
Chapter 244 A Report To The King

"You know, you can go back and sleep where you\'re lodging, I\'ll look after her", sister moon said to George.

"Yes....", Joanne agreed slowly behind the oxygen mask. "Go on.... It\'s not like I\'ll run away."

George stood up from the sofa and walked to the bed. His lips were pressed in a thin line as he clasped his hand on the bed rail. "I know. But I still want to stay here."

"I know you\'ve done a lot for us and I\'m extremely grateful for that but you\'re still a stranger", Sister moon expressed her worry in order to get rid of George.

George fell quiet, not knowing how to refute that very truthful claim. Joanne felt sorry for the young man as she realized something. "Does... Amy know about me? Did she ask you to stay with me? You don\'t have to do that."

"She knows but she didn\'t ask me that. I just.... want to stay here, if that\'s alright."

Joanne saw how difficult it was for him to admit that to them. She saw the worry on his face and suddenly sympathized with him. She had the urge to let him do as he pleased thinking it will make him feel better from whatever it is that is weighing on his mind.

"Alright", she said in agreement.

Sister Moon was alarmed with this but seeing how the older woman had spoken, she did not dare to disapprove. Slowly, the older woman fell asleep and it was just Sister Moon and George.

The latter went back to his seat and took out his phone to look at a few things. Sister Moon sighed at the sight of the stubborn and left the stool to join him in the sitting area. When she sat, George looked up to find her frowning at him.

"Look", she started in a quiet voice. "Why is the information so important you have to bother a sick person like this?"

His brows furrowed in displeasure as he put away his phone. The only time he bothered her was before she was hospitalized but after that, he had done nothing but seeking the best medical attention for her. So he was displeased by her wording as she made him out to look inconsiderate.

"Excuse me?"

"What\'s your relationship with Amy? Why does she need this information?"

George let out a soft yet amused chuckle making her grow annoyed. He shook his head. "You sound like you know everything."

"I obviously don\'t."

"Then why the questions?" He countered with an arch of his brow.

"I\'m worried about Sister Harper." She looked like she wanted to snap him in half from annoyance.


She watched him with impatience but George didn\'t let out another word after that as he resumed looking at his phone. She grew annoyed at this and stood up, leaving him and Joanne alone. George was too annoyed to entertain the pissed off young lady. A sigh echoed in the room and he reflexively looked towards Joanne.

"No wonder you\'re single", Joanne started slowly.

How could she sleep with the hushed little argument going on? George stood from his seat and walked to the stool and sat there.

"She\'s not my type, just so you know", he said jokingly.

"I bet that\'s what you say about every girl you come across", she scoffed.

He looked down in embarrassment as guilt washed over him. Not too long ago, he had thought the same thing about Nora. Her pretty face flashed in his mind and the softness of her....

George shifted in his seat uncomfortably and awkwardly cleared his throat. Joanne, who was oblivious to the young man\'s feelings sighed as she brought herself to ask a curious question.

"How\'s Amy doing?"

"Would you like to talk to her?"

"I told you, you never know who\'s watching", she said with a serious gaze directed at him.

George sighed and nodded to himself in understanding. But seeing the look in her eyes, it was obvious she wanted to see the girl. Years of longing and affection, he could see it all and yearned to make her wish come true.

"Let me at least check if she can talk right now", he said.

"Why? Did something happen to her?" She asked worriedly.

George gave her a small smile. "You\'ll find out soon."

He sent a text to Zach asking if Amy feeling better enough to speak to Joanne. To the older woman\'s luck, a video call came through and as soon as George answered and held the phone to her face, Joanne saw Amy\'s crying face.

The last time she saw her was when she was a teenager but now she was a grown woman and a little chubby.

"Awwwwww.... Look at you. Still a cry baby", Joanne said slowly with a smile as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"How could... How could you do this to me? How could you hide this from me? Were you going to stay away from me until.... ?" She couldn\'t even finish her sentence as she sobbed.

