
Chapter 96 In learning, one shouldnt rush

Chapter 96 In learning, one shouldn“t rush

Yu Chen moved his face closer towards hers in the most deliberate, almost exaggerated way. His eyes were as black as a peaceful starless night as he gazed intently at her.

When their faces were just a foot apart, Yu Chen suddenly hesitated, but it was as if he hesitated to prolong the moment, to gauge her reaction or to test himself. He simply stared at her, unmoving like stone yet his scorching eyes seemed to be getting more intense. It was as if he was trying to create that ideal moment of anticipation, that moment which was sometimes better than the kiss itself. And whether he was really aiming for it or he was just actually unaware, he succeeded with flying colors.

Luo Xiaolei looked like she was intoxicated. She felt as though she had fallen into another spell and she couldn’t seem to break free from it. Deep within her, she knew that her unexpected reaction wasn’t just the result of the moment of anticipation he had created; his beauty definitely increased the impact.

Since she met him, this was the first time she stared at his face this close for a long time. He never ceased to amaze her with his beauty every single time she looked at him but at that moment, she realized that it was actually too much. His face was absolutely an excess, she might never grow accustomed to it even if she stared at him every single day and night. Luo Xiaolei was once again convinced that he was just so unbelievably unbelievable.

"A-are you okay?" Luo Xiaolei managed to break the stillness because she couldn’t stand the force of his gaze anymore. Well, she was afraid she might lose control and attack him again without thinking so she could only think to do this.

Gladly, the statue finally moved again and then, his forehead softly bumped onto hers.

Luo Xiaolei heard the sound of his uneven breathing and she wanted to start coaching him and tell him to relax, but she didn’t say a word. It looked like she wasn’t a good mentor after all, because her desire to just watch him –his every little action and reaction– overshadowed her desire to teach him. She was so intrigued to see how he would deal with this himself and what he would do next.


Time passed and he didn’t do a thing. They just sat there in that same position for another long while.

And then, he pulled back, leaving Luo Xiaolei speechless.

"I’m satisfied." He said, causing Luo Xiaolei’s brows to knit hard.

"H-huh? You’re satisfied?"

"Mm. I believe this is a good start for me."

"Are you saying that that’s it for today?"


". . ."

Luo Xiaolei’s mouth hung open in obvious disbelief while Yu Chen simply tilted his head as he watched her bewildered expression.

"Is there a problem?" he asked innocently so Luo Xiaolei quickly shook her head.

"N-nothing. It’s just that... it’s just that you were so eager a while ago. You even said that one shouldn’t delay in learning yet... you’re saying that you’re satisfied now?"

"Yes, I’m satisfied, for now... because I didn’t faint. But of course, I know I still have a long way to go."

"Then, why did you stop? We still have plenty of time though? Well... Er... you’re the one who said that the gods will punish you if you don’t seize the opportunity."

"Mm, that’s right. But in learning, one shouldn’t rush. Plants will die if you pour a tank of water on them in one go but they will grow well if you water them slowly."

Luo Xiaolie ". . ."

For goodness’ sake devil! A moment ago, you talk like a little shameless pervert, a moment later you speak like an 80-year-old man... Yu Chen, what exactly are you?!!

While Luo Xiaolei was ranting to herself inside her yet again because of this bewildering creature in front her, Yu Chen’s hands suddenly landed on her shoulders. "And... you still need to rest. The next lesson could always come later." He said and he gently pushed her down.

Luo Xiaolei couldn’t even say a word anymore, she just blinked at him as he tucked her on the bed.

"Have a good rest." He once again uttered before he finally left the bedroom.

Once the door was gently closed, Luo Xiaolei groaned before she rolled herself on the bed and then violently buried her face on a pillow.


Yu Chen leaned on the closed door for a while as soon as he stepped out of their bedroom. He had a peculiar look in his eyes as he slightly turned his head back to look at the ceiling.

After heaving a deep breath, he finally walked away and headed to the study.

He moved towards the large window and stood there for another long while, his eyes focused on the thick woods from afar. He seemed to be thinking deeply and he stayed like that until a phone call pulled him from his train of thought.

Upon seeing the name of the caller, Yu Chen didn’t hesitate to receive the call.

Before he could say ’hello’, the person on the other end of the phone spoke first.

"So? What’s the news?" the caller’s voice was very enthusiastic.

"About? Enemies?"

"Who cares about your enemies... I’m asking how it’s going with your wife."

"Still a fiancée, not wife yet."

"I know, I know... so? How was it?"

"I’m not sure yet so I can’t say a thing... but I was wondering if this could really work." Yu Chen replied and the man on the other end of the phone sighed.

"Little devil, didn’t I tell you that the source of that advice is from my wife? For your information, she’s a pro so don’t you dare doubt her!"

". . ."

"Oh well, I’ll be seeing you tonight anyway. I’ll ask my wife to have a manly talk with you. I assure you, she can help you seduce your girl."

". . ."

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