
Chapter 269 - Meeting The Dean Again

And so, we\'re going to have a meeting with the dean from before. Since I\'ll be teaching soon, I should get to know his name first.

"Albert, what\'s the dean\'s name?" I asked Albert as we\'re going to the academy district to meet him.

"His name is Dean." Albert said.

"Dean is the dean? I guess that\'s easy to remember."

"You\'re not going to react by saying something like he\'s suited to be a dean since he was born?"

"Why should I? I should be glad that he has an easy to remember name. I\'ll thank his parent if we meet."

Since I can\'t escape being a teacher if I want to keep my medical license, I will need to find a way to cooperate with the dean. Let\'s try asking him to schedule my class just once a week. That should be enough.

"Roy, if you\'re thinking of bribing the dean, it won\'t work. He\'s quite famous in education world as someone who doesn\'t take any bribes. Which is why some people from nobility hated him, and he\'s loved by the commoners." Ms. Wendy said as I was thinking of bribing the dean.

"I\'m not thinking of bribing anyone, but how did you know so much about dean Dean?"

Albert twitched when I said it. He knows I\'m lying.

"I\'m an agent specialized in espionage. I need to know about someone who is going to be my boss. And don\'t call him dean Dean in front of him. He doesn\'t like it. Just call him Dean." Ms. Wendy said.

I guess bribing him won\'t work then. But if I said that I will show him my medical skills, he might change his mind. I won\'t bribe him with money, but I will bribe him with knowledge. That\'s fine, right?

By the way, there are three of us going to meet the dean. Albert, Ms. Wendy, and I. Since the dean is someone that Albert says that he can trust, he\'s going to introduce Ms. Wendy as well. Whether he\'s going to tell the dean about Ms. Wendy being an agent, I don\'t know and I don\'t care.

Anyway, my goal is to be a doctor. A licensed doctor. As for to build a clinic or hospital, I don\'t have any plans yet. At least I want to spread future knowledge of medical skill, medication, and surgery methods so that the development of medical knowledge will improve. And I might not need to heal patients anymore since there will be many people who can do it. That mean I can focus being a clown in the future. Nice.

We entered the academy district, and see many people, mostly in the early 20s, walking around. There are also a lot of cafes and restaurants in this district targeted toward the students. I often went here only for those cafes and restaurants.

Even though Albert is walking around openly, no one noticed that he\'s the king of this kingdom. In fact, everyone\'s eyes are focused to the beauty, Ms. Wendy. And since I\'m walking beside Albert and Ms. Wendy is walking behind, everyone just thinks that Ms. Wendy is either my or Albert\'s servant.

"Wendy, if it troubles you, you can just walk beside us. If you can\'t walk directly beside me, walk with Roy in between us." Albert said.

Ms. Wendy complied and walk beside me.

"Should we hold hands so people will think that I\'m your son?" I asked the two jokingly.

"…no one will think that you\'re my son. Instead, people will think that I\'m the third-wheel since you two walk side by side." Albert said.

Everyone watching must have thought that Ms. Wendy will be a student. But no, she\'s going to be a professor. I can hear some of the men started to plan on how to steal her from me. First, she\'s not my lover. Second, she\'s way too powerful for anyone here. Please if anyone want to be stupid, do it in front of me so I can enjoy laughing at you.

We arrived at the campus, entered the building and went directly to the office. He\'s there doing some paperwork so fast. No wonder he can handle multiple jobs at once.

"We\'re entering." Albert said without knocking on the door.

"Ah, your majesty! Please come." Dean said.

"It\'s funny how no one noticed that you are the king on our way here." I said as I took a seat next to Albert.

"It\'s obvious since I never make my appearance public here. Even the last time I\'m here was incognito. And it was because Shirley and the others are being targeted." Albert said.

"That\'s right. Most people in this district are youngster. Either they are children of a noble, or commoner, none of them ever has the chance to meet your majesty." Dean said.