"Forgive this old lady", she said, referring to herself. She sighed, wishing she wipe away Amy\'s tears like she did when the latter when she was young. "Did something happen? Mr. Stewart had to check if you\'re okay to speak to me?"

Amy wiped her tears as she smiled. "I gave birth... two days ago."

"Oh", Joanne was astonished at this wonderful news.

"To a daughter", Amy said with a chuckle.

​ "That\'s wonderful. I bet she\'s as beautiful as you are."

Amy chuckled. "She\'s her dad\'s photocopy."

"Oh? You\'re married?" Her surprise was evident on her features.

"Engaged", she said with a show of her ring. "How could I get married without you knowing?" Her eyes started to well up with fresh tears.

Joanne felt her warm at her words but she felt bad at the same time. "I\'m sorry Amy."

Amy sighed at this. "How could you hide this from me? I could have helped you, no questions asked."

"We can\'t fight God\'s time. My journey is coming to an end, I\'ve accepted this already."

Amy further broke down in tears. Despite the no communication policy Joanne maintained over the years when she left for NYU, the older woman was still important to Amy. Although she refused to be her mother, she was still a mother figure to Amy after all the love and care she secretly showed her at the orphanage.

"Where\'s your husband that he\'s letting his woman cry?" She joked.

As though summoned, Zach appeared in the frame beside Amy with Roserie in his arms. Joanne smiled at seeing the beautiful family. She felt herself breath a sigh of relief. It seemed Amy had finally found the family she had been craving. All the familial love she couldn\'t receive she would now be able to give and receive.

"This is my husband Zach and our daughter, Roserie", Amy introduced with a happy and proud smile.

"Hello Sister Harper", Zach greeted politely.

"Hello. So beautiful, I\'m proud of you little Jennifer", she said with tears in her eyes.

As the three caught up, a report had been brought to the King back in the city. Aldo was the one who received it when his phone rung.

His hand squeezed tightly around his device as anger washed over his form. He had the job to deliver the message to his masters. With heavy steps, he forced himself to the door of Dylan and Esmeralda\'s room. His ears were greeted by the lewd sounds of the two wrestling in the sheets. He knocked twice and stood there.


The sound of their grunt echoed from behind the door. It suddenly quieted down. Aldo wanted to knock again when the door swung open. Standing before him was Dylan in an untied robe, the man didn\'t bother to cover his big secret. Aldo caught sight of the thing that was inside of and pleasing his former betrothed. He felt his blood boil but he suppressed his rage and brought his gaze back to Dylan\'s face who was smirking.

"We just received word", he said, giving a tablet to Dylan

Dylan read the info and broke into an amused laugh. "I see."

He gave back the tablet and shut the door behind him. Esmeralda had a shy smile on and blushed as she admired her lover\'s well sculpted body. He took off the robe and got under the sheets beside her.

"Guess who\'s looking into her background?" He asked in sing-songy way.

"She\'s what?" Esmeralda sat up in alarm and looked at him.

Dylan was momentarily distracted by her breasts and forced himself to look at her face as he brought her down back into his arms. "Calm down."

He reached for a cigarette and lighter from the drawer. He lit up and drew in a smoke and exhaled before passing it to her. Esmeralda repeated the process and felt herself calm down as she exhaled the smoke.

"Do you think she caught on?" She passed it back to him and snuggled even closer.

"Hmm..." He hummed in thought as he drew in a smoke the puffed it out. "Want some more?"

"I\'m good", she said.

He rested a hand behind his head and used the other to hold his cigarette at the same time caress her naked back in a sensual manner. He stared up at the ceiling and sighed. Esmeralda could hear his calm heartbeat. It seems he was not as bothered by the news.

"Why else would she be looking into her past?" Esmeralda was evidently annoyed by this.

"Then it means she doesn\'t know about that", Dylan pointed out as he had figured it out.

"You\'re right. Nobody knows except for us", she sighed in relief.

Dylan could tell how irritated Esmeralda was with Amy. The woman had long posed as a threat to their business. With her digging into her past, she had had become a thorn. A thorn to be permanently cut off.

"That little bastard."

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