
Chapter 420: An Invitation?

Chapter 420: An Invitation?

(The Next Day…)

Sophie groggily opened her eyes and blinked twice as she felt a warm body stir beside her. She glanced at Cleo who was snuggling tightly against her ċhėst.

The princess had her mouth open and was softly snoring as her hands inadvertently brushed up and down Sophie\'s lower thɨġhs.

"Naughty girl…" Sophie purred as she leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss on the top of Cleo\'s forehead.

The princess briefly stirred but fell back asleep. Sophie couldn\'t help but think that her girlfriend resembled a lazy cat.

Now what time was it?

Sophie could not tell since it had been so long since she had gotten such a good night\'s sleep. For once, there were no nightmares in her dreams.

She didn\'t even wake up screaming. This was progress!


A stupid grin spread across Sophie\'s face and she had to resist the urge to pepper her girlfriend\'s neck with soft kisses.

She was here! It was a bit silly but Sophie could not help but constantly touch Cleo\'s shoulder to make sure that she was real.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Okay… maybe that was enough touching…

Sophie hesitantly withdrew her hand as her mind was suddenly flooded with the urge to rip off her girlfriend\'s clothes right there on the spot.

"One… two… three… four…" Sophie began her familiar routine of counting. She took several deep breaths and then exhaled lightly.

She was in control… she was in control… she was in control…

Sophie felt the urges gradually faded away and she now had the time to appreciate this peaceful moment.

It was such a simple pŀėȧsurė but Sophie wouldn\'t trade it for all the riches in the universe.

Seeing that her girlfriend showed no signs of waking anytime soon, Sophie stretched out her hand and grabbed her communicator that was on the dresser table.

She powered on the metalloid device and switched it to dark mode. Should she try to message Astrid and Qiana today?

Maybe later….

Feeling a bit bored, Sophie decided to check the latest viral news articles that were published on the Virtual Net.

Oh… this was interesting.

Apparently a private mining organization had discovered a planet in the outer regions that was inhabited by gigantic lizard-like creatures.

Sophie quickly tapped the article to read more and saw a sight that was extremely familiar. 

She had seen similar images in Sui Meng\'s memories about monstrous creatures that roamed ancient Earth before humans appeared.

Wasn\'t that a dinosaur? 

The alien race that was discovered on the planet were over forty feet in length and twelve feet in height with sharp razor like claws attached to their legs.

Their hands were hilariously short and useless with a single talon poking out of the center of each fingertip.

The bodies of this lizard-like race were covered in soft downy feathers that resembled birds. Each member had a different colour pattern that was completely unique to the rest of the herd.

However, that were some significant differences between the dinosaurs in Sui Meng\'s recollections and these creatures. 

Each member of this gigantic race wore delicate dresses made from leaves and they appeared to have formed an intelligent and complex societal structure.

Now how exactly they were able to construct these outfits remained a mystery but some scientists had already theorised that this race may possess mental or psionic abilities.

Their skulls were certainly large enough to contain brains the size necessary to develop extra sensory abilities.

Sophie was so absorbed by this incredible story that she failed to notice the pair of brilliant green eyes sleepily staring at her.

"What\'s so interesting?" Cleo asked hoarsely. The princess\' usually neat curly hair was now a complete mess and she was clearly half-asleep.

"Did I wake you up baby?" Sophie whispered gently. She turned off her communicator and placed it back on the dresser table.

Cleo incomprehensibly muttered some words and then wrapped her arms around Sophie\'s body. 

The hybrid girl stroked the side of Cleo\'s cheek and cooed softly while her girlfriend returned to dreamland.

Sophie\'s golden eyes could easily see in the darkness and she silently observed the bags under Cleo\'s eyes.

They were noticeably much lighter than yesterday and Cleo\'s complexion had also improved significantly after some rest.

Sophie enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere inside the room since it gave her some time to think about how to spend the winter vacation.

Duke Peterlor had announced on the Virtual Net that his daughter had returned safely but was currently recovering from injuries.

At least for two weeks, Sophie knew that she could not be seen in public in order to back up this false narrative.

Fortunately, Cleo was going to be returning to Zrudread University after the start of the new semester so there was plenty of time.

But there was one big problem…

What if she took Cleo to a crowded place and then lost control? 

In addition to the potential loss of life, it would provide the anti-hybrid movement with evidence that she was mentally unfit to be the heiress to a dukedom.


Sophie frowned slightly as negative thoughts began to surface in her mind. The doubts and self-loathing were dark clouds that lowered her mood.

Unexpectedly Sophie felt a soft hand squeeze her palm as Cleo lazily whispered from under the blanket, "What did I tell you about getting lost in your own little world?"

"Aren\'t you supposed to be asleep?" Sophie retorted with a small smile.

Cleo raised up her head and leaned in close. Sophie could not see a single flaw on that gorgeous face that came closer and closer to her own.

Those eyes… that buŧŧon nose… that fair skin…

Sophie opened her mouth expectantly but was disappointed when Cleo simply bopped her on the nose and then hid back under the blanket.

"Oh, you are such a teasing little minx," Sophie growled and ripped off the blanket.

Cleo squealed and then jumped off the bed. The princess fumbled around for the light switch and then turned on the lighting in the room.

The bedroom was instantly lit and Sophie saw her girlfriend sway her hɨps seductively from side to side.

"Cleo… don\'t…" Sophie huskily spoke. 

She could bȧrėly contain the urges that were rapidly filling her mind with dirty thoughts and the hunger in her voice was obvious.

Cleo slowly unbuttoned her pajamas and Sophie froze in shock as one buŧŧon after the next was untied.

The princess\' slender body was now on full display. Those faint muscular lines on her abdomen, those two firm peaks that were fully erect and that waist that was soft and flexible.

Sophie\'s eyes wandered downwards and she got lost in those model-like legs and the shaven area slightly above them.

"God… this woman is going to be the death of me," Sophie ġrȯȧnėd as her golden eyes shifted to a pinkish hue.

"I\'m going to take a shower," Cleo declared nonchalantly before walking towards the back of the room without a care in the world.

Sophie was completely transfixed and couldn\'t hear a word that her girlfriend was saying. 

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Cleo reached the bathroom door and placed her long yet delicate fingers on the handle. 

Sophie\'s heart skipped a beat as she was treated to a full view of that pear-shaped ȧss.

The metalloid door swung open and Cleo took one step inside before turning around to face her spellbound girlfriend.

Those piercing green eyes were sparkling with mischief. The princess knew exactly what her body was doing to the beautiful hybrid girl on the bed.

Despite her lack of clothing, Cleo suddenly revealed an aura of majesty and nobility as she opened her mouth and spoke a simple sentence,

"Should I make my invitation any more obvious?"

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