
Chapter 263: A Big Tadpole

Chapter 263: A Big Tadpole


“Wow, are you a flying blazing skull?!”

“How are you alive?”

“How can you talk?”

“You don’t have eyes… how can you look at me?”

“Hey, your fire doesn’t burn!”

“But it’s warm…!”

“Can I hug you?”

The little kids began to pester Belphegor the most. To them he was really a strange being. At least the others looked mildly humanoid, but Belphegor was just a giant floating skull in the most literal sense. And he was covered in red flames that didn’t burned when they touched him. In fact he was very smooth when they touched his skull. He actually kept himself rather clean and always took warm baths of milk to keep himself fresh and with all the calcium he needed.

“…Yes I am a flying blazing skull. I am not alive, I an Undead. I can speak through my soul. I can look through my soul too. Indeed, my fire doesn’t burn because I can manipulate it and its part of my soul. It is warm so you can feel comfortable. You can hug me if you want.” Said Belphegor. He answered all the kids questions one by one with incredibly patience. He was a gentle-hearted skull and had learned to be gentle with kids such as Chaos, Erebus, and more.

The adorable orphans began hugging him and he felt rather warm inside, not the warm of his fire but he felt as if he was connecting with the kids… and also felt surprised they were not scared of his hideous appearance, but only curious about him.

“Y-You’re not scared about how I look, kids?” he asked.

“A bit… But you’re nice!”

“Nice people deserve to be treated nicely…”

“Big sis taught us to be kind!”

“She said that there are people of all shapes and sizes out there, so whenever we were to meet them, we have to be open…”

“You’re cool! Can I mount you?”

“I see…! And yes, you can mount me if you want to!” said Belphegor, as several kids suddenly sat down over his skull and he carried them around, holding them tightly to not fall using his flames, which didn’t burn but were warm and welcoming.

“Wooah! This is awesome!”


“I-I am going to fall! Uwaah!”

“Calm down kids, I am holding you tightly!” laughed Belphegor, flying around the large hut and making the kids giggle in excitement over such a new experience.

“I can see that Belphegor is having fun with the kids…” said Boxxy while sitting over her own treasure chest.

“Wow, is that treasure chest part of you?”

“You’re cute!”

“Want to become my big sis?”

Some of the kids approached Boxxy, who was a Doppelganger, in this form she/he was able to take into the form of an androgynous sexless girl-like youth, with chocolate-colored skin and long silvery-white hair. She covered her body with her own long hair and sat down over her treasure chest.

“This is my shell! Inside is my actual body… If you open it in a dungeon, you’ll get chomped!” said Boxxy, trying to intimidate the kids, but only getting amazed looks.

“Wow! Really?!”

“That’s a treasure chest mimic then!”

“Big sis hunted some in a nearby dungeon… they’re tasty!”

“W-What? Your sister did that? I guess she’s strong if she could survive the blows of a God… Wait, what is her power anyways?” wondered Boxxy.

“Big sis was born with the blessing of the Frog Spirits! She is blessed by the Frog Totem, and can ask for its help… Frog-kun is very nice! He always carries the house when we move out…!”

“Yeah! It’s fun when its time to move! Its like a big trip!”

“He also licks our face!”

It seemed like Nesephise didn’t only used her Frog Spirit for battle or to defend herself, but it used to carry the entire house when they were moving out, and it even used it to take care of the kids and protect them too. Her powers were indeed rather mysterious!

“I had never seen someone with such a power as Totems, it must be very rare… But to think that there are some people out there blessed with such spirits capable of even fighting gods… Now that’s crazy.” Said Ifrit.

“Indeed, she’s a talented little girl. I am wondering if her frog can grow stronger too or does she requires to become a goddess for that? It looked rather capable of putting a fight against a God but not really defeat it at the end…” said Lilith.

The two were also being pestered by the swarm of kids, several kids were sitting in the lap of Lilith, admiring her beauty as a Succubus. Meanwhile, Ifrit had two kids, each one over his vast shoulders.

“Wow you’re so strong to carry us like that so easily!”

“Yeah! Ifrit, become our big brother, will you?”

The two kids were talking to him as Ifrit giggled.

“Hahaha! Fine! If you insist so much, I’ll become your big brother! But listen kids, the path of the demon is not an easy one!” laughed Ifrit.

“Wow! So cool!”

“I want to be like Ifrit when I grow up!”

“You really got the kids to like you…” sighed Lilith.


“Can you adopt me and become my mommy?”

“You got some big boobies!”

“You too, there’s a couple of perverted kids to boot.” Said Ifrit.

“T-They’re just little younglings! This is just the first time they see a gorgeous woman such as myself, so it is an expected response.” Said Lilith with a prideful smile.

“Yeah, right…” said Ifrit.

“Anyways, there’s something I found out when I swallowed the that one guy… there’s… this thing… Ungh…”

Abyss suddenly shapeshifted her body into a mass of black sludge and vomited a massive semi-transparent egg, which had a dizzy tadpole with a massive size inside.


“W-What is that?!”


“She gave birth to a sibling!”

“So cute… big tadpole!”


The kids quickly gathered around the egg, as the tadpole slowly woke up, looking around fearfully.


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