
Chapter 307 Stephanie May's News

"I need to go", she said, not meeting his eyes.

"Lorraine, first of all, calm down", he said, eyeing her carefully.

"She can\'t keep doing this to Oliver and I, you understand this, don\'t you?" Her eyes now shimmered with fresh tears as she looked at him.

Xavier fell quiet, not that he did not know how to respond to that, but because he agreed with that thought. Whatever words he wanted to say next were stuck in his throat the moment her eyes met his. He could only feel his heart break at that sight.

Seeing that he understood, she left the room without another word. Emotions were bubbling up, waiting to spill over. The elevator ride felt like it took forever just to get to the first floor. She practically sprinted out when the doors swung open.


A black range Rover stopped by the hospital entrance right when she had exited. The driver got out and jogged over to open the back door for her. She stopped and subconsciously looked up the building to see Xavier watching her through his window. He nodded at her and she did too before getting in.

As much as she wished she could fly to the women penitentiary, a part of her was relieved that she had time to gather her thoughts. After what seemed like forever, they finally arrived.

She was searched and made to fill in her details before being allowed in. She found other people already in the phone room speaking to their loved ones behind the glass wall. They looked so happy. She could not remember the time when such emotions were exchanged between herself and her mother.

Her attention was caught by the said woman being brought into the room. Lorraine\'s mouth fell slightly open when she saw her mother\'s face. Part of it was swollen, she had a busted lip, a bruised eye and her knuckles had bruises as well. She threw herself on her chair and both of them picked up their phones at the same time.

"You know, I was starting to wonder if I ever mothered an illigitiment daughter who now wants to know about me", Stephanie started, not minding her bruised lip.

"You would know", Lorraine deadpanned.

"Of course, but I was just too shocked when they said my daughter is visiting me", she chuckled in amusement and immediately stopped, hissing in pain. "Try not to make mommy laugh today."

"What happened to you?" She was more concerned with what new trouble she had caused besides what brought her there.

"A friendly exchange between two inmates", she answered casually. "Nothing for you to worry about."

"The only thing I\'m worried about is what you\'ve done this time", she said through gritted.

Stephanie let out a tired sigh and leaned back in her seat looking at her angry daughter. "You coming here only means you found out everything."

"You can\'t keep doing this! Especially when you\'re..." She glanced at the prison guard, choosing to be careful with her words before glaring at her mother. "Here!"

"Hey, I won that money fair and square and if it\'s wrong to use it to ensure my children\'s safety, then sue me."

"You forget that playing with such people will only hurt Oliver and I. It\'s us who have to deal with the aftermath." She leaned forward and whispered shouted into the phone. "Those people are dangerous. Do you have the slightest idea of what they\'re capable of?"

"You looked into them?" Stephanie was shocked but displeased with her daughter\'s actions.

Drugs and gang activities she could not scream out to her mother. But seeing her reaction meant she knew! No doubt. "You\'ve practically signed a death sentence for Oliver and I. Why are you so irresponsible?"

"Young lady, you do not talk to me like that, understood?" She jabbed a finger at the glass wall as she spoke. "And how dare you look into someone\'s private information? That\'s rude!"

Lorraine deflated against her seat. She was mentally exhausted with their conversation. Her mother\'s gambling problem has been a constant cause of stress for her.

She won the money fair and square? That was another gamble done. Winning such a crazy amount of money from such a dangerous person and in prison for that matter? Stephanie read through Lorraine\'s emotions judging from her facial expression and thought she was making a big deal out of nothing.

"What are you so worried about?" She asked, switching the phone to the other side.

"For the millionth time, Oliver and I! Your children!"

"My God! Did you not hear me when I said I did this for your safety? Nothing will happen to you", she groaned in annoyance, also growing tired with the conversation.

"You dont know that!"

"Oh sweetheart, I know."

Silence. She sounded so sure of herself. Lorraine felt anxiousness start to creep in from the beating of her heart as she deliberated on Stephanie\'s words. Realization dawned on her. "What did you do?"

Stephanie\'s lips lifted as she delivered the news. "Let\'s just say you have a new parent..... a step-mommy."

Stephanie could not stop the smirk on her lips as she was escorted out leaving a shocked Lorraine. However, that smirk was quickly wiped away the moment she saw the culprit responsible for the bruises on her face as well as some on her body walking in her direction. Their cold expression brought vivid memories from how ruthlessly they beat her.

As the distance between them reduced, Stephanie balled her hands into fists not wanting to show how her hands were shaking from fear. She kept her gaze to the floor and subconsciously moved to the side.

\'As you should\', Gwen mused as she walked past Stephanie.

Back at Zach and Amy\'s

"Set aside Madam\'s share and let me know when it\'s ready", Edmund instructed the mainds in the kitchen.

"Yes sir."

"Good morning Edmund", Stella walked in, stretching her arms as she did.

"Good morning to you Mrs. Thornton", he greeted politely.

"Is someone not joining us for breakfast?" She asked curiously as she moved around the kitchen looking for something to do. The maids were used to Stella\'s company and her love for cooking.

"Master left early for work and he also instructed to deliver Madam\'s meals to their room. She is not to be disturbed today unless we\'re delivering the meals", he explained.

"Is Amy alright?" She mumbled, frowning at the news.

She left the kitchen to satisfy her curiosity. She took the stairs as quickly as her legs could carry her. She knocked on their door a little anxious and hoping everything was alright.

"One sec", Amy answered from inside.

A good minute later, she answered the door with Roserie in her arms. She smiled at the woman, "Stella. Good morning."

"Are you alright dear? I hear you won\'t be joining us for breakfast and I got worried."

"Oh yeah. I might not join you for the other meals too. I have an important task to do today", she replied. Seeing Stella still confused, she added, "It\'s work related."

"Alright dear. Then, you might need help with Roserie. Victoria and I will look after her for you", she offered.

"That would be great but I think we\'ll be alright. I can\'t be away from my computer but I can easily attend to her if she\'s with me."

"Are you sure dear? It\'s really no trouble for us."

"I know. I know. But I promise we\'ll be okay. Have a girl\'s day, I owe you more than that but have a break from her today."

"Alright", she sighed. She had grown used to having the little one around. "But call us if anything."

"Yes, I\'ll do that."

Stella kissed the little one and left Amy\'s side. The latter closed the door behind her and got in bed. She placed the computer on her lap with Roserie in her arms. She looked down at the little one. "Ready to work with Mommy?"

Roserie smacked her little lips and cooed in her mother\'s arms. Amy\'s phone started to ring from Zach\'s side of the bed. She smiled seeing the caller ID.

"Hey baby", Zach\'s deep voice resounded into her phone.

"Hey. Called to ask about the weather again?" She chuckled. "Shouldn\'t you be in a meeting right now?"

"I checked the weather app in my phone", he chuckled softly picturing Amy roll her eyes at him which she was doing. "And the meeting starts in five. How about you? Have you started?"

"I started as soon as you left", she answered, glancing at her computer where she was running a program.

Zach hummed into the phone and said the exact words Amy had in mind, "It\'s time to shake things up."

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