”

As he said that, Zhao Yao’s body disappeared like powder dust in front of Kaede Hattori’s eyes.

The Zhao Yao now was still in his supercat armor, relying on Roly Poly’s invisibility and Elizabeth’s power of illusion for cover as he walked towards the base of the American troops.

However, compared to previous instances where he had to infiltrate into a place, it would certainly be more difficult to do so this time, based on the hundreds of movies, TV shows, novels and anime that Zhao Yao had watched before. For bases like these, apart from surveillance and physical troops stationed there, there would definitely be various other measures in place to prevent people from infiltrating in, such as infrared, lasers, quality control and many other things.

Afterall, Zhao Yao was not a professional, so he was very cautious and serious this time round, and had formulated a detailed plan.

First he called out Gaia and borrowed his power to burrow into the ground, burrowing into the magma below the surface of a warehouse located within the base.

Following that, he traversed upwards till he reached the surface of the ground, and after seeing that there were not much people around, he quietly released Mango into the warehouse and prepared to cast the power of illusion.

Mango’s yellow eyes widened as he stared blankly at the warehouse in front of him before yawning lazily as if he was about to sleep.

On the other side, Zhao Yao had already casted the special illusion that he had created just to lower Lucifer’s loyalty level.

“Be constipated for one whole day.”

Mango’s eyes flew open and became rounded as he started pacing around anxiously, looking for a cat toilet.

However, Zhao Yao had already followed up with more illusions, “Be constipated for 2 whole days... ten whole days... half a month.”

Looking at Mango who was severely alarmed, Zhao Yao sighed and said, “Sorry Mango, but this is the pain of growing up. Be it cat or human, this is a problem we will face someday...”

In the next moment, Zhao Yao clutched his belly and ordered Gaia to burrow downwards.

“Quick burrow down, the Mang-weapon is about to explode!”

As the illusion waves reached him, Mango’s eyes became rounder and rounder in anger, and as he was seriously unable to find a cat toilet in this circumstance, he had no choice but to rely on his natural instinct, which was to activate his power.

Zhao Yao finally managed hide up to 100 meters below the ground surface level before he quietly let out his breath, “Mango’s “let’s all have diarrhoea’ power has been activated, it’s a really scary power. If this power was cast uncontrollably, it might just destroy the whole world.”

Elizabeth speechlessly rolled her eyes. ‘Let’s all have diarrhoea’ was the name Zhao Yao gave for Mango’s superpower, but Elizabeth had always felt that Mango’s ability was not so simple. She thought to herself, “Shitting should just be this child’s hobby, not the basis for his power. His ability should be something more complex and more difficult to explain.”

After a while, large crowds of soldiers rushed out of the base, and more than half of the base was in chaos as all sorts of bad smells filled the air, as if a chemical weapon had been released in the air.

A commander rushed out of his office and looked at the chaotic crowd running around as he bellowed, “What is going on? Is someone attacking us?” The office that he was happened to lie outside the range of Mango’s power waves.

But at the next moment, one soldier was seen clutching his stomach and pointing towards the commander’s office and saying, “It’s there! There’s a toilet there!”

Boom! When he saw the mass of soldiers running towards him like zombies, the commander slammed the door closed and dialed the phone.

“Hello? Reinforcement, we need reinforcement here, the soldiers are staging a rebellion!!”

“What? The soldiers are rebelling? What happened?”

Bang! Bang! Bang! The commander’s door was being thumped on crazily, as if all the soldiers outside had just taken glycerine enema as they shouted, “Open the door! We need to use the toilet!”

Mango’s ability was something Zhao Yao had not been able to figure out until now, and did not dare to try experimenting with, as it was too troublesome to do so. However, there was one thing Zhao Yao understood, which was that Mango’s power waves were very strong and could spread far, to the extent that almost all the methods known to him now, including the Deflective Field, Anti-Radiation Layer, Diamond Panel, the power of vacuum, and many other methods were unable to prevent the spread of his power waves.

The only way was to hide far far away, such that there was enough distance from Mango’s location.

Hence, Zhao Yao hid deep below for around 5 minutes to wait for his power of illusion to end, before he could dare to resurface and call Mango back.

On the the other hand, the situation in the base at this moment was in chaos. Being invisible, Zhao Yao speedily went around the base to first turn off all the power sources and standby power sources.

After that, he began to search for the supercats. Reinforcement from outside would arrive soon, hence he had no time to waste in finding the supercats.

When he passed by the interior of the base, Matcha’s paws waved uncontrollably in the air, “This won’t do, I can’t control the prehistorical powers in my body. I really want to bury all these things.”

At the side, Ares had already clapped his paws and extended his Deflective Field over, digging up the cement around them to bury the lumps of ‘curry’ (shit) lying around.

Ares: “I really want to bury this whole base.”

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