
Chapter 213 Were moving ou

Chapter 213 We“re moving ou

Yu Chen felt like his heart just jumped out of his chest. He froze as though lightning had struck him. His face was red like a tomato and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. It was as if he was bewitched by her softness and her alluring beauty.

It took him a long moment to avert his gaze. He felt like he was about to faint. He buried his reddened face on his palms and tried to calm himself. But he couldn’t. His heartbeat wouldn’t slow down and the heat that was enveloping his entire body wasn’t subsiding no matter how many times he took a deep breath. A certain part of his body refused to chill-out as well.

Realizing that he couldn’t calm himself, Yu Chen hastily but gently and carefully put on her pajama top. He buttoned them in haste and once he was done, he covered her with a blanket and quickly walked towards the bathroom as if someone was chasing him.

The big sweaty panda stayed in the bathroom for a long time.

When he returned, he was already wearing a new pair of pajamas. His hair was slightly damp. He was pretty calm when he approached her but once he looked at her peaceful face, he blushed again, looking a little guilty.

He shyly scratched the back of his neck and then he stared at her again. He noticed her hair and he remembered that Xiaolei always slept with her hair down. After deciding that he should do something with it, he climbed on the bed and gently pulled her up again. He carefully undid her hair tie and once her long black hair fell like a waterfall, he kissed her forehead and laid her back.

Yu Chen quietly watched her before he finally laid beside her, and then pulled her closer to him.


The next morning, Yu Chen was the first to open his eyes. Xiaolei was still deep in her sleep. Yu Chen could tell that she still didn’t have enough rest so he quietly rose and climbed out of the bed, doing his best not to wake her up.

The sun was already high so Yu Chen was sure that his therapists were already waiting. After kissing her cheek, he walked towards the door. But once he opened it, he was surprised. Everyone was outside, the guards, the little buns and even his grandfather was right there. They looked like they’ve been there waiting for the door to open for a while now.

He finally realized that the door he opened was locked. It appeared that Dr. Yang had locked it when he stepped out last night.

\\"Xiao Chen...\\" old man Yu was the first to speak. He teared up as he moved and embraced him. \\"Thank god, you’re finally awake...\\" he was so emotional. It appeared that Gu Jinyang had informed him this morning.

\\"I heard you were sick,\\" Yu Chen said as he patted his grandpa’s shoulder. \\"Are you alright now?\\"

\\"I’m fine. Don’t worry about me and just focus on your recovery.\\" He pulled away and looked at his grandson. \\"Xiao Chen, I’m sorry to tell you this but, I gave your positon to Xiaolei. Don’t blame me for this. It’s your fault for not waking up for so long. Also, she does a really good job, just as good as you. She’s really such an amazing woman. She’s a genius, I’m telling you.\\"

The old man’s expression was quick to shift from being emotional to being proud. \\"And sorry to tell you this but, I don’t plan to give her position back to you.\\"

Everyone was surprised with what the old man said, except Yu Chen, the man who was supposed to be the one who was being surprised the most right now. Contrary to what everyone was expecting, he didn’t even look disappointed.

When old man Yu was about to speak again, Yang Jin interrupted him. The doctor forgot to tell old man Yu that Yu Chen was still not aware that they were already married so he immediately shifted the course of the conversation. They all wanted their lady boss to be the one who told him about that matter after all.

\\"Sorry to interrupt, Master Yu, but Yu Chen has to eat his breakfast now for his medication.\\" He said and the old man immediately let the conversation end.

\\"Okay, you go eat your breakfast now. I have something to discuss with Gu Jinyang first. Little Ran and little Rui will go with you,\\" the old man replied and the father and sons then left.

\\"Since Miss Luo is still not awake. I think it’s better if you start your therapy now.\\" Yang Jin suggested after their breakfast. \\"Miss Luo has to catch up on all the sleep she lost so let us let her take more rest.\\"

\\"Daddy, Ranran and I will go and watch mommy. Once she wakes up, we will immediately call you.\\" little Rui suggested and Yu Chen was quick to agree.

He stretched out his hands and ruffled the twins’ hair gently as he smiled at them, \\"Okay. Daddy will go to the therapy room now. Make sure to watch your mommy and don’t disturb her sleep, okay?\\"

\\"Mm. Leave her to us daddy!\\"


Inside the therapy room, while Yu Chen was resting, Gu Jinyang started to tell him about what happened in the company when he fell into a coma. He told him about the things Luo Xiaolei did. And finally, he told him about Jiang Min’s betrayal.

Yu Chen didn’t even react when he heard that he was still imprisoned until now. He simply remained silent for a long time before he spoke.

\\"What happened to his grandmother?\\" he asked, absentmindedly.

\\"They killed her.\\"

\\"Did you already deal with them?\\"

\\"Yes. But the mastermind is still free.\\"


\\"Well...\\" Gu Jinyang hesitated. \\"Because the mastermind has something to do with Miss Luo... so we didn’t dare to rush into anything... I investigated again because I didn’t want to believe it but it’s really them.\\"

Yu Chen’s brows pulled together. His face turned ugly but was still calm.

\\"I see. We will talk about this later. Give me all the details and evidence you have collected so far.\\" Yu Chen ordered and Gu Jinyang nodded.

\\"Also, tell everyone that we’re moving out of here. We’re going back to Scarlet Hill once Xiaolei wakes up.\\"

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