
Chapter 412: The Strange Psychologist

Chapter 412: The Strange Psychologist

(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(Peterlor Estate- Holosuite 13)

Knock! Knock!

“Please come in,” a calm voice spoke from the other side of the door. Sophie took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and then placed her finger against the scanner.

The metalloid door swung open to reveal a wide-open field that was enclosed by a ring of massive oak trees.

There was a single stone path leading to the center of the field where Sophie could see a humanoid figure sitting comfortably in a wooden chair.

This was a bit strange…

Sophie tentatively walked inside and closed the door behind her but couldn’t help but think what the hell was going on?

This entire scenery was nothing more than an illusion created by hard-light projections but it felt real and somewhat comforting.

“Just follow the path and take your time,” Dr. Reynolds yelled from the center of the field. Sophie awkwardly nodded back and then proceeded to step on the stone path.

The stones on the path were all the same golden colour and it reminded her of a certain book in Sui Meng’s memories.

The yellow brick road…

Sophie did not know what to expect as she neared the doctor who was sitting with a relaxed posture on the chair.

She could easily observe his alien features as well as the numerous mechanical parts that were interwoven into his flesh.

A natural bio-mechanical species? Or had he intentionally modified himself? 

Would it be impolite to ask?

Distracting thoughts surfaced in Sophie’s mind as she subconsciously resisted thinking about the true purpose of these sessions.

She really didn’t want to talk about her problems. 

Who would want to bare their soul to a complete stranger?!

And yet… deep down she knew that this was for the best. It was clear that her mental issues could not be solved by her alone.

If this Dr. Reynolds could help her out then so be it.

Doctor Reynolds pressed a button on the console and another wooden chair appeared out of thin air.

He gestured towards the hybrid girl to sit down as Sophie finally arrived at the center of the field. 

This was Duke Peterlor’s daughter…

The old psychologist tapped his fingers against the side of his knee as he ran through different plans of treatment in his mind.

Well before he got to that… there were some things that he needed to address first.

“Thank you for meeting me,” Doctor Reynolds stretched out his hand and shook Sophie’s right palm.

“I understand that this is your first therapy session so it is perfectly understandable for you to feel a bit nervous or apprehension.”

“Yes… yes…” Sophie hesitantly replied as she gripped the sides of the chair. Why was this somehow more terrifying than fighting pirates on planet Calypso?

It was just a simple conversation for god’s sake!

Doctor Reynolds adjusted the grey mask that covered his robotic features and then pressed a button on the side of his head.

There was a dull hissing noise as what appeared to be a metalloid chip popped out of a hole in his circuitry.

Sophie stared in morbid curiosity as the doctor removed the chip and then pulled out an identical looking one from his storage ring.

“I would like to assure you that anything brought up during our therapy sessions will be completely confidential,” Doctor Reynolds spoke firmly.

“I will store all of my memories of our encounters on this chip which will be in your possession after each session.”

“This is my way of guaranteeing my patients that their secrets will never be leaked.”

“So do I keep the chip and then hand it back to you at the start of a new session?” Sophie asked curiously.

“Yes so do make sure to keep it in a safe place since there will be no backup data on my hard drive,” Dr. Reynolds replied calmly.

Hmmm…. a bit of Sophie’s nervousness faded away as she was intrigued by the doctor’s strange alien physiology.

There was a brief moment of silence between the pair as Sophie waited patiently for the doctor to say something.

A few bird-like creature flew overhead and a warm sunset could be seen peaking shyly from the distance.

Sophie had to admit that this was quite the well-designed holosuite experience. It was almost like being transported to a different world.

“Would you like to take a walk?” Doctor Reynolds finally spoke.

“Huh?!” Sophie replied in shock.

The bio-mechanical creature got up from his chair and pressed another button on the console. 

The surroundings instantly changed from a wide open-field and Sophie now found herself standing on the shore of an endless ocean.

Giant waves crashed against the shoreline and massive cliffs and rocks could be seen scattered along the coast.

Doctor Reynold began to walk in a northeastern direction with slow purposeful movements. He would occasionally stop to admire the view of the ocean.

Sophie looked around in confusion as the figure of the doctor slowly got further and further away.

What? Wasn’t this supposed to be a therapy session? Where was he going?”

The hybrid girl activated her movement technique and instantly teleported behind the doctor.

Doctor Reynolds seemed unfazed by her sudden appearance and asked a few simple questions in a casual tone, “Do you have any hobbies?”

“I guess… fishing and reading,” Sophie responded.

“I understand that you are a student at Zrudread University. Quite impressive I might say. How did you find the experience?” Doctor Reynolds inquired softly.

“Well, the teachers were nice… but…” Sophie began to talk about her experiences on campus.

This back-and-forth conversation continued uninterrupted for several minutes as Doctor Reynolds would ask mundane and seemingly random questions.

Sophie found it easy to reply to the doctor since he did not bring up any sensitive issues or topics. 

He didn’t even mention the events at the royal banquet or her time in the Unovan Syndicate. 

In fact, Sophie was now beginning to wonder what the purpose of all of this was.

“Look… I don’t mean to be rude but aren’t you supposed to be… fixing… I mean curing me so I can get back normal?” Sophie finally asked.

“What is the point of asking me so many questions that have nothing to do with my trauma?”

Doctor Reynolds let out a low chuckle and then replied in an easy-going manner, “Miss Peterlor, this is only our first session.”

Asking you these questions is for my benefit so I can get to know the kind of person you are and what possible treatment plan will be best suited for your needs.”

“And I believe that you have a misconception. My job is not to ‘fix you’ since the purpose of these sessions is to assist you to learn how to help yourself.”

“This will be a long journey and unfortunately it may take some time. There are no shortcuts when it comes to therapy.”

“But do not worry because Duke Peterlor has fully booked my services during this time so you will be my only client.”

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