
Chapter 139

It was called a test, but the process itself was not long because it was close to a task rather than a test.

Since it was announced in advance, each student has made their own magic square based on the lessons Rudger taught.

This was the place to demonstrate it to Rudger and, by extension, to the students in the same class.

“Before we start, everyone must have drawn a ticket.”

Before entering the test room, the students randomly drew a numbered ticket.

“Let’s start right away. Come out number one.”


When Rudger called, the first batter, a male student, came forward.

Since he was first his steps were stiff due to the tension but none of the students laughed at him because only a maniac can laugh at a sight that he may soon become.

Most were inwardly relieved that they were not the first.

‘I said I’d be prepared for it.’

‘What if the other guys show something more amazing than me?’

‘Ah. If I knew this would happen, I would have paid more attention.’

The underprepared students were nervous with anxiety. In the meantime, the first student demonstrated the magic square he prepared.

“I mixed the attribute elements with the magic square so that they could be conveniently manifested whenever I wanted.”

Next to the student who said so, there was parchment, and a small flame was formed on it. It is the manifestation of the fire element using the magic square.

The fire did not spread widely, and its power was kept very evenly. In addition, it was possible to adjust the power, such as lowering or raising it. The fire power could not be raised above a limit, but it seemed enough to boil water.

The shape of the magic square is a rectangle. Little has changed from what Rudger taught.

“I saw it well. Then I’ll grade it.”


“Scores range from A+ to F. Among them, your score is D-.”


Did he think he would get at least a C? The face of the student who received a result that fell far short of expectations was colored with embarrassment.

“Sir, sir. My score is… Do you mean D-?”

“You don’t seem to understand. Obviously, the magic square you made is something that can be useful in real life.”

Looking at its stable appearance, it looked like a gas stove on Earth. It’ll probably become quite popular if it’s distributed to families but in the end, that was all.

“You just changed the numbers written on the magic square and choose the stable path without even challenging yourself.”

Obviously, the details with the ability to control the fire power are laudable, but did no one else think of it?

There are no major drawbacks, but the problem was that it was too easy.

“You made slight changes and chose a safe path to success rather than trying to make excessive changes and failing. Why do you think I’ve taught you the magic square? Are you dissatisfied with the score now?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Be aware that the score I evaluate is based on a logical and reasonable evaluation. And be thankful you didn’t get an E, let alone a D-.”

The student couldn’t even answer Rudger’s words and backed away as if he were running away with his head down.

The students watching the scene felt a cold sweat running behind their backs since most of them chose a safe way like the students who heard the harsh words now.

“Next. Number two, come out.”

Rudger’s eyes became sharper. Perhaps he didn’t like the demonstration of the first student, but his atmosphere was harsher than at the start.

‘I’m doomed.’

The second runner murmured to himself and dropped his shoulders.

* * *

“The atmosphere is so fierce.”

Leo fluttered his tongue as he watched each student demonstrate his magic square. In this breathtaking atmosphere, he was worried if he could make a proper presentation even if he drew the magic square well.

At this point, he seemed to be taken to the slaughterhouse, not to go to the second test.

“Aidan, did you prepare well?”

“Huh? Yes, for now.”

“What about you?”

“I’ve done the best I can, but no one knows what will happen, right? Of course, it could work out.”

“Then if you get a low score?”

“It can’t be helped but if I do my best, I won’t regret it.”

Looking at him talking with a nice smile, Leo was about to sigh again. What idealistic answer is that you have no regrets? It was hard to understand for Leo, who was very realistic.

Iona, standing next to Leo, nodded as if she had heard good things.

“It’s a great mindset.”

“Thank you.”

When Aidan thanked her, Tracy, who was watching him, opened her mouth.

“Well, Aidan……You’ll get a C+ though. Don’t be so discouraged.”

Leo thought this stupid girl said something weird again. It’s not enough to cheer for a friend to get an A, but you’re telling him to be satisfied with a C+?

What’s funnier is that Tracy herself looked satisfied as if she had done her best to cheer.

‘Yeah, I used to be like this.’

Because of her personality that is disingenuous to one’s feelings Tracy Friad who was often misunderstood because of her poor way of expressing herself.

Fortunately, Aidan is a very good-natured guy.

“Thank you for your support Tracy.”

He even smiles at Tracy, knowing that she has no evil intentions. Tracy, who saw that, blushed and averted her gaze, was a bonus.

‘They’re having fun.’

Leo snorted in his head.

“Oh, that’s right, Aidan. What’s your number?”

“Me? I’m number 13.”

“Number 13?”

‘The order is faster than I thought.’

At the same time as I thought so, I heard Rudger’s voice in the distance.

“Next, number 13. Come out.”

“…Isn’t that your number?”

“Oh! You’re right!”

“Go quickly.”

Leo pushed Aidan’s back and he, who was pushed out, stood in front of Rudger.

“Aidan, you’re number 13?”


Aidan was unconsciously intimidated in front of Rudger’s charisma.

Rudger glanced at Aidan with a sharp gaze and said.

“Show me the magic square you’ve prepared.”


“For your information, all of the students in front of you did not meet my expectations. I hope you won’t disappoint me.”

Aidan swallowed his dry saliva and took out the parchment he had prepared.


Rudger showed signs of wonder for the first time when he saw Aidan’s magic square drawn on the parchment.


“Oh, yes, sir!”

“Are you really going to take the test with this?”

