
Chapter 313 The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (64)

(Mount Xilean- Public Library)

(Third Floor)

Xu Lu walked up the stairs that led to the upper floors of the library and ignored the stares that were directed at her.

She had separated from Bai Lu and Tang Shu a few hours ago and now she had some free time to explore around the sect before she had to return to the fifth peak.

She had to admit that it had been fun to hang out with the two young outer disciples.

Their cheerful attitudes helped remind Xu Lu that not all cultivators were monsters. There were some with light in their hearts.

At the end of day cultivators were people.

And people were good, bad and everything in-between, the real problem was the fact that these people were given the powers of Gods.

The saintess quickened her steps as she looked around the great library.

This was the central building where most of the sect\'s techniques, forbidden arts and scrolls were stored.

The space inside the library was around the size of ten football fields.

Rows upon rows of scrolls, pieces of parchment paper and other various knick-knacks had been placed on the shelves that stretched all the way upwards towards the ceiling.

Each floor could only be accessed by disciples of the appropriate positions. The first two floors were open to all members of the sect.

From outer disciples to those who were members of the Holy Sword Sect in name only.

It was by far the busiest floor and dozens of cultivators jostled against one another to look for techniques that would help them improve.

Everyone dreamed of finding an overlooked technique or a forgotten scroll that contained an almighty technique that would make them the protagonist of this era.

So far… no one had found one yet.

That was not surprising considering that any scroll or technique of significance were stored on the upper floors for the true and inner disciples to practise.

Several elders were stationed around the library to oversee the chaos and ensure that no fights broke out.

These elders were bad tempered and would often kick out disciples who simply looked at them for too long, so most people were well behaved.

Being permanently banned from the grand library would put them at a significant disadvantage when compared to their peers.

Xu Lu\'s hands lightly brushed against the side of the railing as she climbed up a few more stairs.

She finally arrived at a seemingly deserted floor with a single elderly man standing quietly by the entrance.

"Greeting saintess," the elderly man quietly spoke. His voice was hoarse and raspy as if he had not spoken in years.

"Good afternoon," Xu Lu politely replied as she reached into one of the pockets of her robe and pulled out a golden medallion with the engraving of white sword on its outer surface.

"I would like to borrow two techniques from this floor."

Xu Lu used her fingernail to cut a small wound on the underside of her palm and dripped the crimson liquid onto the medallion.

The golden metal began to glow immediately and the elder nodded his head. The old man stretched out his hand and took the medallion from Xu Lu\'s grasp.

He held up the metal object to his eye and then nodded again. He then returned the medallion to Xu Lu who placed it back into her pocket.

"Saintess… you are authorised to take as many scrolls as you like…" the elder quietly spoke as he gestured for Xu Lu to step forward.

He pointed at some of the shelves at the back of the floor and then returned to his position where he stood motionless like a statue.

Xu Lu politely thanked him and then headed off in the direction of the shelves that the elder had pointed out.

She did not plan to take too many techniques back to the fifth peak. It was better to master a handful than to try dozens or hundreds.

The saintess hummed softly under her breath as she knelt down and inspected the title of the scrolls placed on the walls.

This floor was covered in a soft carpet that had been created by weaving hundreds of brilliantly coloured silk threads to produce a mesmerising pattern.

There was only one floor higher than this one and it was reserved for the sect leader.

Xu Lu absentmindedly wondered what kind of earth-shattering techniques were housed on that floor.

For a brief moment she was tempted to see if she could find a way to sneak up there and check out those scrolls but… she was not strong enough.

At least… not yet.

In the future well… who knows what would happen.

Xu Lu laughed softly as she ran her fingers along the sides of the scrolls and slowly picked out a few that caught her attention.

There was a scroll that appeared to be made out of blue scale-like material with words hastily scrambled down on the top of the raised bumps.

The saintess reached for the scroll and opened it.

\'The Boundless Lake Technique\' a unique cultivation spell that allow one to absorb water directly into their bodies, breathe in the ocean and even transform part of their body into a liquid state.

It was certainly a… unique choice but Xu Lu could not help but be drawn to it.

In a life-or-death situation being able to turn parts of her body into water was an invaluable advantage.

Imagine a sword driving straight into her chest but it would pass harmlessly out the other side since her organs would liquify and avoid any damage.

Xu Lu read the method for practising this technique and suddenly discovered why she had not seen any cultivator use this technique before.

The method for practicing this technique involved drinking the blood of an underwater monster known as the Kraken and spending three months in the depths of the ocean.

There was also a side effect written down at the bottom of the scroll that spoke about the dangers of drinking the Kraken\'s blood.

Madness… developing gills… losing the ability to breathe out of water… developing tentacles?

Wait… was that last one, correct?

Xu Lu\'s hands trembled as the scroll in her palm felt a lot heavier. Hmm… this technique involved a tremendous amount of risk but…

The saintess paused for a moment and took in a deep breath. She needed to get stronger, and this technique would help to accomplish that goal.

It was important to remember than in the future she would have to face off against the entire might of the Holy Sword Sect as well as opportunistic cultivators from both the righteous and demonic sides.

She needed to take a few risks.

Xu Lu placed the scroll in her storage bag and then looked around for other options.

She saw few interesting titles on the scrolls such as, \'The Fiery Blood Technique\', \'Iron-Skin- Unyielding Shield\' and \'Frost born Gauntlet- Never-ending Winter!\' but nothing really caught her attention.

"Oh?" Xu Lu raised an eyebrow as she saw a dusty thin scrap of parchment paper that was covered in cobwebs.

An old forgotten technique? Wait… could it be?

With excitement racing in her heart, Xu Lu quickly picked up the piece of paper and prepared to read a technique that would make her invincible!

[Dear my sweet Wu Zetian,]

[Parting is such a sorrow… I remember the day when I saw you bathing in the spring behind the twelfth peak, and you saw me as well]

[I still recall the way you blushed under the moonlight like a lovely red rose... and then proceeded to beat the ever-living shit out of me.]

[At that moment I realised… you were my one true love.]

[Well not at that exact moment since I was hospitalised for two days… but when I woke up, I realised you were my one true love!]

[Yours Sincerely,]

[Li Xun]

"What... what the hell?" Xu Lu\'s muttered quietly as she placed the piece of paper right back down where she had found it.

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