I guess that\'s right. It\'s not like there are many chances for other people to meet Albert. As for me, I met him when I sneaked into his room. Awesome, right?

"So, why are we here?" I asked.

Albert looked around first, then he looked at me. I guess that mean he\'s asking me if there\'s someone eavesdropping us.

I look around with my Divine Vision, and see that no one is here. So, I nod my head as the signal.

"So, Dean, is this room safe?" Albert asked Dean.

"What? Yes. This room is safe. Anything that goes here can be kept secrets."

I guess Dean noticed that we\'re about to say something serious.

And then, Albert started to speak about the future, and how I came from the future. I guess he wants me to have another ally I can trust with my secret. And he\'s also well-known as well. It will be useful for him to know more.

Albert also told him about the tournament.

"So, I want your name to be listed as the founder of this tournament. Is that okay with you?"

Dean is silent for a while. Then after thinking, he nodded and agree to Albert\'s demand.

"Fine. But I need to know everything about this tournament first so I can answer every question later." Dean said.

"It\'s nice of you to do it. It will give you more work to do, but I will expect great things from you. We also need evidence of your involvement. So, I will need you to write a proposal to me about the tournament as I said. Then I will give you a reply, and you will get to have an audience with me. After that, we will ask other universities to join the tournament." Albert said.

"I understand. There are many things that doesn\'t make sense at first. But if I consider Roy is someone from the future, it started to make sense. I will trust your majesty\'s decision in trusting him."

Then Dean looked at me.

"So, your medical knowledge come from the future? I\'ll tell the professor in medical faculty that you are raised by a great doctor as the reason for your extraordinary knowledge. Is that okay?" Dean asked me.

"That\'s fine. This way, the others will be less suspicious toward me. By the way, why am I here?"

"You\'re here to take the test so you have the qualification to teach here. There are no other professors here who are air mages other than me. I\'m the one responsible in teaching air element. I can pass your test right away, but I need some evidence that you took the test. So, this is just for formality. As for Wendy, someone else will test you. You have to pass it with your own power." Dean explained.

A test, huh? I guess that\'s fine if it\'s only for formality. Dean will pass me anyway.

"What is the content of the test?" Ms. Wendy asked.

"It depends on the examiner. But what you\'re going to teach is mostly battle-oriented magic, it will probably to test your power."

"What about me?" I asked.

"You just need to be able to hold your breath underwater for fifteen minutes. By the way, you will actually be registered as a student as well. I will say that you have quite exceptional use of air magic, and that\'s why you will teach other students. After all, to teach here, you need to graduate university first. But you hadn\'t. That\'s why you need to at least be a student here for at least two years. After that, you can graduate anytime you want." Dean explained.

So, it means that I still have a chance to enter the tournament? I don\'t want that! I looked at Albert and he just looked away. You told me that I will be a professor, not a student! Damn it! This king is a con-artist!

"As for teaching, you can hold lectures as much as you want. If you want to only hold lecture once, that\'s fine. Twice, that\'s fine as well. But the rule of a teacher or professor is to teach the student as much as possible. Please finish the class only when you have told everyone everything you can share." Dean said.

"That\'s fine. So, when can I hold the test? Can I do it today?" I asked.

"Anytime you want. You can do it today as well. What about Wendy?"

"I\'ll do it today as well." Wendy said.

"Good. Go to the arena. That place is mostly used for practical exam for the students. And no one is using it during other times. I will go get the examiners for Wendy\'s test." Dean said.

"Then, that\'s everything from me. Roy, take me back to the capital." Albert said.

After using the portal to transfer Albert, we left the office while Dean is still shocked from seeing the portal. I know where the arena is, so I don\'t have to ask for direction.

When we arrive at the arena, it is empty as Dean said. But not for long. Once the information about the tournament spread, this place will be used for practice more often.

And even if I\'m a student, I won\'t participate!

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