“Oh, this one? Of course!”

Rudger narrowed his eyes as he saw Aidan answering. That’s because Aidan’s parchment had a round shape on it.

“What I taught you was not the magic circle, but the magic square.”

Magic circles and magic squares are different. The magic square could be drawn in a new way by breaking away from the existing circle shape. However, Aidan has drawn the magic square based on a circle as if he was sticking to the existing method.

“What are you going to do?”

“I had a lot of thoughts at first.”

Aidan spread the parchment on the ground.

From the day Rudger taught him the contents of the test until now, Aidan had never thought about it for a single day.

“What kind of results will the teacher want? How can I make a good magic square?”

Shall he try a different shape since the magic circle taught was square? It may be pentagon, hexagon, or star-shaped. But Aidan shook his head immediately. Such a change was too one-dimensional.

Aidan knew his limitations well. No matter what anyone says, he’s still a beginner. It was clear that he could not even make a one-dimensional change properly and would fail the test.

Then what should he do?

“In the end, I ended up doing what I was good at.”

Aidan smiled shyly and poured his magical energy into the magic square.

It was only then that Rudger realized that the circle Aidan drew was different from the ordinary magic circle. Because what was engraved in it wasn’t the regular symbols, but the letters and numbers he had taught him.

“Honestly, digging one way like a fool.”

Soon, light flowed out of the magic square and scattered warm warmth around it. As if drawing waves, the warmth spread in an instant and filled the auditorium.

“This is my best shot. Sir.”

What Aidan made was a concentric magic square.

He stood upright and looked at Rudger, waiting for his evaluation. Rudger stroked his chin with his hand and Aidan gulped at the sight.


“Yes, sir.”



“I said B+.”

Aidan thought he had misheard at first. Seeing that everyone else could not escape the E-D range, he was praying to get at least C. But when Rudger saw his results, he gave him more than that.

“You boldly mixed the existing magic circle and the new magic square. The spirit of challenge lives high in you. In fact, unlike conventional magic circles, it was activated by scattering waves in concentric circles. You’ve increased stability in large numbers so that the mana does not run out.”

Rudger knew exactly what Aidan was thinking while making this.

Aidan listened to his advice with concentration.

“The magic square I devised has the advantage of being neatly matched, but that’s why there’s something frustrating about it. It is not flexible because it is fixed but you made up for it with a flowing circle.”

“Thank you.”

Aidan, who didn’t expect such praise from Rudger’s mouth, still felt like he was dreaming.

“However, there is still some foolishness about it.”

‘Of course. You can’t just compliment me.’

Aidan smiled bitterly inside, but in fact, he has been waiting for this moment more than anyone else.

“You tried to break away from the existing magic circle while drawing your magic square but you ended up using it. This doesn’t dilute the significance of the magic circle.”


It was a part that he missed because he was focusing only on new things.

“I’m sorry.”

“There is nothing to be sorry about. In addition, the flow of numbers used inside is still insufficient. If there was a little more detailed coordination, it would have been much better.”

It was a part that he couldn’t help because he was pressed for time. Even with that in mind, Aidan has shown far better results than the previous 12 students.

“But it’s the best I’ve seen so far.”

Aidan’s face brightened at the almost complimentary words, and the students who were expecting Aidan’s failure from behind lamented.

‘It’s that guy again.’

‘Damn commoner.’

Regardless of the students’ feelings, Rudger immediately called out the next runner.

“Number 14, come out.”

Student 14, who did not prepare properly, had a face that looked like chewed poop.

* * *

Like that, all 80 students showed off their magic squares one by one.

Among them, there were a few students who stood out. Aidan was one of them at first, but Aidan’s performance was too insufficient compared to the students who came afterwards.

“Flora Lumos. You used multiple shapes.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

The magic square that Flora Lumos has made was in the form of nine hexagons touching each other. It had a much more complex form than other students’ magic squares and looked like a turtle shell.

‘I didn’t think I’d see what I saw on Earth again here.’

I only taught the basics of magic square, but you drew Jisoo Gwimundo. (I don’t think this is the correct term but it’s something like this.)

Besides, the calculation formula that exists inside is also perfect without any errors. It wasn’t for nothing that she was given the title of genius at Theon.

“Flora Lumos, A+.”


Flora Lumos, who scored the highest score, smiled leisurely, shaking her hair with her hands.

The students exclaimed and praised her.

“Julia Plumhart, A.”

“Oh, what a shame.”

The much-anticipated prospect Julia Plumhart also scored high for her excellent magic square. She was second place after Flora however, she did not seem to be disappointed at all.

“……Erendir von Exilion, C+.”


Erendir was confident in practical skills but because making the magic square is related to writing she had no choice but to give up the idea of making up for her failure in the first test.

Rudger shook his head as he looked at Erendir stepping down. He couldn’t believe she was of the same blood as the woman he knew. Did she take all the good genes?

“Tracy Friad, B.”

“Iona O’Valley, B+.”

“Leo, B.”

Aidan’s friends also scored high. Rudger was a little surprised that Iona, a Suin, joined Aidan’s party at some point.

And lastly, the girl with ash gray hair presented her magic square.


“Yes, sir.”

“Show us the horse magic square you’ve made.”

Rene, who was very nervous, opened her mouth as if she had made up her mind.

“I didn’t bring parchment paper with a magic square.”


Rudger’s eyebrows wiggled at the bombshell.

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