
Chapter 235 Lady Of The Night (59)

(Northern Region- Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Castle Eden- Palace Gardens)

"No... please... aren\'t you a human... arghh!" a woman\'s voice trailed off as a longsword plunged into the center of her chest.

"I gave you a chance to escape," Mary whispered darkly as her blade withdrew from the woman\'s body.

The hunter slumped to the ground motionless with the life slowly draining from her eyes.

Her companion stared in horror as the frightening woman clad in white armour slowly turned her attention to him.

A vampire with enchantingly pale skin was currently bound in heavy iron chains. His crimson eyes shook slightly as Mary\'s cold gaze swept up and down the length of his body.

"Your master must be quite arrogant," Mary calmly spoke as she flicked the droplets of blood off her sword.

The red liquid fell to the ground but the vampire in front of her did not even dare to break eye contact with her peculiar golden eyes.

"Don\'t worry I won\'t ask you to betray them... I know that there is a spell preventing you from speaking," the young knight continued to speak in a casual tone.

"Wait... why... why are your working with the witch?" the vampire stuttered nervously as he spoke.

"I don\'t remember giving you permission to speak," Mary smiled sweetly before driving her sword into the vampire\'s stomach.

She twisted the blade and the creature\'s guts spilled out onto the floor. The vampire screamed in agony and his cries of pain echoed through the garden.

"Your goal is to kill Lady Camilla and let\'s just say that any threats to her life..." Mary\'s voice trailed off as she brought her face closer to the dying vampire.

"Will be eliminated."

Madness surfaced in her golden eyes and the vampire felt terror unlike anything that he had ever experienced before.

Vampire were predators and humans were their prey.

That was common sense in this world and yet...

The woman staring at him... was a beast.

The killing intent radiating off her body was like standing in front of a field of corpses.

Mary swung her blade and neatly decapitated the vampire with one smooth motion. His body began to shrivel up as blood leaked out of his corpse.

She glanced at the body of the hunter and a small sigh leaked out of her mouth. These two were the seventh group of assassins sent to the castle.

Lady Camilla was getting quite popular.

Mary frowned slightly as her longsword returned to the sheath attached to her hip. Unless the person behind these attacks was found... it was clear that they would continue.

She just couldn\'t understand why.

Camilla had remained in the castle and had not ventured out in over two years. This place was their home together.

A place away from society.

Where they lived in a world of two.

Mary had long given up her dream of escaping from the Northern Region even though by now she was strong enough to do so.

Camilla\'s safety was her number one priority.

She did feel a bit guilty about not seeing her sister but hopefully Lily was living a nice peaceful life away from her father.

She was always a smart girl.

She would be fine.

Mary stretched out her arms and yawned sleepily. She grabbed both of the corpses and dragged them towards a small shack located at the back of the garden.

At least there was some use for these assassins. They usually made excellent fertiliser for the crops in the backyard.

Mary dumped the bodies in the shack and then began to walk towards the castle. It was a walk that she had done many times before.

Still... there was one thing that always made the journey worthwhile.

"Hello, my beautiful pet," Camilla teased softly as she leaned against the frame of the door and waited for Mary to arrive.

The female vampire wore a long red dress that was deliberately provocative with a deep cleavage.

Her two voluptuous mountains were on full display, and they swayed slightly as Camilla walked over to her lover.

She hugged Mary gently even though her armour was covered in blood.

There was a peaceful moment of silence as each person enjoyed the warmth of the other.

Mary\'s lips curved up into a smile as she leaned forward and captured Camilla\'s lips in a soft lingering kiss that seemed to last for hours.

"My! Aren\'t you being bold today!" Camilla broke off the kiss and winked slyly at the young woman who blushed.

"Sorry... I just... I worry about you," Mary confessed truthfully.

"Mistress I know you are strong but... I worry... I worry that one day I will fail, and your life will be in danger."

"Shhh..." Camilla placed a cold finger against Mary\'s lips and stopped her from speaking.

"I have faith in you... my most loyal knight."

Mary\'s heart filled with warmth as Camilla stared at her face with eyes filled with love and adoration.

There was no falsehood in her gaze.

She genuinely loved her.

"Of course, mistress... I will never let you down," Mary promised gently as she tilted her neck to the side and exposed her soft flesh.

It was an unthinkable act for a vampire hunter to expose their neck to their greatest enemies, but Mary did so without hesitation.

Camilla\'s fangs extended slightly as she took a step forward. Her hands snaked around Mary\'s back and pulled her close.

"I love you," Camilla whispered sweetly as she took a small bite. Her fangs plunged into Mary\'s flesh, and she began to drink her blood.

Mary let out a small groan of pleasure and rubbed her thighs together. She could feel the cold touch of Camilla\'s body and it was driving her insane.

The female vampire fed for several long seconds before finally stopping. She wiped her mouth, and a tinge of crimson stained her hand.

The taste of her favourite human was still as unpleasant as always but... Camilla wouldn\'t trade it for any other blood in the world.

"I have some letters to send in the Annex... can you meet in the bedroom in two hours," Camilla quietly whispered with a tinge of lust in her voice.

Mary did not have to be a genius to understand what her mistress was implying, and her heart began to race.

"Yes mistress..." Mary replied shakily as her fingers trembled nervously.

No trace of the cold-blooded killer could be found on her blushing face.

"I\'ll bring out the whips tonight my pet... you\'ve been a naughty girl..." Camilla whispered sensually as her tongue stretched out to lick the side of Mary\'s neck.

The young woman shivered as a tingle of pleasure ran down her spine. Camilla laughed naughtily and then walked away with an extra sway of her hips.

Mary watched her with a dazed expression on her face. Even after years spent together... she was still spellbound by the seductive vampire.

She had some time to kill so Mary decided to head towards the library to read a few books. She walked through the silent castle and up numerous flights of stairs.

The castle had gotten a bit dirtier over the years, but it was still relatively clean. In Mary\'s defense it was a bit difficult for a single person to clean an entire castle on her own.

She knew that logically it made sense for Camilla to buy servants or expand her clan, but her mistress had never brought up the subject...

And Mary had never reminded her.

Clan Volantis only needed her and that was it. Maybe when she died Camilla could expand her vampire family but while she was alive...

Mary wanted her mistress\' undivided attention.

She was a jealous lover.

The wooden door that led to the library appeared in the distance and several crimson red lines could be seen on the floor below the entrance.

Mary stepped on the wards without fear and a red light swept up and down the length of her body.

She was keyed into every single protection spell in the castle including the ones that led to Camilla\'s secret rooms.

The young woman pushed open the doors and the interior of the library came into view. Rows upon rows of books... a vast sea of knowledge.

Mary had spent hundred of hours inside the library but still felt as though she had barely scratched the surface of the sheer amount of information held inside those texts.

She headed for the familiar section that contained books about vampire hunting techniques.

The fight earlier today had been a grim reminder that she needed to continually improve her skills.

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