
Chapter 69 - A Night In The Woods

Aila stayed still while she assessed her surroundings. There was nothing nearby that she could see, but her instincts and the silence of the night told her otherwise. Turning on the spot, she looked back across the lake and saw Nairi still asleep. 

She knew to stay on guard; if there really was a vampire nearby, and neither Chiara nor Nairi could help, then she had to be able to take it on. Although she hoped it didn\'t come to that, she didn\'t know enough about the creatures to hate them so abundantly like the other werewolves. They were on good terms, right? The werewolves and the vampires? 

"Malia?" Aila tried to nudge her wolf awake, but there was nothing but silence like the surroundings. There wasn\'t even a peep from her wolf; it felt like she was truly alone. Her mind was empty. 

Sighing, Aila decided to find Chiara; when she last saw her, the wolf was only patrolling the perimeter where Aila could still see her. She was more alert by the fact that her ears had not picked up any sounds, nor had she seen the Gamma since falling asleep earlier. With her claws extending and sharpening out, she felt a little better while searching for her friend. 

Aila kept her footsteps light, which was somewhat tricky to do on a pebbly terrain and even more so when she walked further away from the lake and closer to the woods where roots, twigs and leaves spread among the ground. The worst part was the silence, it made every breath she took to be noisy, and the sound of her heartbeat pounded in her ears. 

Ducking under a broken tree branch, she didn\'t see a twig on the ground until the last minute. The twig snapped under the weight of her foot, and she immediately flinched; the sound echoed through the woods. Aila glanced around and tiptoed over more twigs, rushing to a tree and leaning against it. She tried to calm her racing heart as her eyes scanned the area; when nothing jumped out and grabbed her, she sighed in relief. 

Aila felt an odd sense of déjà vu. The last time she was alone in the woods, she had been chased by werewolves and hunters, which didn\'t end well. But tonight, she felt more confident than back then; that was why she didn\'t mind searching for her friend. Chiara was a tough cookie and would respond instantly to Aila if she mind-linked her. The Gamma would even scold her for entering the woods unguarded. The fact that she had not heard from the she-wolf worried her. 

Aila\'s brows creased in concern as she stepped away from the tree. She followed an old path meant for hikers; it was barely used, except for some fresh footprints. Aila looked across the track and saw the footprints leading the way; she kept herself vigilant as she followed the trail. While she walked around a few trees, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the sight of droplets of blood among the forest floors.

Her eyes then caught sight of a big black wolf slumped on the ground. Aila took a sharp intake of breath from the sight; her heart thumped against her chest rapidly and instantly, without thinking, she sprinted towards the wolf. Jumping over a fallen tree and ducking immediately under another branch. Was this Damon or Chiara? 

Clenching her teeth together, she jumped down and skidded on her knees to the wolf\'s side. Her hands hovered above the beast; it was breathing slowly. After assessing it for any wounds, she found none, and her observation made her realise it was Chiara. Her wolf was more significant than the average werewolf, but it was nothing in comparison to Damon\'s magnificent form. It was her panic to make her think it could be either of them. 

Aila relaxed only a fraction; knowing Chiara was breathing and alive without any wounds was something she was ever so grateful for. But after shaking her and calling her name through the mind-link, she became baffled and fearful. Why wasn\'t Chiara waking up? She was alive…

Aila suddenly tensed and slowly looked up as though she sensed the predator nearby. Her eyes widened when she saw the man standing across from her. His celestial beauty took her breath away, and his eyes shone brightly against his pale skin and pale, white hair. He took a step forwards into the speckle of light granted by the moonlight. His hair was longer than she remembered it, dropping down to his shoulders, elegantly straight. 

Aila didn\'t realise her mouth had dropped open by his presence. But she snapped her teeth together with an audible \'click\' after seeing his mouth and hands covered in blood. It contrasted against his white shirt that was splattered with the red liquid. As he emerged more out of the shadows, Aila began to stand up, almost in a trance, but she shook her head, already knowing that skill.

"Gabriel," She whispered.

Gabriel tilted his head to the side with a smirk crawling up his face before chuckling in delight. His response was oddly frightening; it went well with his blood-soaked shirt. 

Gulping, she took a slow, steady step towards him, "What did you do?" 

"I solved one of your issues," He replied coldly while a charming smile grew on his face that didn\'t quite reach his eyes. Those blue eyes that looked as ice-cold as the way he spoke. His demeanour sent a shiver down her spine and goosebumps across her body. Not in a good way. 

Aila watched in shock horror as he raised his hand and sucked on one of his bloodied fingers, all the while staring at her, "Although, the blood.. tastes like dirt. It\'s not up to my standards.." He waved his hand away, "But it was worth it. To see you.. to see your face at my small offering."

Offering? What does he mean by that?

Gabriel tilted his head to the side again as though he was intrigued by her. Maybe the years of imprisonment made him lose his mind, or the many years alive made him lose his mind..

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